* Note - Do Not Call For Mpeg4 UNTIL FEB 1ST*

Please reply by conversation.
My experience has been that the 942 suffers from more overmodulation/mulitpath interference than the 811. I had to get a variable attentuator set up in the antenna feed path in order for the 942 to get several Chicago stations (I'm located only 7mi from downtown, but near the lake and lots of big condo/apartment buildings, which probably compounded the multipath interference--although neither my V* receiver, by Sony HDTV's ATSC tuner, nor my D-VHS deck's ATSC tuner had any probs whatsoever.)

I sure hope this is fixed in the new hardware, esp the 622.
called dish wanting to upgrade to an 811, csr really pushed hard for me to wait until feb 1 and upgrade to the 211. i insisted i wanted to upgrade to the 811 from the 6000. She took my order for 49.00 and informed me i will be getting the 211 (which is what i was really hoping would happen) i also talked to a supervisor who noted on my account that i will be eligible for the 622 on feb 1 as i just wanted the 811 now and since they are sending the 211 it will not count as one of the 1 per year mpeg4 receivers. I am happy. pajer
Cool. Neat way of getting around the system. I guess they really don't want any more Mpeg2 receivers being activated (at least direct sales from their end..... it's a fire sale at independent dealers right now as they try to dump them before the marketing blitz hits on 2/1)
That is about the same thing I did. But, I also insisted I was not going to take a 811... Told them I already had 2 of them. Called back to comferm the deal and they said a 211 was on the way..
BobMurdoch said:
Cool. Neat way of getting around the system. I guess they really don't want any more Mpeg2 receivers being activated (at least direct sales from their end..... it's a fire sale at independent dealers right now as they try to dump them before the marketing blitz hits on 2/1)

Haven't seen any "fire sale" prices anywhere! I was hoping there would be...I could use a cheap SD DVR!!!!!!!!!!!!
pajer said:
called dish wanting to upgrade to an 811, csr really pushed hard for me to wait until feb 1 and upgrade to the 211. i insisted i wanted to upgrade to the 811 from the 6000. She took my order for 49.00 and informed me i will be getting the 211 (which is what i was really hoping would happen) i also talked to a supervisor who noted on my account that i will be eligible for the 622 on feb 1 as i just wanted the 811 now and since they are sending the 211 it will not count as one of the 1 per year mpeg4 receivers. I am happy. pajer

I have a 6000 unit too and want to know more about the $49 cost for an upgrade. Is this upgrade cost available to anyone with a 6000? Thanks.
visiter555 said:
Haven't seen any "fire sale" prices anywhere! I was hoping there would be...I could use a cheap SD DVR!!!!!!!!!!!!

The price collapse is coming for the Mpeg2 HD receivers right now. They haven't announced their SD receiver migration plans yet, but I'm guessing that will still be a ways out since 80-90% of their installed base is in those machines....
goaliebob99 said:
Heres my problem with the whole deal..

I allready have a dish 1000 and 61.5...
My locals lauch in Feb in MPG4 hd....

Will I beable to get a 622 when my locals launch.

I will be highly pissed if I cant get it then...

2nd.. because im not needing any installation and am allready installed.. do i have to pay anything for a simple reciver swapout.

I shouldnt have to wait for a 200 dollar credit for the swapout.. all it should amount to is sending me the reciver and I send my old one back. What do you guys think.. How much more simple can it get..

Well that would be just peachy, the thing is, the retailers can swing that. I did it with a 311 when I signed up. Got the $50 credit back without paying anything up front. So I actually made $50 by getting dish through the retailer i bought. If you go through Dish Network, they are horribly picky about it being "professionally installed" so they don't have any screw ups on the DHPP. That's ludicrous in my opinion but apparantly that's life. I just wish it was possible to go back to the original retailers for upgrades. That way, they could probably swing things better. Dish Network doesn't know that they retailers installers aren't actually installing the product so they make more money when they don't have to pay an installer to go out. One big catch22 on the existing customer upgrades I'm afraid.
DJ Rob said:
I see a bunch of posts with people saying in the next few months the older HD receivers won't work or will be worthless.
I'm confused about this...I thought Charlie said last night that they are NOT taking anything away (as for programming for the older HD receivers), and that the older HD receivers will always be able to recieve what they are able to now.
And that the ONLY reason to get a new Mpeg4 receiver is to pick up the new channels going forward...Am I wrong?
And if I am, why did Charlie say the old ones would work for the channels they get now? Is there going to be another Charlie Chat in the fall announcing the total changeover? There was nothing said about a total changover to Mpeg4 last night.

I thought I also saw somewhere that only the new channels would be MPEG4 and everything else would still work with the old receivers. I'm also in the boat where I got my 942 in November. I'm not too happy about being in a new 18 mo commitment and then being charged again to upgrade already. I pay them the extra $$ every month for HD service - not including HD locals. Apparently that subscription fee doesn't account for much. What are they going to do - change receivers every time they launch a new HD channel group??
Okay, dumb question. Why roll out MPEG4 on 2/1 but not have the receivers available for another month? I also wanna know why they didn't give me the option of the Vip622 when I subscribed in November. That would have made more sense...
Wow - I thought I was the only one who had to jack around with the OTA antenna on my 942. I moved the whole receiver yesterday and voila! I now get Fox as long as the antenna's pointed 60 deg in one direction - and I get CBS if it's 45 deg in the other direction. No matter what I do, tho I don't get NBC. I'm in Houston, so there are probably all kinds of things between me and the signals, though. <sigh>
hello, I am new to to this site and I have dish network, I have the 811 and was looking to upgrade, in short, what is it that you are recommending that a person should do! Thanks!
pjgnall said:
hello, I am new to to this site and I have dish network, I have the 811 and was looking to upgrade, in short, what is it that you are recommending that a person should do! Thanks!

Wait one week and check out the threads here.....:)
"...Why roll out MPEG4 on 2/1 but not have the receivers available for another month? I also wanna know why they didn't give me the option of the Vip622 when I subscribed in November...."

VIP211 receivers, which receive MPEG-4, are shipping now, several folks have them already. November? Maybe because they did not go into production until December?
navychop said:
"...Why roll out MPEG4 on 2/1 but not have the receivers available for another month? I also wanna know why they didn't give me the option of the Vip622 when I subscribed in November...."

VIP211 receivers, which receive MPEG-4, are shipping now, several folks have them already. November? Maybe because they did not go into production until December?

I expect they were in production before December.
Just got off the phone with a tech person, and, they reported that they just got something stating not to send out any HD type recievers until Febrary 1st. Even the 811s cannot be acquired right now. I tried to swindle one out of the company, but, no luck. Everything according to the tech person is on lock down. I wonder how this would effect new installs over the next week??
For some reason I got a feeling that Dish is rethinking this MPEG4 roll out. They are probably shocked at the number of calls asking for the new receivers and since they don't have enough to go around they might just release these new HD channels to all current MPEG2 receivers. Then upgrade to MPEG4 receivers only the markets that are launching HD Locals. Just a hunch but it's the logical way of doing it.
RandallA said:
For some reason I got a feeling that Dish is rethinking this MPEG4 roll out. They are probably shocked at the number of calls asking for the new receivers and since they don't have enough to go around they might just release these new HD channels to all current MPEG2 receivers. Then upgrade to MPEG4 receivers only the markets that are launching HD Locals. Just a hunch but it's the logical way of doing it.

Logical? You do know that we are talking about Dish here? ;) :D
In my call to the Executive Offices this is what I was told.

"New customers will get MPEG-4 first. After that lease customers will be served. And then the rest of the subscribers."

They indicated it would take most of the year to do this so I wasn't given a schedule but only priorities. So the logic of this is ..... if I cancel DISH and come back as a new customer I stand a better chance of getting MPEG-4 in February???
Please reply by conversation.

Vip222 vs Vip221

More Issues (811 guide data, looks like a kiddie hack)
