Keep egging one on ...As usual, run away when you can't back up your point. Even this comment - total hyperbole. 'Slightly over half the games' ... might want to check that math again (or better yet, stop making statements not based in fact / you have no intention of standing behind).
Complaining about the price of Sunday Ticket 18 weeks into the season.
If you want to go and do the math, didn't know I needed to be exact for anything I talk about.
There was a time where you could have friendly conversation with one another here, you didn't get critiqued for every post one may make.
Opinion still IS a thing.
You and a few others must the the ones in charge of going out and making sure that everything on here is up to your satisfaction.
I am NOT complaining about the ST for This season, I'm looking what has happened and what I think is happening in the future, just like the rest of you.
I am So Sorry, I don't meet Your Standards ...
It is becoming very Trying to have an actual conversation with others around here ...
I guess I'll have to start having Personal Chats so I am not beat up by those far better than I am.