Dish Has Reached The Deal With FOX! Offical Statement From Jim DeFranco
Dear DISH Network Retailers,
Today, I am pleased to report that our programming dispute with FOX has ended and that FX, National Geographic, and FOX Regional Sports Networks have all been restored to DISH Network customers. Our new agreement with FOX assures the continued carriage of these channels as well as that of FOX-owned local TV stations for years to come.
We understand this battle wasn't easy. It was unpleasant for many customers, our marketing partners, and all of our employees who connected with customers everyday regarding the temporary loss of their channels. Some customers blamed DISH for the dispute, but majority of our customers supported our efforts. But we didn't create the best value in television by simply agreeing to massive rate increases forced upon us by giant programming groups. The rate increase FOX was asking for would have resulted in a significant price increase and would have emboldened other programmers to make similar demands.
By resisting unreasonable programmer demands over the years, we've kept our prices lower than the competition and created opportunities to re-invest in new technologies like multi-room DVRs, High Definition TV, Google TV, and TV Everywhere solutions.
Your support in these endeavors is crucial for us to remain the best value in pay TV. We sincerely thank you for your dedication and support during this event.
Now let's focus on excellent customer service while thanking customers for their loyalty to DISH Network.
Jim DeFranco
Executive Vice President and Co-Founder
Dear DISH Network Retailers,
Today, I am pleased to report that our programming dispute with FOX has ended and that FX, National Geographic, and FOX Regional Sports Networks have all been restored to DISH Network customers. Our new agreement with FOX assures the continued carriage of these channels as well as that of FOX-owned local TV stations for years to come.
We understand this battle wasn't easy. It was unpleasant for many customers, our marketing partners, and all of our employees who connected with customers everyday regarding the temporary loss of their channels. Some customers blamed DISH for the dispute, but majority of our customers supported our efforts. But we didn't create the best value in television by simply agreeing to massive rate increases forced upon us by giant programming groups. The rate increase FOX was asking for would have resulted in a significant price increase and would have emboldened other programmers to make similar demands.
By resisting unreasonable programmer demands over the years, we've kept our prices lower than the competition and created opportunities to re-invest in new technologies like multi-room DVRs, High Definition TV, Google TV, and TV Everywhere solutions.
Your support in these endeavors is crucial for us to remain the best value in pay TV. We sincerely thank you for your dedication and support during this event.
Now let's focus on excellent customer service while thanking customers for their loyalty to DISH Network.
Jim DeFranco
Executive Vice President and Co-Founder