There are apparently some footprint changes going on. I have ordered a 76 cm dish to see what happens here in Nashville. However on the old 20 inch dish I am now seeing a few more transponders even from last week. Two weeks ago I saw nothing apart from Transponders 2 and 3. Since last week transponders 1, 5, 11, 15, 19, 23, and 30 are also visible. I also note that the transponders I saw last week have gone up approx 3-4 percentage points.
Here are my latest readings
TP01 42% (new this week)
TP03 94%
TP04 48%
TP05 42% (new this week)
TP08 50%
TP09 46%
TP11 41% (new this week)
TP12 49%
TP13 45%
TP14 40% (new but not a solid lock)
TP15 41% (new this week)
TP16 48%
TP17 46%
TP19 41% (new this week)
TP20 48%
TP21 46%
TP23 41% (new this week)
TP24 47%
TP25 44%
TP28 48%
TP29 44%
TP30 37% (new but not a solid lock)
TP32 48%
Yesterday we had heavy rain in the morning and I lost 82 completely but 91 remained solid. In the afternoon we had showers and quite overcast skies and I could see 82 again.