NFLHD Quality This Week?

The game looked fine to me did not have any issue's. There were a couple times the picture did not looks as clear but it was easy to see that was on their end. Overall I thought the PQ was good.
This is the first game I watched on NFLHD and it looked pretty darn good to me! I didn't see any of the "moving grass" others have reported. The only blockiness I saw was in the dark of the Steelers' uniforms during high motion frames, and even then I needed to be close to see that. I watched on a 40" Sony LCD with 1080i capability. The 622 is also set for that resolution, tho' I have no idea what was broadcast.

The fact that the Steelers won and Parker set the team single game rushing record helped make it a great overall experience for me...!
So what did you do during the "3 minute" warning? I celebrated this first time momentous event by emailing the NFL Network and asking them aren't they embarrassed enough yet by Gumbel? Heck, listening to their own NFL channel on Sirius they are ripping him to shreds.

Oh, and I thought the picture looked good, I could tell it was snowing out.
Yeah, I caught that one too! LOL! I too am underwhelmed by Gumbel. But I think he's better in the sportscaster chair where he seems to stay off politics, at least I didn't hear anything. Colinsworth has always impressed me. Since the color guy often does more talking than the play guy it isn't as bad as it could be!

Was that real snow? I'm still relatively new to all this digital stuff. Having watched poor OTA signals for 20+ years before I got Dish, I got used to seeing "snow" in every picture...!
The picture was ok but nothing that made you say wow. Dish Network does do a sh!tty job with the signal. It looked much better on StarChoice. As others have stated Gumbel needs to go. I watched the game on mute and listened to Sirius.
What are they thinking tonight on NFL network? Everyone cant stand Gumble and now they bring out Vermeil who can barely talk. I have nothing against Vermeil, hes a local guy, but why allow someone who is sick go on? I guess they figure not many people are watching. I love hearing a sick guy in 5.1:rolleyes:
The picture was great the last two games. Couldn't stand Gumbel on Today, can't stand him here, so we really don't watch.
I'm so spoiled by CBS, that I really think the PQ sucks on NFLN. Being I'm in New Orleans and using a 622, we don't get nbc hd, only fox and cbs, so I can't compare it to nbc until next year when they should finally be back up after the hurricane, but those far out shots leave alot to be desired in my book. Also, they need to stop flipping the switch when they go to commercials. Let it run and get some HD commercials on. Plus, they need to put HD cams on the guys for the halftime show. Gumbel definitely stinks. They need to use their nights for flex scheduling too, those games have stunk. The dallas/atlanta games was ok, but most are snooze fests.
I hate that they go back to SD so quick. ESPN has figured out how to keep an HD signal, the jump back sucks, and they don't always come back in time. New HD network only gets a little slack. They have tons of cash to get it right.

622 pricing change...up or down??

Additional HD channels in Puerto Rico
