No Ordinary Family


Unashamed Bengal Fan
Original poster
Sep 7, 2003
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
This show was flying under the radar for me. I didn't even know it was coming up until I saw it listed yesterday and I almost overlooked it as another prime time soap. But when I read the description, I had to give it a go.

This series is about a family that develops "super powers". Think of it as "The Incredibles" but with less humor and more family dysfunction.

The pilot spent way, way WAY too much time dealing with the dysfunctionality of the family. I almost gave up half way through the show after the mandatory teenage girl rant about how dysfunctional the family is while the parents are doing everything they can. Essentially they spent way too much time on the set-up and by the time there was a pay-off, I really didn't care.

I want to like this series. I would love to see this series work itself out, but the way this was shot (dark, muted colors and slow pace) will make it difficult to take. This is a live action comic book. This series needs bright primary colors and a plot that moves. Maybe this will happen as the major story arc begins to develop, but I hope I still care by the time this happens. And if I do care, I hope the show is still on the air for more than three weeks.

Only time will tell.

Is it just me, or is this season just loaded with CRAP?
Okay, the whining, dyfunctional family thing sucked. I want both kids gone.
The script was weak, and acting worse.

The only real bright spot was Stephen Collins as the bad guy mastermind (he's the only actor in the show that can act). The last 5 minutes were probably the only real good part of the show. If next weeks episode is as bad, then it's bye bye for the timer.
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Damn. I have this one recorded and was hoping to hear good things. I wonder if my nine year old boy would like it? There's not too much on network TV for kids nowadays...
This is not as family friendly as advertised.
Definitely not, especially when the daughter says "I'm going to die before I do it" and then gets home to find out about her friend sleeping with her boyfriend. Not to mention the obscenities shouted by the kids.

I wouldn't let my young kids watch it.
Derwin0 said:
Definitely not, especially when the daughter says "I'm going to die before I do it" and then gets home to find out about her friend sleeping with her boyfriend. Not to mention the obscenities shouted by the kids.

I wouldn't let my young kids watch it.

That was he
It is the type of sappy show I would think they would run on ABC Family, but it got "spiced up" with mature content to move to ABC. I did not see any worth to the show after watching the pilot. I saw the pilot a while ago via Disney and did not even bother to watch it again when the show was recorded, I just deleted it. I decided to just wait until next week to evaluate if I actually will like the show or not.
That was he

Sorry , I didn't finish my point. I had to fast forward it a few times including when they both were in bed. Everything they showed that I couldn't let my kids see didn't have to be in the show. It added nothing to the story. It just shows how nobody can seem to come up with original lines or ideas. My friend at work said it best. "It's a shame the family survived the plane crash"
I totally agree on not letting the kids watch. I thought this would be one of the very few shows that my 8 year old daughter could watch with me. Boy did I regret that. The only thing the daughter talked about the entire show was sleeping with some boy from school. That stuff did nothing for the advancement of the show. I've really thought about emailing the network about this crap.
This is really bizarre.

I keep telling my self to let it go, but I keep tuning in as well.

It's on at the same time as NCIS, so I have decided to kinda watch it and then watch the NCIS's recorded.
It's on at the same time as NCIS, so I have decided to kinda watch it and then watch the NCIS's recorded.
My wife won't let me do that. She loves NCIS (granted so do I). So we start watching it when she and the daughter get back from girl scouts around 8:30. Almost live, but we can skip commercials.

No Ordinary Family falls into the "when we get around to watching it" category.
We watch it, but if it gets canceled it will be no big loss. They really need to get going somewhere with the plot.
No Ordinary Family falls into the "when we get around to watching it" category.
We watch it, but if it gets canceled it will be no big loss. They really need to get going somewhere with the plot.

I agree, if I miss it, I'm not worried about it.
It was probably happenstance that I even started watching it.
I to watch NCIS and LA, so I'm not sure what got me to look at it in the first place.
While it's not the greatest show ever, it is actually a good show for my family.

I'm utterly bewildered by the "hatred"... the show isn't consequential enough to be hated, imho. :confused:
The first episode was way too driven by sex talk; but it has calmed down a bit. But the show itself just isn't very good. Its ok, but the only reason I haven't deleted it, is that my son seems to still like it. It appeals to the 13 year old, but not me. I basically watch it while doing other stuff, just to make sure it isn't inappropriate. So far, it hasn't been.
Never liked this show and I Did try to watch a couple of episodes. The premise just seemed stupid to me. A real life version of The Incredibles.

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