Recently in a wireless technology forum,I read that the iTV that Apple,Samsung and Google have (Having built in cellular antennas and oscillatory equipment when selected in certain models) has the CableTV,Telco and DBS industry in complete horror at what the wireless industry is going to become capable of in handing off all three (Triple Play) service,to any receiving end user (Paying customer)via Cell Tower and the industry upgrades to the new LTE transmission.In that article I read that the whole of the movie industry really owns most of the Cable Co.s and Satellite Co.s.Re: MGM,FOX networks,Etc....If this is true,I think that the real owners of the "Infrastructure Network" are purposely moving programming around and in to their network operations to offset income losses of any particular Network Operation they might own and have stock of. I think this is why one season Direct has what seems to be the killer programming pkg and then for a while Dish seems to have it and it goes back and forth all the time.Including the rifts between the Satellite industry and the Cable industry PR and Marketing advertisments. When then pondered,this makes the end user,move,resign new contracts,need new updated equipment,purchase new items and associated things,etc....This in turn provides the so called growth margins each Network operation can use to attract investors and the whole thing is what I now call "The Circle of Strife" for the end user. Predictable for the savvy investor and honestly,providing work for many people like us as techs.Because if these systems and programming would stay the same across the board of any Satellite or Cable/telco and be equal in may ways. Very few people would have opportunism to have a job in it. Another words,be happy the big guys that control and manipulate the whole network are doing all of this,or we would all be working at the local dog food factory's,making the same old thing day after day. Then finding ways to complain about the dog food industry.In the end the dogs don't care what they get to eat,as long as they get to eat,Why should we care what they do above us in programming changes and the rest,as long as we get to make a living within its framework.WE already have a jobless problem across the globe,somehow we gotta provide jobs for every one don't we ?
Look at it for what it is and work to understand it.
The scary one on the horizon as of now,if it's true...Is this new iTV that is sitting there in its creation and ready to decimate the cable,satellite and telco industry and all of its current workers.
If we can all have a TV that does our phone calls,our emails and browsing and our television programming,sitting on our couches,including our gaming and other little sparkles.By simply standing it up,plugging it in the the AC,Calling and telling Verizon or AT&T to turn on the football game on a phone call,without a tech visit and the rest.Peoples ? we are all in trouble as technicians then ? Scares the bejewels out of me as a life long technician,doesn't the thought of it,do it to you now that you know my spin ? About all that's left for any tech to do next, is going out to install really simple ,brain dead cellular boosters in homes and business's,which because it's such brain dead stuff to install,pretty soon the whole thing will be able to be simply installed by any homeowner,once they get a grip on how brain dead a cellular booster system is.At that point you'll see little cell antennas at the peaks of every home,within cellular tower range.The cellular tower industry has just ramp'd up building more of these puppies out there now. We all gotta get ready to migrate to the next level now,climbing up and mounting cell antennas soon. Satellite will still be here,less of a need,Cable Co.s will still be here for those that want "Hard Wired" Telco's will still be here for those that want "Hardwired also",for the most part of large segment of people will use Cellular in my opinion though,because of its simplicity. I am unsure if the bandwidth they have in cellular can carry the demand,but then again, why is it scaring the rest of the HSP industry right now.