P266 Dark Video Thread


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Sep 25, 2003
Ok.. P266 is out and we have a mixed report.. Lets see if we can narrow it down... Post if you think it is fixed. What is your TV, type of Connection/s using, Box ID (Firmware revision). Maybe with this info a trend will form. Maybe not. At any rate we should get a good idea of the combinations that are working and not. By that since PQ is very subjective accuracy on this one will be on the low end.
Ok, I have DP811 SW V 266LADD, Boot Strap Ver. 1010LADD, My tv well its a Dish HD40-300(RCA D40W20!!) I have my 811 hooked up with DVI, one of the composite outputs from the 811 runs to my Panasonic DVD/VCR player, (PV-D4733S), which in turn its Composite output goes to VID1 input on my TV. The DVD only Componet out goes to Comp1 on my TV.
My DVD, video is fine,(because it is not Satellite!) VCR on the other hand when I run the satellite signal threw my VCR it is Dark, (before and after 266 I saw no difference, I've also adjusted my Black level all the way up on my TV, but that causes everything bright to be white washed!) DVI is not dark, I have no PQ problem using DVI.

But, I think the point behind 266 was to fix the problems 265 caused, especially the problems with the EPG! Simply because the dark video was not fixed on my system!

Tony P.
My 811 is hooked up to my component 1080i input (I'd use DVI, but my Samsung HLN507W only has one and my DVD player is using it. As soon as I get a DVI switchbox, then the 811 will go DVI as well).

266 has definitely improved the PQ on the SD channels and caused a minor improvement on the HD channels (not that they needed much, if any, improvement). So, I've been able to adjust my brightness and contrast levels back to something much closer to normal (down from the mid-high 90s to the mid 60s)

My revision level is: P266-LADD-N
My 811 is much improved with the release of P266.The s-video and
composite inputs are acceptable now,was even able to turn down the
brightness and picture some on my 47' Panasonic.The DVI was a little
brighter to.The guide has not had to download when I open the EPG
either,so I'm inclined to believe this was a very good S/W release all
in all. :)
I have a 46' Sony HDTV.

I have Model DP811...Bootstrap Version 1010LABD..Software Version P266LABD-N

I have a component output from my 811 to TV. The picture looks fine.

BUT I have an s-video from my 811 to my DVD Recorder (and then a component from my DVD recorder to my TV). The picture here SUCKS bad. It's very dark and the 266 has done NOTHING.
811 Still Bad

I have my 811 connected to my Sony 36" pic tube hdtv using dvi cable.I also tried s video output.
After 266 update it is still as dark as it was with 265
I've talked to dish csr and she said she would let enineering know.She also said there is no hardware problem with the 811 but she did say there was a hardware problem with the 922
A couple things I have noticed:

1) I'm watching "The Two Towers" on 356 as I type this and the dark video is immensely improved over the last time I watched it, two or three weeks ago. :)

2) I've had the video freeze on two occasion so far, which is a problem that P265 also had.

Again, Software version is: P266LADD-N Boot strap version: 1010LADD
trumpie said:
... but she did say there was a hardware problem with the 922
For sure - it doesn't exist. :p

Actually, I'm sure that she meant the 921 - and/or you typo'd it. Some 921's do have what's known as the 'blue line' problem. Well documented here and at DBSTalk.com
I spent some time doing careful comparisons tonite, using my TV's source selection to toggle between component and S-video outputs on my 811. I believe that 266 improved the dark video problem, but did not solve it completely. The S-video is visibly somewhat darker than the composite outputs. It is better, but it is not yet the way it should be.

Why can't they get this thing right? :mad:

- Albert
My 811 is connected to my Sony 34xbr800 via s-video, component, and DVI. I have the LABD version of the 811. The picture is still unacceptably dark on all inputs, 266 has not improved the PQ at all.

Maybe its the ones with the LABD version that have the CRAP picture. I have the LABD too and it sucks.

Does anyone know what that LABD refers too? Is it different hardware?
Software version: P266LABD-N Boot strap version: 1010LABD

s-video got much brighter, but image quality is still MEDIOCRE. As I feared, the brightness is pushed up but the black crush got WORSE. Now, anything that is dark appears as solid charcoal. Absolutely no definition in the blacks at all. All of the near blacks and blacks look like they are cut out of charcoal colored paper and pasted over the image, quite awful.

Hey Dish, just pushing up the brightness isn't going to fool me. I have started my efforts to get the 811 replaced or refunded. This is NEVER getting fixed by a software upgrade.

keith said:
Software version: P266LABD-N Boot strap version: 1010LABD

s-video got much brighter, but image quality is still MEDIOCRE. As I feared, the brightness is pushed up but the black crush got WORSE. Now, anything that is dark appears as solid charcoal. Absolutely no definition in the blacks at all. All of the near blacks and blacks look like they are cut out of charcoal colored paper and pasted over the image, quite awful.

Hey Dish, just pushing up the brightness isn't going to fool me. I have started my efforts to get the 811 replaced or refunded. This is NEVER getting fixed by a software upgrade.


Yeah, I guess I'm going to have to start raising hell with Dish too. What a PITA.
BS: 1010LADD

The DVI out to my Sony 30HS510 still looks about the same. Perhaps there is some improvement in the dark-area-loss-of-detail, but it is slight. At most, it has revrted back to P264 levels. HBO-HD still looks dark, which it didn't before P265.

I haven't had a chance to check PQ on Component out to my Sanyo PJ, but it never seemed to suffer as much as the DVI output. I do not know if it's due to differences in the two outputs, diffs between LCD PJs and directview TV's, or between these particular brands/models.

I cannot comment on S-video or composite, as I no longer use them. I use a 510 for SD now, which of course is the majority of my viewing.
I just noticed something odd. My 811 definitely suffers from the dark s-video problem, but when viewing local OTA analog station, the black level looks fine. I haven't seen this mentioned before.

Can anyone else confirm this? I did a series of A/B tests between the local analog and digital stations and the difference was readily apparent. The analog stations look really crappy, but black levels seem fine.

I'm about to disconnect my 811 again and switch back to my 4900, but here's the 811 info:

Software Version: P266LADD-N

Bootstrap Version: 1010LADD

Hooked up to a Panasonic DVD recorder (DMR-E80H) which then goes to a Toshiba 32" CRT. (for HDTV viewing, I have an Infocus X1.

EPG 48 hours & not having to download guide when turned on (so far) in the only change I see. I am using DVI from 811 to Hitachi 57S700. Picture dark & colors off with s-video, same as before. Can't comment on OTA
Dish 500, Legacy system, LABD, P266, 12/03 811 install, DVI and S-Video (just for comparison since this has been an issue from day one), to a 50" Sammy DLP in a family room w/ lots of daylight.

No freezes yet going from OTA to EPG. Brightness level on DVI is now perfect. Brightness level on S-Video is substantially brighter w/ 266 than w/ 265. Perfect, no, but while not as bright as the 2700 on S-Video that the 800 replaced, the PQ is overall far superior to the 2700's PQ. Yeah, I'm a much happier camper! Now if I could just use recall from an OTA channel, I'd probably call the 811 excellent, or outstanding given it only cost me $149. It is good as is since I can watch glorious HD with the Dish HDTV package and 4 of 7 OTA channels. The wife is even sold on this HDTV stuff now.

A note regarding the monitor used to view the 811's PQ. The Sony and other LCD projection monitors have a severe "crushed blacks" problem to begin with. No change to the 811 will fix that. They will always lack definition in dark scenes. The CRTs, plasmas, CRT RP/TV, and DLPs don't have that problem and will be a better test of the darkness issue w/ the 811.

Can I split TV2 feed? and other questions.

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