"No info on all channels"


I am an engineer and my company specializes in Video/Audio (especially DVD creation) and have been working with satellites and receivers for over 15 years now.

I am a perfectionist. So I will be able to tell the SD and HD quality of Voom by itself and compared to my Dish 6000.


Sean Mota said:
Thanks for that information Bill. Are you an installer or work for Voom? I saw that my trip counter was at zero this morning and it was not until reboot that it started a count. now it is at 17.
Videofx said:

I am an engineer and my company specializes in Video/Audio (especially DVD creation) and have been working with satellites and receivers for over 15 years now.

I am a perfectionist. So I will be able to tell the SD and HD quality of Voom by itself and compared to my Dish 6000.


Great! When is your install? Will be interested to read your report.
Videofx said:

I am an engineer and my company specializes in Video/Audio (especially DVD creation) and have been working with satellites and receivers for over 15 years now.

I am a perfectionist. So I will be able to tell the SD and HD quality of Voom by itself and compared to my Dish 6000.


I'll be very interested in your remarks after your install!
When is m install?

Well you wont have long to wait for my report as my install is tomorrow between 12-5pm and have confirmed with my installers that they will be here. So look for my report sometime tomorrow evening. :D


Sean Mota said:
Great! When is your install? Will be interested to read your report.
There are differences, but I'm not exactly sure what. Hold your power button for about 6 or 8 seconds until it reboots.
rebooting with the front button, nothing
pulling the power, nothing

now im trying the report back

edit: it keeps retrying, then waiting to retry. :(
edit2: now it says started - still nothing :/
edit3: said No Answer for a sec.. still trying to report back. 0 trip count
obba said:
rebooting with the front button, nothing
pulling the power, nothing

now im trying the report back

edit: it keeps retrying, then waiting to retry. :(
edit2: now it says started - still nothing :/
edit3: said No Answer for a sec.. still trying to report back. 0 trip count

After rebooting, you have to wait 10-20 minutes. I just did mine and I got them all.
obba said:
rebooting with the front button, nothing
pulling the power, nothing

Give it a few minutes. Mine didn't show-up for a few minutes.

My entire guide is back...I triple checked this time. :yes

Sean Mota said:
After rebooting, you have to wait 10-20 minutes. I just did mine and I got them all.
:cool: waiting now :D

trip count showed 2, but i exited out of the trip count screen. Should i still be there, or just have it on a channel?