The NFL has no say in this. Fox is still available over the air. Plain and simple. The NFL has no way to pull out of the contract. The station is still broadcasting. The viewers still have a way to watch the games. They're called rabbit ears. :)

I have to disagree. Those rabbit ears (which I use and have been urging people to buy and use) don't work everywhere. That is still declining their ratings, and with cablevision, in a lot of areas. You are right about the other means, but the NFL won't still stand for it over a long period of time, and trust me, they have a lot more pull than FOX or its parent company News Corp. Even more considering that FOX is pulling themselves off these providers.

On a different topic, I have Comcast for my phone and internet. I realized for Comcast phone and internet customers, your locals are available if you plug the cable line into the back of your TV. Some of you might of had a bad Comcast Tech who forgot to scramble the basic two digit digital channels and could get FX and your RSN, unfortunately mine did the right job and I just get locals. The down side is that this method doesn't work in your Dish Network receiver, only in the TV itself.
I agree. And I bet that if Dish did cave in and increased the fees to compensate, these same cry babies would then be complaining about costs going up. I've heard enough whining here. As far as I'm concerned, if you don't like Dish, cancel and leave the Dish forums.
Tell you what, why don't *you* leave. There are currently subs who are paying for a service (RSNs right now, local OTAs next Monday) they are not getting. They can't leave because they are locked into a two year contract. And they can't voice their complaint on here because a sizable minority of members here truly believe that Charlie is infallible.

Guess what, Fox and Dish are both greedy. They only care about their own profits. Any concern about the customer is only due to the potential impact to their bottom line. Neither could care less how long subs are without RSNs or Fox OTA stations, except where it might impact their revenue stream. Charlie gets on the Charlie Channel to tell me how he's fighting the big bad content providers to keep my rates low - then he jacks up my fees for my dual tuner DVRs from $5 to $17, while I lose multiple HD channels, my RSN, and next week my Fox OTA.

Charlie is no saint. Rupert is no saint. And I'm tired of the pro-Dish fanaticism around here.
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One provider losing Fox isn't going to make most content providers blink. The NFL would only care if this was still going on heading into next season, and by then Cabelvision/Dish would have lost many of the customers who would care.
The NFL has no say in this. Fox is still available over the air. Plain and simple. The NFL has no way to pull out of the contract. The station is still broadcasting. The viewers still have a way to watch the games. They're called rabbit ears. :)
Another winner. :(

Did it ever occur to any of you that many subs subscribe to cable or satellite because reception of OTA stations in their location is difficult or impossible?
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Did it ever occur to any of you that many subs subscribe to cable or satellite because reception of OTA stations in their location is difficult or impossible?
I agree that too many people think that because it works for them, that it must be simple and workable for everyone. Ever guess why the satellite companies make such a big deal out of how many local markets they carry ? One reason is that many of their viewers cannot receive them any other (practical) way.

The stupidity displayed on this thread is astonishing.
Not really necessary, was that ?
Not really necessary, was that ?
Nope, edited it out.

But I notice that if somebody says something silly but pro-Dish (like "just use rabbit ears" ) it is ignored, but something silly but anti-Dish (any mention of the Missouri Attorney General, for instance) is immediately tarred and feathered.
exactly what i was planning to do but i have charter. not sure if it will work.

AND i wonder if its possible to scan these in through ota and record.

I have to disagree. Those rabbit ears (which I use and have been urging people to buy and use) don't work everywhere. That is still declining their ratings, and with cablevision, in a lot of areas. You are right about the other means, but the NFL won't still stand for it over a long period of time, and trust me, they have a lot more pull than FOX or its parent company News Corp. Even more considering that FOX is pulling themselves off these providers.

On a different topic, I have Comcast for my phone and internet. I realized for Comcast phone and internet customers, your locals are available if you plug the cable line into the back of your TV. Some of you might of had a bad Comcast Tech who forgot to scramble the basic two digit digital channels and could get FX and your RSN, unfortunately mine did the right job and I just get locals. The down side is that this method doesn't work in your Dish Network receiver, only in the TV itself.
But I notice that if somebody says something silly but pro-Dish (like "just use rabbit ears" ) it is ignored...
Telling someone to use an antenna or rabbit ears generally falls on deaf ears. Some people still fail to grasp that it works. Others can't be "bothered" to have to switch inputs on their TV !! Others simply can't receive a signal...
rabbit ears is a great idea if you are trying to get any channel besides fox. everywhere i have lived i have been outright disgusted with fox's local broadcast strength. good luck getting it if you dont live in a metro area.
Yes OTA is not this simple everywhere. I live in Asheville, our DMA includes Greenville/Spartanburg SC which is 60 miles away, then top that off with Mountain Terrain, it's tough! Also, all the stations are widely scattered as well, so it will require several large antennas to pick up all the stations, if you are lucky.
Hmmmmmmmmmm...I never thought about trying to hook my cable line to my TV to see if I could still get programing. I dropped cable a year ago EXCEPT for the high speed internet and went to Dish. So all I have to do is disconnect the SAT cable and plug in the cable co. cable to my TV? That would be before it goes to my router...right? Then if it works I can split one line to the router and one to the TV? Is there a switch that I can use to jump from cable to sat and back so I can hook em both to the TV?
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Hmmmmmmmmmm...I never thought about trying to hook my cable line to my TV to see if I could still get programing. I dropped cable a year ago EXCEPT for the high speed internet and went to Dish. So all I have to do is disconnect the SAT cable and plug in the cable co. cable to my TV? That would be before it goes to my router...right?

Yeah, get a splitter one cable to TV, another into router, another into TV. Not as common as it used to be, but basic channels used to alway be in the clear here in Vegas. I think a filter in the box at the street regulates that now.
Telling someone to use an antenna or rabbit ears generally falls on deaf ears. Some people still fail to grasp that it works. Others can't be "bothered" to have to switch inputs on their TV !! Others simply can't receive a signal...

Guess what, starting Monday, I will have to use the ole rabbit ears to watch Fox. I pretty much pooched if I want to record anything as I don't even have a vcr that works in the house. For the record, I am not Pro Dish.

My rates are going to go up next year no matter what. If Fox comes to terms, or the channel is off the air as far as Dish is concerned. That seems to be the point that some are missing. A ton of folks will lose these channels and if they don't come back, there will not be any kind of a price decrease in the spring. There will be a price increase - same as it is every single year.

Another point that seems to be missed is that in this earlier post:

the related article shows a (similar situation) huge price increase - from $.10 to $.17 Well if it's only 7 freakin cents, I'll gladly pay it. Think the rate increase is going to be remotely close to how much our bills are going to go up in the spring?
Hmmmmmmmmmm...I never thought about trying to hook my cable line to my TV to see if I could still get programing. I dropped cable a year ago EXCEPT for the high speed internet and went to Dish. So all I have to do is disconnect the SAT cable and plug in the cable co. cable to my TV? That would be before it goes to my router...right? Then if it works I can split one line to the router and one to the TV? Is there a switch that I can use to jump from cable to sat and back so I can hook em both to the TV?
I use TWC for my phone and internet. I decided to plug my Coax into my TV just to see if I can get some channels. What do you know? I get all of my locals and some basic channels up to channel 99
Google TV will be my lifeline and when the blackout occurs (no one really expects this to get resolved peacefully, right?), my fallback plan is Amazon VOD, or XBox Zune Marketplace for individual episodes I might miss, and the Red Zone channel for my NY Giants games (a piece of them at least). FOX, you can go F yourself for pushing things this far. I hope your ratings crater. Enjoy your number of eyeballs dropping to 1988 levels.
On a different topic, I have Comcast for my phone and internet. I realized for Comcast phone and internet customers, your locals are available if you plug the cable line into the back of your TV. Some of you might of had a bad Comcast Tech who forgot to scramble the basic two digit digital channels and could get FX and your RSN, unfortunately mine did the right job and I just get locals.
Some people and ALL cablecos will consider this theft of service. Saying the cableco forgot to filter them out isn't justifiable either...
I'm getting ready too...I already put up a OTA antenna and get all the major stuff in HD. I will check out that old cable co. cable too. If I hook it back up to to my TV is that illegal? I also have a good card in my computer and am hooked to my TV so I can go internet too. I'm checking out the FTA Sat receivers but don't see any real winners in the HD realm I right about that?
Talked to my mom about that the other night, she said she'd change providers before putting up rabbit ears, because her only means to DVR anything would suddenly be their VCR.
That's not true. If you get OTA through the DVR, then you can record it on the DVR like like the Sat channels.

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