Official - I have a Hopper 3 Thread!

I've found Dish Company installers never ask for the remotes and leave all the contents from opened on the premises boxes with the customer. However, I've found that, in my large metropolitan area where people aren't as "nice" as our friends in rural areas, far more often, it is the contractors who want your remotes and do not leave contents of the opened on the premises boxes with the customer, as if they are trying to appropriate as much free parts/accessories that Dish intends for the customer, not the contract installers.
Agree. Just installed today. Took no remotes, and left all
Boxes (5), neatly closed w contents inside, including hdmi cables which were not used. I already had some.
Got mine installed, first one for my installer, he liked it, informed him of the 40.0 remotes work, he was jazzed about that, had some tuner issues, had to check switch 5 tomes to get all tuners ok . Good guy we chatted all the way through. Netflix not active as noted elsewhere.
Netflix is active on the Joey 2.0...just not H3 or 4k joeys
That would be awesome!
Must be tv as well...some upconvert 720 better than 1080i to 1080p or 4k than others. Mine prefers 720 better (all the TV forums talk about it AVS) yours must prefer 1080i signal...of course unless if 1080p or 4k content and output, that is best! But little of that today.
I got my Hopper 3 today. My installer said it was his first one, but he did really well, with no issues. So far, I really like it.

There are some issues though:

1. My On Demand stuff still hasn't shown up on the Hopper (10 am install), but it is there on the Joeys. The CSR says "this is a known issue on Hopper 3's that were installed today"
I seriously doubt that, I saw nothing about that on here. She also said On Demand and Netflix will be available by the 11th. I think she is misinformed, I know that's true about Netflix, but I don't think so
when It comes to On Demand. Has anyone else heard this? Just doesn't seem accurate.

2. They gave me 2 4K Joey's which are awesome. It was my understanding that the 4K Joey's would cost more monthly, but he checked and said $7. Was he wrong or did I not understand correctly?

Also of note, I got tired of waiting for DIRT response (she was very nice though), called myself and got everything for free, no protection plan, no install fee, just 24 month commitment. I didn't even have to use
Customer Loyalty.

So far, it's really a great DVR, does anyone know the answers to the questions I asked above?

I got my Hopper 3 today. My installer said it was his first one, but he did really well, with no issues. So far, I really like it.

There are some issues though:

1. My On Demand stuff still hasn't shown up on the Hopper (10 am install), but it is there on the Joeys. The CSR says "this is a known issue on Hopper 3's that were installed today"
I seriously doubt that, I saw nothing about that on here. She also said On Demand and Netflix will be available by the 11th. I think she is misinformed, I know that's true about Netflix, but I don't think so
when It comes to On Demand. Has anyone else heard this? Just doesn't seem accurate.

2. They gave me 2 4K Joey's which are awesome. It was my understanding that the 4K Joey's would cost more monthly, but he checked and said $7. Was he wrong or did I not understand correctly?

Also of note, I got tired of waiting for DIRT response (she was very nice though), called myself and got everything for free, no protection plan, no install fee, just 24 month commitment. I didn't even have to use
Customer Loyalty.

So far, it's really a great DVR, does anyone know the answers to the questions I asked above?


The VOD content will show up soon enough.

Netflix should be available in a week or so.

4K Joeys are suppose to cost $50 upfront but the monthly fees have always been listed as $7.
Had my install today. It was scheduled for an arrival time between Noon and 5pm. Then, with the robocall, 1pm to 3pm. Tech showed up around 1:30.

  • Hopper w/Sling
  • Super Joey
  • Two Joey 1.0's
New equipment:
  • Hopper 3.0 (came with the newer remote)
  • Joey 4K (when it arrived, I was surprised that it arrived with the older remote)
  • Two Joey 2.0's (both came with the new remote)

When the tech showed up, I asked him if he had the Hopper 3.0, Two Joey 2.0's and the Joey 4K. He said, "You have a Joey 4K on your order? Uh...I don't have that." So, immediately, he called his warehouse and apparently they came into the warehouse today at noon. So, someone from the warehouse (not another tech) drove the 4K out to my house to give it to the tech. That's customer service right there.

I asked the tech if he would give me the boxes of Hopper 3 and Joeys so that I could unbox them and get them ready for install while he installed the new LNBs. He had absolutely no problem with that. The LNB install only took about 15 minutes while I unboxed everything and unhooked all of the old equipment. I had already put all of the batteries in the remotes and hooked up the Hopper 3.0 and two Joey 2.0's with HDMI and coax. The only thing I didn't hook up was the power. When he came inside, we went back into the closet to change out the switches (that couldn't have been any more straight forward), and we immediately hooked up power to the Hopper 3.0. Everything went smoothly. While the setup was going on, the Joey 4K showed up, so we put that in place without powering it up.

Once the Hopper 3.0 was setup, I asked the tech if I could keep my old Hopper remote and he said that his company had a meeting about this very subject on Monday and, ultimately, they were supposed to be getting the remotes back from the customer. However, I was determined to keep my Hopper w/Sling remote as I had transferred all of my settings to the remote last night. I also had moved all of my old recordings to the EHD last night. So, he said it was fine if I wanted to keep my remote. I taught him a few things as this was his second Hopper 3 install. Of course, I started to learn the new GUI. We moved onto setting up the Joey 4K.

By the way, when I say, "We installed the equipment." I really mean, "I installed the equipment." I pretty much hooked everything up and ran the remotes. He was really cool about me running all of the setup and everything.

After the Hopper 3.0 and Joey 4K was set up, we pretty much simultaneously turned on and set up the Joey 2.0's. The first message looked like they had the old GUI, but after they did their software update, they had the new GUI. He did take my old remotes for those Joey 1.0's and left me with the new remotes (which is fine because I use Logitech remotes to run those.)

He left, and that's when I really got to play. I customized the program guide how I liked, created favorites guides, folders, changed a LOT of settings (allow IR remotes, set up PTAT, etc.). Used my old Hopper Remote to transfer settings and timers to the Hopper 3.0 and hooked up the EHD and started the transfer process.

My initial thoughts:

  • This entire system is fast! The Hopper 3.0 is a speed demon and the Joey 4K is too. While the Joey 2.0's were a tiny bit slow to respond (although this could be my Logitech Harmony remote sending an RF signal to the IR repeater then to the Joey 2.0.)
  • I have to be honest, while the new GUI is visually appealing, I am not a big fan of it yet. It feels like things were moved, just for the sake of moving them.
  • Same thing with the remote, not a huge fan. I don't like how things are removed (colored buttons, Fast Fwd and Rewind are the same as the Skip 30 sec. and Skip Back 10 sec. buttons, DVR and Guide buttons along the top of the remote don't make sense as I have to literally move the remote up and down the palm of my hand to reach them and there are no Page Up and Page Down Buttons). Moving the Source buttons to the side of the remote was a good idea though. I do like, however, that the instructional on-screen tips change based on the remote being used. Nice touch.
  • The Joey 4K is great too. Since the only 4K content available is $7.99 On Demand Movies, I called Dish to ask them if there was any free content available since I wanted to test it out to see if my TV was compatible with the 4K content. He said, "No problem. I will just give you a voucher for a free PPV movie worth $6.99 for being a valued customer." I informed him that the 4K movies were all $7.99. He put me on hold and came back to tell me that he would just give me a $7.99 credit onto my account and I simply bought The Amazing Spiderman 4K PPV. Again, FANTASTIC customer service Dish! And the 4K worked! I can't wait to see if Netflix 4K will work on my 4K TV as the native Netflix app in my TV doesn't even support 4K. Apparently, my 4K TV doesn't even support the H.265 that Netflix uses to encode/decode 4K content.
  • After transferring the timers from my remote to the Hopper 3.0, I had to manually edit each timer to set the Folder to which the recording should go.
  • PTAT already worked great tonight.
  • Dish Anywhere notified me that my DVR couldn't be found. Then, it automatically found the new Hopper 3.0 on my account and synched right up to it. No problem there.
My install really didn't go well either. I had 2 hopper 2000's to be replaced with with an H3 and Joey 2.0. I sub to top 250 and Indian mega pack, which means a need an EA and a wing dish. The installer never had a separate dish so he installed the EA and connected to my old Dish Plus (WA). when he left discovered was not getting the internationals as I was getting 72, 61.5 and 129. Called dish and they are sending another tech tomorrow.
It was the installers first hopper 3 install and he was called from over 2 hours away as they were short on staff.

I hooked up my external HD to one of my older hoppers to transfer recordings and it does not display all of my recordings. If I go to DVR they are all displayed. Tries reset a few times with no change and now trying Ethernet to Ethernet.

How come on remote 52 I can only add one Aux?

No channels logos have downloaded it's been 12 hours since install.
My install really didn't go well either. I had 2 hopper 2000's to be replaced with with an H3 and Joey 2.0. I sub to top 250 and Indian mega pack, which means a need an EA and a wing dish. The installer never had a separate dish so he installed the EA and connected to my old Dish Plus (WA). when he left discovered was not getting the internationals as I was getting 72, 61.5 and 129. Called dish and they are sending another tech tomorrow.
It was the installers first hopper 3 install and he was called from over 2 hours away as they were short on staff.

I hooked up my external HD to one of my older hoppers to transfer recordings and it does not display all of my recordings. If I go to DVR they are all displayed. Tries reset a few times with no change and now trying Ethernet to Ethernet.

How come on remote 52 I can only add one Aux?

No channels logos have downloaded it's been 12 hours since install.

Unplug the device from the wall for 10 seconds then back in. That has helped the majority of people who don't have logos downloading. The tech needs to make sure he connected the wing to the input on the hybrid and that the hybrid is only hooked up on line 1 out to the house. Also they use an older LNB for the internationals (and my locals) and I ended up with a bad LNB. They changed it out and all was good.
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It blows my mind how these install companies want to take customer's remotes. They have no right to just take them. If they want them they should ask. Next thing you know they'll be taking the HDMI cable too since the new receiver comes with one.

Just a way for them to make some extra money by taking advantage of the customer.
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It blows my mind how these install companies want to take customer's remotes. They have no right to just take them. If they want them they should ask. Next thing you know they'll be taking the HDMI cable too since the new receiver comes with one.

Just a way for them to make some extra money by taking advantage of the customer.
I could see where the average customer, who probably isn't aware that you could back up timers and favorites with it, would be happy to surrender their grimy, beat up old remote for a brand new one...

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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It blows my mind how these install companies want to take customer's remotes. They have no right to just take them. If they want them they should ask. Next thing you know they'll be taking the HDMI cable too since the new receiver comes with one.

Just a way for them to make some extra money by taking advantage of the customer.

It's not the install company, it's Dish. They want the customer's old receivers and remotes whenever there is a receiver swap or a customer quits them. That's pretty much the way it's always been.
I understand that they want to take the remote away so there isn't any confusion or even if they just want to sell them, but when the customer asks to keep it and they still insist on taking it that's where I draw the line. Ask the customer if you can take away the remote or just tell them you're taking it in order to avoid confusion. Don't tell them that you have to take the remote.
We don't take anything away and never have. Dish always sends the boxes for the old gear when a retailer does the upgrade. Many customers have told me in the past that Dish has charged them money when they don't return the old remotes. You're blaming the wrong people here.
We don't take anything away and never have. Dish always sends the boxes for the old gear when a retailer does the upgrade. Many customers have told me in the past that Dish has charged them money when they don't return the old remotes. You're blaming the wrong people here.

I'm not blaming retailers at all. I know that retailers are suppose to leave everything behind. I'm talking about the techs directly with Dish and out of companies like Blue Sky.

I have seen techs for retailers that try to take purchased receivers from customers. They usually ask but I have seen it happen before.
I'm not blaming retailers at all. I know that retailers are suppose to leave everything behind. I'm talking about the techs directly with Dish and out of companies like Blue Sky.

I don't know about the company installers, but the RSP's probably have the same rules about returning remotes. Dish has always wanted them back.
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