OLN Dropped by Dish over Programming Disputes

ITK said:
OLN...the bullriding 24/7 ch. do they ever sow anything besides rodeo?
As long as ive still got the outdoor ch I wont miss OLN.
Actually the one time I watch a lot of OLN is during the Tour de France coverage. I hope OLN is back on the air by then, but will still support Dish on this one in any case.
I just called a CSR and supervisor. Not much information other than Comcast wants more money which would cost Dish subscribers more. So, I wrote CEO to see if I can find out what's really happening.

Our family has enjoyed OLN, mainly for it's Tour de France, and America's Cup coverage. But we are big hockey fans and were looking for OLN's hockey coverage. If this doesn't get settled very soon, I will probably be looking for another provider, after being a Dish subscriber for 4 years on America's 180.
jmeluni said:
From USA Today:

In its NHL coverage so far, the Outdoor Life Network is averaging .25% of its 64 million households. That's 52% below what ESPN averaged for its first five games two years ago and, with ESPN in about 90 million households, 64% fewer households.

Things looked a bit bleak after Monday's Panthers-Rangers game drew 0.1% of OLN's households and — this isn't a joke — finished in an eight-way tie for the 386th-ranked TV show of the night.
Charlie knows that only 5 or 6 Dish subs nationwide care that OLN was yanked - and apparently at least 3 or 4 of then have posted here. :D As a certified sports nut and occasional NHL fan , I say good riddance OLN.

As to those ready to leave Dish over this, realize that OLN is generally only carrying 2 NHL games per week! If your that big of a hockey nut, get Center Ice and be happy.

ride525 said:
I just called a CSR and supervisor. Not much information other than Comcast wants more money which would cost Dish subscribers more. So, I wrote CEO to see if I can find out what's really happening.

Our family has enjoyed OLN, mainly for it's Tour de France, and America's Cup coverage. But we are big hockey fans and were looking for OLN's hockey coverage. If this doesn't get settled very soon, I will probably be looking for another provider, after being a Dish subscriber for 4 years on America's 180.

review this posting and you will know what is going on.
ride525 said:
I just called a CSR and supervisor. Not much information other than Comcast wants more money which would cost Dish subscribers more. So, I wrote CEO to see if I can find out what's really happening.

Our family has enjoyed OLN, mainly for it's Tour de France, and America's Cup coverage. But we are big hockey fans and were looking for OLN's hockey coverage. If this doesn't get settled very soon, I will probably be looking for another provider, after being a Dish subscriber for 4 years on America's 180.
dont go to cablevision!!! they have the same problem!!!
The only thing ill miss is paintball. wait y i didn't watch it that much. Also side note ( I HAVE COMCAST, AND THEY HATE ME (more info apon request)) I just hope they take this bandwidth and give HD, MORE HD!!
I had E* back in '99 for one year. The Dish advertising at that time said I would get all my local sports teams on the regional sports channels. However, they neglected to tell me that Charlie was in the middle of a price dispute with Rupert Murdoch over the FSW2 channel in LA, so I was shut out of half the local sports teams (baseball, basketball and hockey). I quit Dish immediately after my one year commitment was up. I recently gave them another try and have been happy with the service until this latest fiasco.

I don't want to take sides in the current dispute without knowing all the facts. But, the bottom line is, at the end of the day, I do not have any OLN hockey broadcasts. No matter how noble the cause, the sub is being used as a pawn and is not compensated for his loss (Don't tell me about the Men's channel). We are just expected to get less than what we had and continue paying the same price (until the next increase!)

I just feel that, as a provider, E* should try to minimize the damage to its existing subscriber base and improve customer relations by offering credits or free pay services to let the subscriber know that they appreciate his patience during the period of reduced service...
Neutron said:
It's the principle of the thing. Remember right around that time DISH hiked their prices too.
Charlie sees it the same way. It's the principal of things. If you bend your principals for one network, what stops them all doing it. Charlie negotiated a rate/package structure with OLN and that contract wasn't up. The Comcast wants to come in and change that in order for Dish to broadcast the NLH-OLN feed. Charlie made a business decision and I support him for what he did to keep my rates (well, other customer's rates as I sub to AT60) down.

Like in the Viacom disputes, I think that Viacom and OLN/Comcast need Dish more then Dish needs them. Turning away so many potential customers isn't good for a network. Most Dish subs (actually viewers in general) could care less about NHL.
mwgiii said:
I wonder if this might explode into a holy war between Dish & Comcast and effect other channels?

Comcast's other channels:
E!, Style, The Golf Channel, OLN, G4, AZN TV (old International Channel)
And if/when they go, will anyone notice?
dishrich said:
We are talking ONE fricken channel here, NOT an entire range - I really don't understand what this has to do with this whole discussion.
Your right. It's 1 channel. Today. And tomorrow it's 2 other networks that feel they are important enough to try to demand they too get put into AT60 or AT120 instead of buried in AT180. Charlie and Dish haven't grown over the years by not offering what the majority of their customers want at a price they want. Every now and then Charlie sits and makes an example out of a network. This month it just happens to be OLN. If you are a ESPN or a USA, you can leverage your numbers to get into a low tier. If you are an until recently obscure network that just became known due to the NHL, you haven't earned the right to demand to be put anywhere.


The fact of the matter is that Comcast and Dish negotiated a contract for a certain price/tier. Then they tell customers that if they want the OLN feed that customers want, they are going to have to pay more.

Comcast knows that the customers that want OLN likely are watching for the NHL. So they are trying to leverage those numbers in the hopes of getting providers to drop OLN from a higher tier to a lower tier. Good case, the provider drops them to a lower tier, generating more revenue for Comcast. Bad case, the providers balk at it and it remains where it's at, Comcast has the same revenue stream. Dish though gave them the worst case, just droping the network. I'll guarantee you that Comcast loses out this way, even with customers switching providers, because they also lose out on all the AT180 subs that didn't watch OLN that don't switch.

I say bravo to Charlie. I'm not a Dish fanboy. I actually could care less about the company. I however despise Comcast with a passion and anythign that sticks it to them, I'm a fan of. I'm actually anxiously awaiting FiOS TV to become available soon so I can stick it to both Dish, Comcast, and Verizon (telco) going with Fios TV, Internet, and VoIP.
A very similar situation occurred back about 3 years ago or so when TNT picked up the NBA contract from NBC. TNT had two levels of service for awhile until the new contracts were put in place and guess which level Dish was in? Eventually we saw NBA on TNT, and now we can watch in HD too.

Bottom line is, OLN will be back and will be in AT120 - and maybe in HD too. Charlie just likes to air his dirty laundry in public to make him look like he is fighting for his customers when he is really fighting for his own wallet.
grb said:
I don't want to take sides in the current dispute without knowing all the facts. But, the bottom line is, at the end of the day, I do not have any OLN hockey broadcasts. No matter how noble the cause, the sub is being used as a pawn and is not compensated for his loss (Don't tell me about the Men's channel). We are just expected to get less than what we had and continue paying the same price (until the next increase!)

I just feel that, as a provider, E* should try to minimize the damage to its existing subscriber base and improve customer relations by offering credits or free pay services to let the subscriber know that they appreciate his patience during the period of reduced service...

I told a Dish CSR, and supervisor, then wrote CEO@dishnetwork.com and told them I would likely leave if Dish stopped offereing OLN for very long.

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