E earlief SatelliteGuys Family Original poster Aug 22, 2009 80 1 texas May 24, 2011 #1 Guys, Is there, or should I say what program can I use to play the recorded files from my openbox . I tried VLC no luck. Thanks, earlief
Guys, Is there, or should I say what program can I use to play the recorded files from my openbox . I tried VLC no luck. Thanks, earlief
FaT Air HOA Free Zone Feb 27, 2010 6,668 916 97W 48N May 24, 2011 #2 The .dvr file has to be converted to .ts with the attached prog. Looked for it in the downloads section, but didn't see it, so here it is. Ice, maybe you would put it there? Attachments Ariva_TS_Tool.zip Ariva_TS_Tool.zip 211.6 KB · Views: 239
The .dvr file has to be converted to .ts with the attached prog. Looked for it in the downloads section, but didn't see it, so here it is. Ice, maybe you would put it there?
E earlief SatelliteGuys Family Original poster Aug 22, 2009 80 1 texas May 25, 2011 #3 Thanks I appreciate that. I was hoping for a program in which, I would not have to convert each file.
Thanks I appreciate that. I was hoping for a program in which, I would not have to convert each file.
Phottoman SatelliteGuys Pro Jan 1, 2007 713 1 NW Arizona, Between Bullhead City and Kingman May 26, 2011 #4 Thanks FaT Air, I have tried several ways to watch things I had recorded, this looks like the ticket. Photto
Thanks FaT Air, I have tried several ways to watch things I had recorded, this looks like the ticket. Photto