NFLHD Quality This Week?

Reducing it reduced pixellation for me.

I spent a few hours playing with settings on my box one Saturday.

I had several recordings on my VIP and when I ran across a section of that vid that was pixellated, I changed to output resolution between 720p and 1080i. Back and forth. To my eyes in the several tests I did, changing to 720p did indeed reduce the amount of pixellation. It didn't cure it, but it reduced it. I can only attribute that to the receiver trying to take a sh*t signal and trying to turn it either into Gold or Platinum. The gold was better looking than the promised platinum.

I'm assuming you have a 720p display. If that is this case, then your discovery that the Vip622 set to 720p looks better on your TV says that the 622 does a better job converting 1080i (NFL HD) to 720p than your TV does. And that is definitely possible. If you have a CRT or 1080p set than I can't explain it, other than maybe all of the extra conversions (1080i to 720p back to 1080i or 1080p) are doing other things to the picture, such as losing detail, that the pixilation blends together and doesn't look as bad.

And you're right, when it comes to a bad signal, you can't polish a turd! Now back to watching more HD Lite
I am not sure what the native res of the TV is but it is capable of both 720p and 1080i and the TV recognizes the res of the input signal and sets it's own appropriately. (ie. when it is getting 720p from the VIP the TV switches to 720p mode. Same for 1080i)
Right, it will accept all types of signals but they all get converted to the native resolution for display. Fro mthe sounds of it you have tried both and the 720p output from the 622 works best so go with that.
It is a Hitachi 51" CRT rear projection. It does not have a built in tuner. The OTA is through the 622. The TV has absolutely no problem decoding the signal from the OTA tuners in the 622. The pixellation comes only from the satellite tuners in the 622.
Your TV is a 1080i display, therefore all HD channels are converted to this for display. So if you set your 622 to 720p and you are watching NFL HD (1080i), the signal is converted from 1080i to 720p and back to 1080i. For this reason you are probaly better off with the 622 set to 1080i. Also, most HD channels are 1080i, so in this case no conversions are required by your 622 or TV. For those channels broadcast in 720p, it is just a matter of which does a better job converthing the signal to 1080i, your TV or the 622. I have a 57" CRT and leave mine set to 1080i.

As for only seeing pixilation on the Dish tuners, I doubt it is a tuner issue. It is more of a Dish channel issue vs OTA. More often than not, your OTA signals will be the best quality channels. But this does depend on multi-casting and sub channels used by your local affiliate. And the amount of pixilation will vary depending on channel, content shown and the badnwidth alotted for that channel.

If you have Dish locals in addition to your OTA locals you can compare those channels. All Dish locals are HD-Lite. While the differences are slight, I can see a difference between OTA and Dish locals, OTA is better.

Hope all of this makes sense.

No back on topic I guess, we'll see how the PQ looks this Thursday.
Yes I do realize that it is not a tuner issue. It is a bandwidth issue of dish versus OTA. I know that and have said such.

I just started answering your questions because you were asking them LOL.

As for the TV, it does not upconvert the 720p to 1080i. At least I guess it doesn't.

When the VIP is set for 720p, the TV displays it in 720p. When I switch the VIP to 1080i, the screen on the TV flickers and it comes back in at a setting of 1080i. The indicator of what resolution is set is coming from the overlay on the TV screen. My TV reports which input is being used and what the resolution is whenever there is a change. But it may just actually be in 1080i mode and merely reporting what the resolution of the incoming signal is. But I doubt that because of the flicker before the mode change.
This week will be my first opportunity to watch NFLHD live action and my (once) beloved Stillers (local pronunciation) are the driving reason. Hope it looks good! I'm blowing-off several other priorities to watch this game in real time! A few cans of the Golden Elixir might make the viewing a bit easier. Hope I don't forget whose set I'm watching and start throwing the cans when BB throws another one up for grabs...!
Yes I do realize that it is not a tuner issue. It is a bandwidth issue of dish versus OTA. I know that and have said such.

I just started answering your questions because you were asking them LOL.

As for the TV, it does not upconvert the 720p to 1080i. At least I guess it doesn't.

When the VIP is set for 720p, the TV displays it in 720p. When I switch the VIP to 1080i, the screen on the TV flickers and it comes back in at a setting of 1080i. The indicator of what resolution is set is coming from the overlay on the TV screen. My TV reports which input is being used and what the resolution is whenever there is a change. But it may just actually be in 1080i mode and merely reporting what the resolution of the incoming signal is. But I doubt that because of the flicker before the mode change.

Without the model number of your TV I cannot say for sure, but very few CRT RPTVs can disaplay 720p. Mine for instance downconverts to 480p, some do 540p.
Browns/Steelers game this week looks pretty much the same as last week on E*. Great picture when nothing is moving, tons of pixilation on any hint of movement. And wow is the sound bad once again.
I must be getting softer on PQ issue. It looks OK. Not great, but nothing like the disaster of their first effort this season. I think some of the problems are due to the temperature, the cold air has a blurry/ water like effect on some of the shots.
I caught the game in the 2nd half and thought it looked great. It was better than any game I've seen on NBC, and much better than last week's NFL Network game. I peaked on 129 and haven't had any problems, although the signal strength is lower than the strength of 119 and 110.

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