newbe to fta

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Ok then, Yes you are right iam addicted and my wife is fthvgnhynfndrhc hj, well lets leave it at that lol.
I found the add or delete for the satellites, now the tp is is set you can go to diffrent tp i dont know if you can prog in aney tp my book dont show it,
well i moved my dish last night and now iam back to good signal and i did do what i was told by getting a active tp but the only way that i could do that is by doing a blind scan
and i tryed going to 79w freq 11901 H 2170 sr 3/4, could not get to the 11901 its allredy prog in eather higher or lower and i cant type it in just not there,
Well i got up today and started in on it lol got in to galaxy 17, 91W and every thang i have a good signal (99) on i have atleast 60 to 70 Quality and its all locked, so must move on to biger better birds. ill hang around like a bad cold the one you cant get rid of lol. wel 1239 am time to go to bed. lol toss and turn
Well i found out something about my 3x4 multi switch to day yep if its got a hole in it its no good lol and when it rains its just as bad as hooking up the +pos to the -neg so got to order one aney one can tell me what one to get.
the one i have has bean in the house for a long time its a Zinwell sam-3402 3x4 multi switch 40-2150 MHz S/N 64522278. thx 9.jpg
I use Zinwells and they work really well (and mine dont have any holes in them ;) ) and one has been out in the Minnesota winter for 2 1/2 years now
Zinwells and Ecodas both have excellent reputations. I have personally not used them, but have rarely if ever read a negative comment for them. I have been using Chieta 4x1 DiSEqC switches and had fair luck with them. I had one batch where almost all failed, but the remainder have since performed well for me.

Ok thank you all next (Q) what site can i go to to find one ? just ancered that one myself thx .
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Ok guys i got my switch and set it all up and now ian here to say i got my first bird today and now i have a few (Q) dont know how to ask it, can you get more then one sat on a fixed sat dish with only 1 lnbf becouse i have seveal sat with signal of 90 an quality of 96 but only 4ch on all msnbc sat are this (Echostar 8x 110w / AMC15 105w / AMC4 101e / Galaxy 4R 99w / Galaxy 3C 95w / Galaxy 11 91w and Indelsat am8 89w and thay are all the same ch i get on all of then and thay are in black and white nothing rong with the tv set, o my dish is faceing south also someone tell me what up lol. thanks.
Ok guys i got my switch and set it all up and now ian here to say i got my first bird today and now i have a few (Q) dont know how to ask it, can you get more then one sat on a fixed sat dish with only 1 lnbf becouse i have seveal sat with signal of 90 an quality of 96 but only 4ch on all msnbc sat are this (Echostar 8x 110w / AMC15 105w / AMC4 101e / Galaxy 4R 99w / Galaxy 3C 95w / Galaxy 11 91w and Indelsat am8 89w and thay are all the same ch i get on all of then and thay are in black and white nothing rong with the tv set, o my dish is faceing south also someone tell me what up lol. thanks.


Unless you are motorizing the dish, then the rule is 1 LNBF = 1 SAT.

If you are using a fixed point dish (no motor) and the dish reflector is not a higher quality design (and especially if it is not well aligned) you can get bleedover from adjacent satellites. This means than some channels from the neighboring sat come in when scanning the intended sat. This is not a good thing as the bleedover channels generally have low signal quality and the reception is weak. Besides that, it kinda makes a mess of your channel listing.

If you are motorizing the dish, then you want a well designed (tight-focus dish) and aim it extremely well. Then you can pan the whole horizon with the motor and pick up most all the sats across the sky with just one LNBF. You won't get ALL the sats with just one LNBF type as some satellites require a specific design for the LNBF. Some Ku sats broadcast with a lower frequency, so a UNIVERSAL LNBF is required. But, if you stick with a STANDARD 10.750 GHz linear LNBF, you will get the majority of sats using just that one LNBF. Just remember that this is applicable to a motorized dish.

On a single, fixed point dish with one LNBF, you should only get ONE sat. This is what you desire. Some folks add a second and sometimes a third LNBF to one dish so that they can pick up extra sats on one dish, but this takes some experimentation and design to set the LNBFs on a mount properly.

Ok thank you radar and pop I kinda thought that thats the way it is one lnbf to one satellite and that is way i am getting a black and white pitcher its just bleeover, so iam getting close.
No its a fixed dish no motor yet and only 1 lnbf for now.
All of the sat that i have good s/q i am getting by doing a blind scan iam not moveing the dish and 1 lnbf so it all bleedover and they all give me the same ch on all so now the q i have is if i hit the right bird my pitcher shood change to color and i should not get aney bleedover right becuse i am hitting the right bird, well guys i appreciate all the help and iam on my way to play with my dish some more and ill tell you what i come up with later thanks.
If you're getting black and white, your receiver is set to output PAL instead of NTSC; or you've got the wrong output on your receiver plugged into the wrong input on your TV (what input and output are you using?); or something is broken inside your receiver causing the color to not be mixed into the output. Poor signal from the satellite will NOT cause a black and white picture on a digital channel.

The reason you're getting channels on more than one satellite is because, unless you're using a motor, the receiver DOESN'T CARE what satellite it's pointed at. It'll scan whatever is attached to its input and put the name of the satellite you selected on it.

If you're getting 4 channels and all of them are NBC news, you may be on AMC-6 at 72 degrees West. If the dish is aiming south, are you around 72 degrees longitude?
Ok then ill check my plugs iam useing the plugins that the book told me to but you know the mind is not alwes the best lol but ill check them out when my son can help me .
Ok thats a lot of helpful info u just gave me no i got to read it over and over to get it put in the right sell lol ,
i thank iam understanding better now thanks for the help, ill be back to get some more info later worked on the dish most of the day so iam going to sleep on all of the info i just read and try to make heads or tails of it lol thanks.
Good morning All and happy memorial day,
Well i found Intalsat am7 128.9w tufftv and rtv, wow iam geting there not much to say, but i do have a (Q) on that bird is there only 2 ch the tufftv and rtv or am i missing something?
Is there c/band on that bird also, O theres NBC news test there too thats all i cood get from it, dont yell to loud still learning here lol thanks all,

Good morning All and happy memorial day,
Well i found Intalsat am7 128.9w tufftv and rtv, wow iam geting there not much to say, but i do have a (Q) on that bird is there only 2 ch the tufftv and rtv or am i missing something?
Is there c/band on that bird also, O theres NBC news test there too thats all i cood get from it, dont yell to loud still learning here lol thanks all,

You are on 83W AMC9 if you're getting only RTV, TUFF and the NBC news test channel.
Hi larobpra i have not had my com for a cuple of weeks just got it back and checking my posts and replys ,
so you are saying iam looking at 83w amc9 so iam i not reading my dish setup right its telling me that iam looking at Intalsat am7 128.0 w. is my settings on my rec off or maybe prog rong iam lost i just know what its telling me lol and still learning also lol.
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Has SCETV Left 63W Early?

Help Please with ID for small mesh dish and feedhorn

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