NO. Interference typically cannot be filtered once the signal is downconverted by the LNB to an IF for distribution to the receiver.
To address interference, you first must identify the source and frequency of the interference. Installing filters, moving dishes or installing shields without knowing the source and frequencies is like a game of pin the tail on the donkey or swinging at a piñata. You might get lucky....
A bandpass filter inserted in the waveguide between the feedhorn and LNB will attenuate/eliminate frequencies above and below the downlink frequencies. This is helpful if out of band signals are causing an overload of the LNB conversion or tuner.
If the interfering signal is within the downlink frequency range, the signal must be either physically blocked (shielded by terrain/structure) or specific notch filter(s) to attenuate the interfering frequency range(s). A notch filter is usually the last process to consider as it is custom manufactured, expensive and attenuates both the target and the offending signals in the notched frequency range.