I have read posts by several experts at AVS in the industry that say they simply could not detect any no audible difference between the master and the DD+ 5.1 track. Apparently the professional reviewers must feel the same. Or are you saying that all of the reviewers are HD DVD shills?Yeah. When HD-DVD (or should I play your game and start calling it HD-DUD?) makes a major release without HD audio, suddenly HD audio doesn't matter. Good ole DD 5.1 is good enough. What's next, HD video doesn't matter, either?
Are Dolby and DTS fools for introducing higher definition audio formats when nobody cares or can tell the difference? I don't think so. I suspect they have invested their millions based on good business plans.
HD-DVD has always been about "good enough" and it's limitations are beginning to show. Early adopters care about quality, not cheap. And maybe that's why Blu-ray outsells HD DVD around 2 to 1. And does HD DVD have even that much market share anywhere else in the world?
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