Owens fined for missing team meetings


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Owens fined for missing team meetings

02:17 AM CDT on Sunday, August 27, 2006

By JEAN-JACQUES TAYLOR / The Dallas Morning News
IRVING – Cracks are starting to become more evident in the relationship between Terrell Owens and the Cowboys.
Now, the Cowboys have to ensure those cracks don't create a fissure that can't be repaired.
Terrell Owens, who has missed 19 of 31 practices since the start of training camp with a strained left hamstring, missed a team meeting and a rehabilitation session and was late to an offensive meeting Friday.

More here from the Dallas Morning news...
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Yep, now its really "game on" since they have now taken a public punishment stance toward his actions. This is about to go bad fast!
No, he has been causing a few riffs with Parcells recently.

We should never, NEVER have signed him!! I guess Jones forgot what happened when we signed Sanders. :rolleyes:
vurbano said:
IF To is injured and I believe he is, then most of you are just wishing for some sort of conflict when there is none.

I too think he is somewhat injured (not enough to keep him out) but this started when he said HE knows his body and when he can practise knowing that Tuna asks players to practise through mild injuries that doctors say are of minor concern; which they did.

Tuna kept mostly quiet and then TO came in showing off and drawing attention to himself by wearing the biking outfit while sitting out of practise riding on the side.

This is the type of self-serving, childish needle he consistently pokes with to CAUSE everything that happens to him.

He knows Tuna has a no practise / no play policy and wants to prove, or show he can do what HE wants, not practise on his terms, and still get to play because he is TO.
Don't worry Cowboy fans,
T.O. Will mysteriously be OK when the season starts....
I think he may have been injured as well, but I also think he did not want to have anything to do with any of the Pre Season training camp.

charper1 said:
I too think he is somewhat injured (not enough to keep him out) but this started when he said HE knows his body and when he can practise knowing that Tuna asks players to practise through mild injuries that doctors say are of minor concern; which they did.

Tuna kept mostly quiet and then TO came in showing off and drawing attention to himself by wearing the biking outfit while sitting out of practise riding on the side.

This is the type of self-serving, childish needle he consistently pokes with to CAUSE everything that happens to him.

He knows Tuna has a no practise / no play policy and wants to prove, or show he can do what HE wants, not practise on his terms, and still get to play because he is TO.
You start off acknowleding that he is hurt and then twist it. Amazing. I'm sure league rules and the players union have a stance on playing and practicing while injured and that TO is well within those guidelines. It is Parcell's decision whether he plays or not.
Neutron said:
No, he has been causing a few riffs with Parcells recently.

We should never, NEVER have signed him!!
What are they? There are none except for what the press has been trying to manufacture. Again you people are as bad as the press trying to brew something up.

Neutron said:
I guess Jones forgot what happened when we signed Sanders. :rolleyes:
Yeah they won another superbowl. Sanders was a key to their success:.

"the greatest cover cornerback of all time." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deion_Sanders

Offenses had to avoid throwing to one side of the field. No other player in the league had that kind of affect on the oppositions offense. Not to mention how foolish he made defenders look on punt returns. :rolleyes:
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Seems to me Parcells is doing what everyone else should do - ignore TO. TO is a disease - hope the 'Boys can cure it soon...
bhelms said:
Seems to me Parcells is doing what everyone else should do - ignore TO. TO is a disease - hope the 'Boys can cure it soon...
I personally could care less if he plays or not...
I am just tired of the constant coverage, gee T.O. turned around, gee T.O. just walked to the food table ect,ect,ect.... Just like B.Bonds.

The money being fined by the Cowboy's is nothing, untill they start fining these guys a pay check for each incident, or more, it will not mean a thing....

What's $ 9500 when you make 10 MILLION per Year

when will the whole dog and pony show stop with T.O., I'm so friggin' sick of hearing about this butthead. Yet, the media, especially espn, seem content to put his face and his name in every episode of sportscenter they can. As a cowboys fan, i could really care less if this guy plays or not, because T.O. only cares about one thing, T.O. How many teams is this guy going to destroy with his ego, earth to T.O., sooner or later your going wind up playing with Ricky Williams in the CFL. So you dress warm,buddy.
The funny thing is, from what I saw, the cowboys have Wideout talent coming out of their ears. Rector, Hurd, etc they all looked good.
This T.O. crap was on local TV all damn day. As if we didn't have more important news to discuss.

It was all over the major networks as well.

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Besides the Mets in NL, are all the others lame ducks?

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