Panic pictures with auto upload?


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
May 12, 2008
Hi all, while watching the news the other day I saw a report of a store getting robbed and the young lady that was getting robbed was taking pictures with her cellphone. That got me thinking a cellphone could perhaps be used to try and repel a crime if it could be made to automatically upload the pictures so in the event the phone was taken away or destroyed the pictures could still be accessed later. Do any of the current cellphones offer this? If not sure seems like it could be a really neat feature. It would be really neat if the phone had a panic button that would turn it on and start snapping pictures and or maybe video and start uploading with just the one press of the panic button. Heck, a server could be setup to receive the panic pictures and the authorities could be notified in the event the panic button was used. Seems like a good idea, thoughts? Thanks, DC
Sounds like a great idea.

Closest thing that comes to mind is an app for (jailbroken) iPhones that surreptitiously takes a picture and emails it, if a wrong unlock code is entered.
Every time I've witnessed a traffic accident, I've wished the car were equipped with cameras.
Memory cards would survive most crashes.
Having (or getting) the camera into position to capture the big surprise, was the problem I could never solve. ;)

As for getting the pictures off the camera, emailing them to your home account (or anyone you know), would suffice.
I can see 'em now, the Neighborhood Watch members all sending pix to their leader. :)
Photobucket's app will automatically upload pics but I don't know if it's on a schedule, i.e. at 8pm every day, or if it's within minutes of taking pic, etc. The description in the Market reads
Take a photo or video from your phone and instantly upload it to your album... Instantly upload your photos or videos to your Photobucket account.
I'm sure there's plenty of similar apps as well.
delta_charlie said:
That got me thinking a cellphone could perhaps be used to try and repel a crime if it could be made to automatically upload the pictures so in the event the phone was taken away or destroyed the pictures could still be accessed later.

Plus if a criminal took your iPhone they better dump because of Find my phone you could track them down.

Sent from my iPhone using SatelliteGuys
Had lunch today with a buddy who drank the Windows Phone kool aid.
He says his phone will upload to their cloud, too.
(what's next, cloud-to-cloud transfer?) - ;)

Now that all the phones have the capability, all we need is a new emergency number.
9111, maybe?
Dial that and send the Police a live feed of the robbery in progress!
...or the weaving of the drunken driver. - :up

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