Watching people struggle with an inferior service is fun. Dish already has fewer HD channels and can't even hang on to the ones they have. Not to mention that every 1080i channel that you do have is in a reduced resolution. It's hilarious.

Your education level is showing, especially in the reading department.
Go back to your D* board and start posting about how you wish you had channels that E* has. Why did you come here in the first place? Just to trash us about possibly losing some channels. I don't hang out on the D* board and post things just to trash D*. But it sounds like a good idea. No wait that would be stooping to your level. Go back to your own message board. Not trying to start a fight. I'm just sayin...
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G4? Who even watches that anymore? Perhaps a few children here and there.

I had to sign in just to throw some hate.

No more than the child that trolls a sat site to shill D*. You seem to have just the right amount of education to rep in the call center for D*. What's the bonus for mindless posting on here? $5 per month credit for a "FULL HD 1080P CINEMASCOPE" pay-per-view of Sex & The City 2?
I just got a call from Dish Network (Customer Account Rep). He asked why I canceled (because of the Fox dispute) and if I was informed that Dish would be getting their Fox affiliates back on the air on 11/1. I was not asked (I canceled 2 days ago on 10/27). He said thank you for being a Dish Network customer and we hope you return soon (I likely won't for at least 9 months while I'm getting a great deal from my NO CONTRACT cable provider). PQ is on par with Dish. Very happy so far. And I get my Fox regional!

I wouldn't feel bad. Time and again I have seen people jump ship to another programmer only to find "the grass on the other side was not as green as thought"-I subscribe to a idea which is dying - LOYALITY

That's sweet - but the truth is that no corporation has loyalty to anyone. They spend billions on advertising to try and push your instinctual buttons of loyalty to family and friends, but when you need something from them, all you get is "sorry, but that is our policy".
I noticed there is still no deal rumor about MSG, which is the reason I now have both Dish and DirecTV at my home.

Dish has far more problems with losing 19 RSNs and FX and NatGeo, then losing one RSN.

In fact, they can now tell MSG - "we will give you the same amount we are giving Fox Sports, and no more":

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