Whatchel1 was right, you have been away too long to comment, since you forgot RSNs never came with Absolute.
Nothing ever came with Absolute, except Death. HD only packs were a perfect example of charlie f'ing the customer.
Ask all the Bronze Silver and Gold Subscribers who only get what charlie decides to put in them.

HD absolute hasn't been available in quite sometime by the way either.;)
I dont know if this has already been posted, I looked for a few pages and didnt find it so here goes, I cant believe that E is complaining about Fox raising their prices right after E has done it twice and does not think anything about it, I guess as long as E is raising their prices to their customer it is ok but when some provider wants to raise their prices E screams they are trying to rip us off, like E is doing to us. E just shuts us off from these providers even though E is making more money from all of us and we have no recourse except to accept it or change providers. I have been with E for at least 10 years and now I am thinking about going to AT&T because Im tired of E ripping me off.
:up:up Yep. Funny how thats ok though.

Well atleast for some.:rolleyes:
It wasn't too hard for me to get 5 off for 12 months. Here's the chat.
(03) HY Chris K.6M6: Hello Edgar.

Edgar Hatchel: Yes wanted to find out about some things

(03) HY Chris K.6M6: How may I help you?

Edgar Hatchel: Since I lost Nat Geo on the 1st wanted know what I can get to replace it.

(03) HY Chris K.6M6: I will be glad to assist you with that.

Edgar Hatchel: Any answer?

(03) HY Chris K.6M6: DISH Network and FOX Networks are in contract negotiations related to the price we pay for some of their channels. FOX Networks has demanded a rate increase of more than 50%. While we are doing our best to limit any interruptions in programming, DISH Network cannot agree to these terms and we will fight for a fair and equitable agreement. Unfortunately, FOX Networks has made the decision to remove some of their programming from our customers. We are working hard to return your programming as quickly as possible. In the meantime, let me review what programming is not affected and discuss some alternatives we are giving you during these negotiations.

Edgar Hatchel: I know all that.

(03) HY Chris K.6M6: National Geographic channel 186 will be showing HD Theater until we reach an agreement

Edgar Hatchel: I want to know what I can get to replace Nat Geo?

(03) HY Chris K.6M6: I assure you we are doing everything possible to return your programming and reach an agreement that is fair and equitable. Please feel free to visit our website at DISH VS Fox to get the latest updates on our negotiations. You can also voice your opinion by emailing us at

Edgar Hatchel: I already get HD theater in my package

(03) HY Chris K.6M6: Okay.

(03) HY Chris K.6M6: Let me first access your account to help you further.

Edgar Hatchel: While you are doing that is it true that Playboy Latino is free? I was looking under A-La CArte & $0.00 was showing for the charge.

(03) HY Chris K.6M6: Yes, to receive that for free you will need to subscribe to Latino packages.

Edgar Hatchel: OK just wanted to know was stragne to see that and now I see why. I don't have the lation pack.

Edgar Hatchel: Sorry meant latino not the other way around

(03) HY Chris K.6M6: Okay.

(03) HY Chris K.6M6: Thank you for your patience.

(03) HY Chris K.6M6: Could you please verify the last four digits of your SSN?

Edgar Hatchel: XXXX

(03) HY Chris K.6M6: Thank you.

(03) HY Chris K.6M6: I can offer you 2 free PPV coupons if you can confirm your e-mail address.

Edgar Hatchel: Those are SD I don't watch SD

(03) HY Chris K.6M6: Okay.

Edgar Hatchel: Something else like maybe BBC America

(03) HY Chris K.6M6: Let me check what else I can offer you.

Edgar Hatchel: La D da La D da. Just humming to bad you can't hear it my lighten up your day. Bet you guys are getting it hard & heavy w/ the crap that has been going on.

(03) HY Chris K.6M6: I understand that and I know how frustrating it must me for you.

(03) HY Chris K.6M6: I would have felt the same way if I were you.

Edgar Hatchel: My package didn't have sports so didn't care about that but I used to watch Nat Geo and record The Wormhole & the Universe on it.

(03) HY Chris K.6M6: Okay.

(03) HY Chris K.6M6: The you for your patience.

(03) HY Chris K.6M6: I see there are no other offers available on your account.

(03) HY Chris K.6M6: However, I will connect you to our loyalty department to help you further.

(03) HY Chris K.6M6: May I go ahead and connect you to your loyalty department?

Edgar Hatchel: So am I going to not get any type of credit for loosing the channel? Not too cool there. Least you could do is offer the equivalent off my bill of the PPV's.

(03) HY Chris K.6M6: Each PPV is worth $4.99

Edgar Hatchel: Sure connect me to that dept. How long wil it take?

(03) HY Chris K.6M6: Thank you.

(03) HY Chris K.6M6: I will connect you now.

(03) HY Chris K.6M6 has left the session.Please wait while we find an agent from the (20) Loyalty department to assist you.Thank you for contacting the Customer Loyalty Helpdesk, I will be handling your request today. Please give me a few minutes to review the agents previous chat so that I can help you with your issue.(18) Sarah K.1FB: Thank you for your patience Edgar, I'm sorry about the wait in advance currently I'm assisting 5 customers like yourself simultaneously. If you're pressed for time here's our direct number 1-888-683-6074. I'll get with you as soon as possible, thanks!

Edgar Hatchel: Sure how's it going I bet you guys are getting slammed since yesterday

Edgar Hatchel: Do I have time to start zapping a microwave Pizza

(18) Sarah K.1FB: Thank you for waiting Edgar.

(18) Sarah K.1FB: I can wait up to 3 minutes if you would like to put that in.

Edgar Hatchel: Sure I got strat it and be back in just a bit it's 12:45 here.

(18) Sarah K.1FB: Okay no problem Edgar I can wait.

Edgar Hatchel: I'm back when you need me It'll be 3 mins before time to cut it

(18) Sarah K.1FB: Thank you Edgar. I see you are concerned with the loss of some of your channels is that right?

Edgar Hatchel: Yes

(18) Sarah K.1FB: I know it's frustrating and I do apologize. We are working hard to reach a fair and equitable agreement. Negotiations usually proceed quickly, and we hope to reach an agreement soon.

(18) Sarah K.1FB: Due to the inconvenience, I'd be happy to credit you $5 off per month for the next 12 months

Edgar Hatchel: That would be great, too bad I can't get BBC A w/ my absolute package though

(18) Sarah K.1FB: I can have those credits start on your next months bill for you Edgar! Unfortunately I'm not able to get that channel on your absolute package, however I would be happy to look at the higher packages it is available in if you were interested?

Edgar Hatchel: No not leaving absolute w/ the 3 premiums that I have.

(18) Sarah K.1FB: Okay no problem Edgar.

Edgar Hatchel: Not any package that gives me as many HD channels for the kind of pricing I have.

Edgar Hatchel: So since I just paid for next months bill it will start on the following?

(18) Sarah K.1FB: Yes that is correct.

Edgar Hatchel: OK I'll let you go then.

Your session has ended. You may now close this window.
Wow , for someone who isn't bothered by channel drops, sure was quick to call E* to TAKE a $60 credit.
Wow , for someone who isn't bothered by channel drops, sure was quick to call E* to TAKE a $60 credit.

I'm no fool even though you like to try and make others think I am. I get what I can when the time is right. Well the day after the Sh** hit the fan was perfect. :eureka::ok::yikes:haha I like the smilies today
Greg Bimson said:
Really? Dish Network wanted to drop TWC because it was asking for a rate hike and wasn't providing localized weather.

We don't know how much the rate was hiked, but we do know that the interactive channel still hasn't launched. And that is defined as a "win"?
dahenny said:
All I know is that TWC caved, and to me that sounds like E* won.
TWC caved? Source?
Greg Bimson said:
Really? Can you show me where Charlie Ergen and Dish Network won these disputes? Otherwise, this is simply bravado and opinion.
Jhon69 said:
I surely can...all you have to do is see Dish network's programming prices compared to every other provider.You don't think their programming prices at that much cheaper because Charlie lost do you?.
That is still only opinion. I want to see where Dish Network WON, not a half-baked answer that contains no fact. Especially since programming isn't all that much cheaper on Dish Network, and in many cases, it's more expensive.
Personally, I don't watch Nat Geo, I very rarely watch FX if at all, only time I watch FSN is when the Dodgers are beating up on the Rockies, so I won't be calling in to try and "get something" just because those channels are gone, because it hasn't affected my viewing habits. IMO, for those that don't watch those channels but still call in in to try and "get something" are just cheating the system. But I also learned a long time ago, there are a lot of people here that don't have a problem with that and feel like they are entitled somehow, so...
Will FOX dispute influence the NBA League Pass subscriber

Since some RSNs were gone , does this mean we, the NBA League Pass subscribers, will see fewer HD games in the new season?

Why doesn't/didn't Dish supply at least one HD feed on RSN's football games? 5 regionals with the same SD feed, how about one having the HD feed too????? That's what pisses me off. Same with the Comcast regionals. They have all these HD channels and all the damn games are in SD and look like dog crap. What about ESPNU HD??? Dish is starting to get too cheap. First the Disney dispute and now the Fox regionals along with Prime, MSG, etc.. Again, when they had them the lack of HD content was truly disappointing. We don't have them anymore, I want a reduction in the pretty hefty amount I pay monthly, well over 100 bucks.
So I call and tell the guy, I am paying the same for less programming. And his reply is we add programming to replace it. Problem is that I already have all of their programming so he can only offer me 3 PPV coupons. I told him I have netflix. So they put me over to retention and I get $10 off for 5 months. Better then nothing but I am going to start looking around again. I require:

Regionals with HD feeds of games
Epix would be nice too
Jhon69 said:
Like I said the facts are in the programming package prices charged,you see the prices there's your facts.
Yep. That's a fact. :rolleyes:
KAB said:
Let it go. There are a lot of people not playing with a full deck on this one.
"Charlie's fighting..."

for himself. What he pays to the programmers has little bearing the price being charged to the consumer. People forget that if every programmer upped their pricing 5 percent yearly, and Dish Network then raised rates to consumers by 5 percent, one-half of the rate increase goes directly to the programmers and the other half goes in Dish Network's wallet.

I'm trying to let it go, but the fact remains too many have extremely biased arguments, and if people actually looked at the facts, they would be really upset.

100.2 Sudden Death
