Except they want to get away from installer work, not create more work for them. If they broke out the cost of the locals on people's bills and they could see how much they'd save they'd have incentive to put up an antenna themselves, or pay someone to do it if they were going to be around for a while. The $15/month I pay for locals on Mediacom would be $360 if I was with Directv and had a two year commitment. That would more than pay for a high end outdoor antenna and for someone to come install it on my roof.
People who can pick up their locals with an indoor antenna are the easy cream to skim, that's who they're going to target the LCC at. If people with more difficult reception want to do it that's fine, but they aren't going to want to be responsible for that - it is quite possible to set up an antenna that works perfectly when it is installed and then stops working once the trees get leaves. Or in certain weather conditions like thermal inversions. They don't want to be responsible for that.
Compared to OTA reception, satellite reception is super simple - just aim the dish and other than rain or trees growing in the way it will work forever. OTA reception has a lot more variables.