Only other op that has reported a recurring channel change is rgk with a French channel on 107w. rv1pop had the channel change occur twice several months ago, but he also has timers set for both channels.
The reason that I am quizzing you is that we cannot replicate. With several thousand microHD units in use, one would expect to hear more reports (especially in this super-user hobbyist forum)!
We appreciate your assistance as no one else is stepping up to the plate to help solve this.
I know it's an odd one, and it has survived multiple proper firmware upgrades, and it beats me why others aren't reporting it. It doesn't really piss me off all that bad, but I figured it should be reported. If it helps, here is my setup. All
brand new quad shield rg-6 cable (including any jumpers), with good quad-shield connectors, and about 80 feet to the wiring box/hub area.:
MicrohD to Diseqc motor with KU dish. Output of motor goes to 4 port Diseqc switch. Port 1 of that switch, goes to a 4 x 8 modified switch for my c-band dish, that's running a c-band only orthomode feedhorn with two Norsat lnbs (the other 2 ports on the lnb side of the 4x8 switch aren't in use right now). One lnb for each polarity. Port 2 of the diseqc switch, goes to the ku lnb on the ku motorized dish. Port 3, goes to a stand-alone dish for 103w, with the odd skew. Port 4 is open. The switches (including a DPP44 for my separate Dish Vip722k) and such all live in a large waterproof utility box located at the center pipe (holding the standalone 103w dish) of my dish farm. Cables radiate out from that box/hub in a "T", to go to the particular dishes on either side.
MicroHD is live 24/7/365, set to local time, GMT off, no standby, and parked on MEtv 1 almost exclusively when I'm not watching. That might change with COZI going live, lol. I've noticed other little quirks now and again, but this one stands out as it happens a
lot. Interestingly enough, it did NOT happen for almost a week, and then re-occured starting on this Wednesday. It's never gone a week before without doing it, so I don't know why it seemed to stop for that period of time. Maybe because it knew you were tesing, and just wanted to mess with us! I've been a tech for a long time, and I know how electronics
thinks... lol (Warranty detector circuit, Bad-Attitude detector circuit, and "critical-need" detector circuit, that about explains all of it,