Official - I have a Hopper 3 Thread!

My installers did as well. He said they wouldn't work correctly with the new Hopper. Despite me asking to keep them, they took them with the old Hopper & Joey. I suppose it'll just be something new to get used to...
I was persistent and he let me keep it. Mine said the same thing but it works fine. The 52 can do everything the other one can just in different ways I know after messing around with it. It's not worse just different.
My install was a nightmare my techs first install of the hopper3.31/2 hours to install 1 hopper3 I was going out of my mind.I want to thank all you people for the education on the hopper3.I had to help my tech with info the man was lost,he was driving a dish van so he must have got some training somewhere right?.....UNBELEAVABLE.......
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My install was a nightmare my techs first install of the hopper3.31/2 hours to install 1 hopper3 I was going out of my mind.I want to thank all you people for the education on the hopper3.I had to help my tech with info the man was lost,he was driving a dish van so he must have got some training somewhere right?.....UNBELEAVABLE.......
My tech had no training he said. They told them it was the same as the others. He didn't know Netflix wasn't active yet, didn't even know what sports bar mode was, and didn't know anything about 4K on demand.
My tech had no training he said. They told them it was the same as the others. He didn't know Netflix wasn't active yet, didn't even know what sports bar mode was, and didn't know anything about 4K on demand.
Exactly the same as on previous Hoppers, techs are left to figure it out on their own most of the time - Dish contract installers need more training, think I'll give it a few more days & hopefully they won't be as confused. (Though in my area they probably aren't doing too many H3 installs yet.)
internal techs, should know all of this. all this info is put on dns portal, it's there fault if there not reading this training material.
Can somebody check something for me I am recording 10 programs at once[How great is that lol] everything looks likes recording in dvr ect except theres no red light showing on front.Can somebody do a quick record and tell me if there red light works?
I know that Dish should have these guys trained but they need to take some initiative and train themselves. The info has been available for the most part.

I haven't gone to any training but I take it on myself to learn what I can by checking the Dish Portal often and coming here.
H3 installed with no issues. I cannot seem to find the menu to transfer from the EHD to DVR. Is there a link with the details for the H3.
you have to connect the ehd turn it on go to dvr click sources.if the hopper is not recognizing the ehd sources does not show
OK need a little help, I can see the content I moved to the external drive, how do I move it back? Can't find the transfer function.
Took me a while too when you're in your EHD list hit options then select manage recordings.
Then you'll see the transfer to hopper option on right

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