Customers shouldn't have to know to call a local retailer, to them Dish is no different than calling the local phone company, cable company, or electrical utility. It's up to Dish to provide a good customer experience. It is not up to the customer to seek it out.
Nobody said a customer 'had to call' a local retailer. The fact is that usually the customer experience is much better when the customer can call a local office, talk to the same people who take care of them personally and then get good service from a local company. You know, just like the local phone company, local cable company or local electrical utility.
For most people that sure beats the hell out of calling a call center somewhere, talking to a faceless person who would rather be somewhere else and then having the lowest bidder come and start drilling holes in your house, and when they're done they hope to never see you again.
For the best customer experience call your local retailer, if you have a good one.