offer from dish...this is better!!!!

I received the e-mail too, but have a few questions for the experts here:

1. Is this offer valid for all former Voom customers, or only those who never had Dish before? (I left 4-5 years ago when the receiver died, and they wanted too much to replace it.)

2. I already have the 18" legacy dish I used with Voom pointed at 61.5, so would the $100 second dish fee still apply? Also two of my locals are on 61.5.

3. Can you get the 942 for the $250 extra mentioned elsewhere?

4. I only have one coax running out to the dish, so is it possible to use a separator and appropriate DP LNBs and switch to feed both 942 tuners?
how are local hd programs received with Dish? Via an included OTA tuner or via satellite?
West Coast Vooming

I live in California and I was able to get Voom. Also I used to have Dish Network HD when if first came out on 61.5 and was able to point a dish to it. It was hard but I had a good line of sight. It looked like it was pointing down. However I switched to 148 once they mirrored their HD there. I will be adding dish again and will be installing my own Dish on the Voom mast, I have like three extra original dishes before Dish 500 came out.
So. Cal Dish Owner - just got can be done =)

Hi all - when I heard the news on Thursday, I immediately called and scheduled an appointment to have my second (local/148) dish repointed to 61.5. It just got installed a few hours ago. Now, I lost my CBS-W HD but gained CBS-E HD which is even better IMHO and now also have access to the 10 or so Voom stations after calling Dish and asking them to add the $5 Voom upgrade to my existing $9.95 HD Pak.

They called and "qualified" me by asking if I had a HD recvr, the new smart card (yellow), etc. but once I was off the phone, I was watching Ant and Aardvark cartoons on Animania within moments.

Hey Ant! :)

I just got the same deal from Dish as you Voomers even though I never subscribed to Voom!! I'm also a E* returning customer. Gonna sell my HDTivo. I just upgraded to more HD, a faster DVR, $13 a month less on my bill and I'll put back about $700 in my pocket after selling my old D* equipment and paying the $250 to E*. The only drawbacks are the loss of one ota tuner, a second dish on my roof, and 5 hours less of HD recording time.

Way to go dish!
Don't let the CSRs fool you...

I called to switch over and was told that because I was on the West Coast (San Francisco) I could not get the VOOM channels until they switch to the new satellite. However, I checked on the net and due to my location (up on a hill with clear LOS south and east) I can see 61.5. I called again, got transferred, and the new CSR comfirmed I could get them, if I was willing to lose a few of my local channels.
So away we go!
Now hurry up with the rest of the VOOM lineup, E*!! My wife wants her HD soccer. :D
I ordered the VOOM channels over the weekend BEFORE this
"Special offer" came out.

I just called to be sure I had this "PROMO CODE" deal and it cost
my Friday (5-6-05) Installation!

I have been put back to 5-13-05.

[I could not get the VOOM channels until they switch to the new satellite.

Oooooohh, I find this very interesting--until they switch to the new satellite, per the CSR? Well, then, everyone who is paying $100 for the extra dish because they don't get locals on the 61.5, may not need it once "they swtich to the new satellite"????

Is this "new satellite" at 148 or the one at 119?
bookwalk said:
[I could not get the VOOM channels until they switch to the new satellite.

Oooooohh, I find this very interesting--until they switch to the new satellite, per the CSR? Well, then, everyone who is paying $100 for the extra dish because they don't get locals on the 61.5, may not need it once "they swtich to the new satellite"????

Is this "new satellite" at 148 or the one at 119?
The "new satellite" will be whatever E* puts at 61.5 when and if Rainbow-1 moves to 110.
Why doesn't their "everything" package give you the HD stuff. I guess I don't have a full understanding of what everything means...

I'm still going to hold off... It looks like I would have to spend $400 up front to get everything I want right now... (DVR $250, $50 order over the phone, and $100 for second dish)
What determines if they install a DISH 500 or Superdish? If I remember correctly, the CSR said superdish plus the extra for 61.5. But I saw in another thread that someone got 2 DISH 500's. I am confused. As you former VOOM people aren't too bright. lol
SuperDish vs. Dish 500

The SuperDish has the Dual LNB for 110/119 and it also has either a 105 FSS LNB or the 121 FSS LNB, depending upon which SuperDish you get (yes, they are different models because the of the FSS LNB). The Dish 500 is essentialy the same thing, except there is no position for the FSS LNB (105 or 121 Sat). You will still need a Dish 300 for the 61.5 sat (Voom channels and some locals for now). There is talk of Dish moving the Voom channels to the FSS Satelites (105 or 121, or maybe both [mirrored]), then you would only need the "SuperDish"

However, don't hold your breath. For now, you need a 2nd dish to get the Voom 10 (yeah, 10 for now...)

Hope this helps explain things a bit better for you.

mitch672 said:
The SuperDish has the Dual LNB for 110/119 and it also has either a 105 FSS LNB or the 121 FSS LNB, depending upon which SuperDish you get (yes, they are different models because the of the FSS LNB). The Dish 500 is essentialy the same thing, except there is no position for the FSS LNB (105 or 121 Sat). You will still need a Dish 300 for the 61.5 sat (Voom channels and some locals for now). There is talk of Dish moving the Voom channels to the FSS Satelites (105 or 121, or maybe both [mirrored]), then you would only need the "SuperDish"

However, don't hold your breath. For now, you need a 2nd dish to get the Voom 10 (yeah, 10 for now...)

Hope this helps explain things a bit better for you.


Thanks. I understand the difference in the two systems but what I don't understand is what determines if you need one looking at 2 satellites or 3? This is a separate issue from the 61.5 300 dish.
gutter said:
Thanks. I understand the difference in the two systems but what I don't understand is what determines if you need one looking at 2 satellites or 3? This is a separate issue from the 61.5 300 dish.
If you have subscribed to E*'s locals (now available in 157? markets) some of those markets are served via 105 or 121. If your market is on one of those satellites you will need a SuperDish to get your local stations via satellite. If you don't subscribe to locals or your market's locals are not on 105 or 121 you do not need a SuperDish. (You need a Dish500 if you don't need a SuperDish, if you want the most channels possible of your subscription.)

How does the reception of locals through the Dish satellite system compare to OTA's with an outdoor antenna. Does Dish compress them a lot??