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Ok another STUPID question from yours truely...

Can I pick up FTA / DVB Audio channels? I just noticed an old favorite "Yesterday USA" is available on AMC 4. :D
Scott Greczkowski said:
Now how do I switch between the DBS LNB and Universal LNB (Or does the receiver automatically do this?)
The receiver automatically does it after you've set up each satellite (or specifically each band: Ku-FSS, Ku-DBS, or C, on each satellite) with the proper switch port number. At least this is the case on the Pansat. For example, if one satellite has both Ku-FSS and Ku-DBS bands, you'll need two separate entries in the satellite list. On one entry, set the Local Oscillator frequency to 10750 MHz, and select the switch port number with your FSS LNB connected to it. Make another entry for the satellite with L.O. of 11250 and select the port with the DBS LNB. Mostly, though, you'll just have one entry per satellite since not many provide FSS & DBS, at least with anything FTA.
Scott Greczkowski said:
Can I pick up FTA / DVB Audio channels? I just noticed an old favorite "Yesterday USA" is available on AMC 4. :D
Yes, the receiver should maintain a separate list of all "audio-only" channels you've programmed or it's found.
TuxCoder said:
If you had the switch between the receiver and motor, the motor won't work. If you had the switch between the motor and LNBs, both should work but there could be incompatibilities with specific controllers inside the certain brand of switch and motor used. Was this how you had it connected? If so, what brand were the switch and motor? As one who likes to dream about massive setups, I'd hope we could find a way to make DiSEqC (digital modulated onto 22kHz) and 22kHz (steady tone) equipment work together. :)

went as such

dish...motor....switch....receiver...it passes through the signal, as I had G3 on the 0 side and G10 on the 22 side (the fixed dish at G10 went to the 22 side)

It was a DirecTv 22khz switch used for the old Phase II...I also have a 4x8 multiswitch that works with Phase III and it works for 2 fixed dishes but not the motorized.

no biggie...I used 2 2x1 switches and that worked :) What I really wanted to accomplish was to have both the motorized and fixed dishes go to the 2 receivers...before this the Viacast had just G10
Scott Greczkowski said:
Ok another STUPID question from yours truely...

Can I pick up FTA / DVB Audio channels? I just noticed an old favorite "Yesterday USA" is available on AMC 4. :D

yep. There will be a list of just the audio channels :)
Iceberg said:
dish...motor....switch....receiver...it passes through the signal, as I had G3 on the 0 side and G10 on the 22 side
That will cause the motor to not work as I mentioned above. The 22kHz switch doesn't pass the tone through it. However, the actual signal is not affected. Just on the LNB side of the switch you won't get any 22kHz tone, which is what DiSEqC uses.

Actually, a thought just crossed my mind... some controllers in 22kHz switches may actually pass through the tone, in which case you could have the switch between the receiver and motor, but be sure to put the motor on the 22 port, not the 0 port.
been there tried that...neither port would control the motor

Like I say, its no biggie as I had 2 2x1 DiSEqC switches. Just hooked them up and all is well.
Last question... (For now)

If I wanted to say hook up my old GI-650 receiver in the line to watch Analog KU, I am assuming I would need a splitter of some sort. What kind of splitter would I need? :)

And I am guessing that I would need to turn to the satellite first with the Fortec box then flip over to the GI-650 to watch television as the 650 will not control the HH motor. Is this correct?
Yes, find the satellite with the DVB box then turn it off, the LNB output on the Fortec is looped to the analog LNB input, so a simple run of RG6 will work from one receiver to the other.
You dont need to turn the box off. Whatever polarity your DVB box is set for, the analog will slave to it

As an example, when I am on SBS6 (Ohio News Network), the analog is defaulted to Horizontal (ONN is H polarity), but if I go to a channel with vertical polarity, then the analog changes :)

If I turn my DVB receiver off, it defaults to horizontal
You also as an option can get a two way splitter designed for satellite use that will pass the power on one leg to the LNB and the non power passing leg would just have the satellite signals on it and no dc this leg could go to your GI Analog receiver.

Mine is set up like that so I can plug in the spectrum analyzer when I have it at home. This way I am sure I am not passing DC to the analyzer and ruining it. I do not know if the Forted Passes power on the loop through port but my BEC DBS-1000 did. It was a good thing I checked it before plugging the test equipemnt into it.

Maybe PSB carries such a thing, but here is another site too http://www.skyvision.com/store/mi3000004.html

Scott Greczkowski said:
Yeah just think about it, I can sit there in my big easy chair, and wear a few pairs of glasses, smoke a pipe and scream get on the telephone....

Oh wait that was already done? Oh Dr Gene Scott? Whoops. :D
I just figured out the cheap way to get a weekly hour show on FTA.

Pick a low-rated, infomercial-laden OTA station that happens to be on FTA, and buy an weekly "infomercial" block from them. You could pitch the web site, equipment upgrades, stuff like that, but actually have interesting information as well. :)
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Howard Hewes

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