OK, so WHO is lying?

Dude, that is a gold mine right there. Soon, all Americans will have to learn Mandarin so they can understand what the debt collectors from China are saying when the come to repo the entire country. If a company were to position itself in such a way as to already have a huge selection of Chinese channels available at rock bottom prices... Cha Ching!

Time for a knew news channel!

In total, China owns about 8 percent of publicly held U.S. debt. Of all the holders of U.S. debt China is the third-largest, behind only the Social Security Trust Fund's holdings of nearly $3 trillion and the Federal Reserve's nearly $2 trillion holdings in Treasury investments, purchased as part of its quantitative easing program to boost the economy.

So thats realy not that much....
I still would like to know why the providers have to pay for the 4 networks when one can get them for free by putting up and antenna? Better yet why should the providers pay for any of the programming when they channels run commercials. The fees they collect from these should be enough. After all tv until the dawn of cable as we now know it only survived strictly on the fees they charged advertisers. No more.

Also, when you end a comment with "lol", the words that proceed it need to include something funny. And, FYI, your period key isn't working.

what I said was something funny, and I don't care about my period key - WAYYY off topic. Anyway, I've heard of guys out of my office getting TC's today cause of the lack of Fox not working from pissed customers. I'm going to have to go get my dad a OTA module for his receiver and an antenna so he can watch the Daytona 500 unless Dish wishes to piss away every customer that watches NASCAR (there are a ton of them) and not fix this before this coming weekend.

Also, when you end a comment with "lol", the words that proceed it need to include something funny. And, FYI, your period key isn't working.

Comments like these by the 5 or 6 anal types that always attack my posts (sometimes warranted, sometimes not) always remind me of one of my favorite 80's Who song.......Eminence Front......it's put on, it's put on...... Great song btw......oh and sorry for all the......................
Now Gary,wouldn't that be precede not proceed? :D

But!!Wouldn't it be so sweet to see Dish or any other provider have a rollback on prices!I guess the providers need to start importing channels from China.:D

LOL, it works for Walmart. No reason dish couldn't do it. :)
Isn't that what the half price premiums/ theme packs are? :)

Not in my opinion.Those are nice don't get me wrong but,I mean a rollback on core packages.Instead of a $3-$6 increase it would be jaw dropping,earth shattering even,to see an announcement next Jan.something like AT120 is now rolled back $3!
Isn't that what the half price premiums/ theme packs are? :)

I think the 1/2 price premiums ,are because there has been a steep drop in the number of subs to premium channels, due to PRICE BEING TOO DAMN HIGH! I mean $18.00 a month for HBO is ridiculous. The only reason I have had HBO in years is because of either Free 3 months of HBO or 1/2 price HBO. IF I want it this summer and it is full price , I will have to drop down to Welcome pack in order to sub to HBO for True Blood in June.
Very likely subs to premiums have shrunk. We used to get two movie packages cut back to one and don't even sub to the half price offers for them now. HBO is watched often but any higher and we may only sub during certain series runs.
Was referring to the core packages. However you have a point.

Not in my opinion.Those are nice don't get me wrong but,I mean a rollback on core packages.Instead of a $3-$6 increase it would be jaw dropping,earth shattering even,to see an announcement next Jan.something like AT120 is now rolled back $3!

I think the 1/2 price premiums ,are because there has been a steep drop in the number of subs to premium channels, due to PRICE BEING TOO DAMN HIGH! I mean $18.00 a month for HBO is ridiculous. The only reason I have had HBO in years is because of either Free 3 months of HBO or 1/2 price HBO. IF I want it this summer and it is full price , I will have to drop down to Welcome pack in order to sub to HBO for True Blood in June.
I was being partly facetious, but, if you think about it, isn't that what price rollbacks are all about? There's a drop in sales of a particular product, and in an effort to clear inventory (product-based sales) or drum up subscriptions (service-based sales), you drop the price a specific amount for a specific period of time.
From KLJB's Facebook page:

Dish Update:
It's the end of day two with FOX 18 and the Quad Cities CW signals still being held hostage by Dish . Yesterday FOX 18 and the Quad Cities CW Programming Management pointed out to Dish that contrary to their on-air announcement FOX 18 and the Quad Cities CW are not "blocking" their use of the signals. FOX 18 and the Quad Cities CW verbally gave Dish full permission to continue carrying both the stations' signals on Valentine's Day and written permission on February 15th. They gave no reason for their decision to stop carrying the channels

About putting the signals back on the air-- they told FOX 18 and the Quad Cities CW that they had --quote, "a team of lawyers standing by to consider the request to be put back on their system" unquote. That was over 24 hours ago and staff and management of FOX 18 and the Quad Cities CW are still awaiting an answer. FOX 18 and the Quad Cities CW has asked its Dish subscribers that they to call or write Dish to say " Put FOX 18 and the Quad Cities CW back on and return to negotiating without holding their subscribers hostage."


If this is true, is Dish doing the right thing by taking the channels off the air during negotiations (even if they have written permission to leave them up)?

I generally support Dish because it seems they are doing the best they can to keep the contracts reasonable. However, I seem to recall that during certain past disputes the two parties have agreed to short extensions or similar "agreements" to leave the channels up during negotiations even though the original contract has expired. That doesn't seem to be the case here, and I wonder why?
1. The extensions might only be at some negotiated rate, and for full asking price if negotiations fail.

2. Loss of revenue puts pressure on the station to negotiate, not just demand.
Dish pulling the channels (even with permission to keep airing) to put pressure on the stations is little different than the stations pulling themselves to put pressure on Dish... Who pulled the channels is irrelevant. The contract is up and the only reason there would be a dispute is because the local stations want a higher rate. End of story.
Comments like these by the 5 or 6 anal types that always attack my posts (sometimes warranted, sometimes not) always remind me of one of my favorite 80's Who song.......Eminence Front......it's put on, it's put on...... Great song btw......oh and sorry for all the......................

Eminence Front is a good song.
I would agree with your point. In fact, I would add. I do not believe when any channel has negotiated. That Dish got the channel or group of channels for less. So why would the price go down. It is in most cases a fight over how much it will increase. Also somewhere back a bit in this thread there was a, why don't they pull the channel from OTA. They can't that would be illegal based on the broadcast license they have. People say that a company that is required to broadcast for free then tries to hold a company for money to do the same would be immoral. Think about it. The OTA channel gets advertising money within it's spot beam which Dish gets to people who would not otherwise get to see it. Now FOX wants basically a kick back from Dish in addition to the ad money. Pretty sweet if you ask me. Peace

I've been thinking much the same thing. For a modest investment I can receive 23 channels OTA with no recurring monthly fee. I realize it is the system but in my opinion it is backwards. The OTA broadcasters should be happy that the cable and sat companies carry their programming better yet they should be paying them. As was stated the more folks that see the broadcast the more folks the adds reach....doesn't that mean a potential for higher rates for adds?


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