I bought one FP-9000 Antenna a while back and had a question, I've been trying to run the OTA signal into my Dish VIP722 receiver that has a OTA Tuner built into it, I believe it works running into that OTA port fine. What I'm having problems with is trying to use one cable for the entry, when I use a SAT/UHF combiner and bring it to a single cable and once inside using another to split the signals/cables it doesn't appear that the UHF signal is coming through from the antenna, is there interference from the satellite feed that would cause it not to come through? The reason I ask this is because I know there is power from the box sent to the motor on the antenna and since the satellite signal is coming through too, maybe its affecting the way the UHF signal is outputted.
I'm hoping someone can help me figure this out, I really would hate to run two cables to inside.
Also, I was kinda torn on where to post this since it involved both OTA and DISH which both have their own forum.
I'm hoping someone can help me figure this out, I really would hate to run two cables to inside.
Also, I was kinda torn on where to post this since it involved both OTA and DISH which both have their own forum.