So if Dish isn't carrying the channels due to money, shouldn't I get a discount of what Dish was paying Fox per subscriber for these channels???
I'm getting $5 off for 12 months. Just had to chat w/them to get it.
So if Dish isn't carrying the channels due to money, shouldn't I get a discount of what Dish was paying Fox per subscriber for these channels???
This is my first post here, EVER. So I want to do is point out the irony that FOX's website is called "Get What I Paid For", but it's FOX, not Dish that's actually keeping me from watching what I pay for. Luckly I'm not affected by the loss of RSNs. So at least I can watch my NHL and NBA when they start up.
Also, I'm tired of hearing people yell about not being able to watch Sons of Anarchy (Mostly on FOX's site). Seriously, I got into the new FX show Terrier's, and when it was announced two days before FOX pulled the switch, I took ten minutes and found multiple sites on the net that give FX programing leagally for free, including FX's own website.
Finally, FOX is now threatening to pull the network and MyTV (who actually watches MyTV). Geuss what FOX, all I have to do is put a OTA antenna on my roof and point it toward the broadcast signal. Not scaring me.
I'm not saying that I'm 100% on Dish's side, but FOX is making it sound like I'm done if I don't leave for DirecTV or Cable, quite frankly I'm inconvienced, but not enough to rip my Dish off the roof.
Dish takes away channels that I am paying for, but Dish is not paying for them while in dispute. Why do I have to call to get a discount. Dish should credit all their customers for the channels they remove for the period that they are not paying for them . Amen!!!
I lost Disney HD and ABC Family, Nat geo and more, but not a penny have I seen in a bill reduction. Dish, where are these negotiations saving me money.
Yep. That's a fact."Charlie's fighting..."
for himself. What he pays to the programmers has little bearing the price being charged to the consumer. People forget that if every programmer upped their pricing 5 percent yearly, and Dish Network then raised rates to consumers by 5 percent, one-half of the rate increase goes directly to the programmers and the other half goes in Dish Network's wallet.
I'm trying to let it go, but the fact remains too many have extremely biased arguments, and if people actually looked at the facts, they would be really upset.
Biased? This is coming from someone who takes the side of whoever is against dish.
I'm getting $5 off for 12 months. Just had to chat w/them to get it.
MMG said:I got 20 dollars off for 3 months and then 10 dollars off for 21 months.
I love this place...
I'm getting $5 off for 12 months. Just had to chat w/them to get it.
Well that's great! It will almost cover your new access fee for 'Absolute'!
I'm not trying to bust your chops here man. Just pointing out the irony in it all!
I don't think you can pin that one on Charlie. In fact, I'm surprised Dish was able to get the contracts in place to even offer The HD Only packages in the first place. From the channels that are absent I think it's pretty easy to see which content producers don't want to cannibalize subscribers from their SD-only channels in order to offer channels that they have in HD as a standalone option. From an advertising standpoint their ad pricing is determined by how many subscribers have the ability to see the channel, so they're walking away from money if they give up subscribers on their multitude of SD-only channels.Nothing ever came with Absolute, except Death. HD only packs were a perfect example of charlie f'ing the customer.
I don't think you can pin that one on Charlie. In fact, I'm surprised Dish was able to get the contracts in place to even offer The HD Only packages in the first place. From the channels that are absent I think it's pretty easy to see which content producers don't want to cannibalize subscribers from their SD-only channels in order to offer channels that they have in HD as a standalone option. From an advertising standpoint their ad pricing is determined by how many subscribers have the ability to see the channel, so they're walking away from money if they give up subscribers on their multitude of SD-only channels.
I think Charlie takes some negotiations/battles too far (Tivo, Rainbow Media, Disney, FOX), but I'll give him credit that there isn't another pay TV company even attempting to get a HD-only lower cost package out to consumers.