It seems that the Fox-Cablevision dispute may actually end up helping Dish with its Dish-Cablevision dispute over MSG. Fox pointed out the hypocrisy of Cablevision asked for arbitration with Fox while Cablevision refused to accept arbitration with Dish.
But late in the day Tuesday, Cablevision issued a statement agreeing to submit to arbitration in the Dish case, making the company's position consistent in both disputes and, executives said, undermining the News Corporation charges of hypocrisy.
In making the concession to accept arbitration in a deal to sell programming to Dish, MSG seemed to be taking a stand that could potentially cost the company money because it would most likely receive fees considerably lower that it could achieve by withholding its programming to pressure Dish.
Cablevision-News Corp. Fight Intensifies -
But late in the day Tuesday, Cablevision issued a statement agreeing to submit to arbitration in the Dish case, making the company's position consistent in both disputes and, executives said, undermining the News Corporation charges of hypocrisy.
In making the concession to accept arbitration in a deal to sell programming to Dish, MSG seemed to be taking a stand that could potentially cost the company money because it would most likely receive fees considerably lower that it could achieve by withholding its programming to pressure Dish.
Cablevision-News Corp. Fight Intensifies -