Matt, I deleted and reestablished the timer. The same problem reocurred at 2:00 - 2:05 AM Monday (+/- record start/stop settings). Next week I will miss episode #40 which is not available at any other time during the current guide period.
When you re-created the timer, did you choose Wednesday, 10PM, New Episodes?
The timers, *are* smart enough to resolve by priority. Such that ... if this recording timer, not a high priority ... and something else records at higher priority in the 10pm slot, the very next available recording of the show should be used.
ie.. if you have higher priority recordings at 10pm ... then the 11pm re-show of Justified should be recorded.
This has been my experience with a 722k for the past 5 months. (Harry's Law on NBC and Castle on ABC were at the same timeslot as Stargate Universe, so my stargate timer, would skip the 10pm show, and would record the midnight re-show)
You can confirm the recordings *will* happen by viewing the DVR Schedule in the DVR menus. using Page up/down, moving through the dates of *all* recordings, not just the justified timer ... and see wednesday night's timers.. you'd see it skip the 10pm and it should pickup the 11pm one.