New Wireless Joey Info!!!

Judging by all the equipment they've made in the past it seems they like to leave themselves open to future options.
If this is anything like my current HD wireless transmitter it will run VERY hot. If that is the case then it is very important that the unit stand alone and upright. I can tell when my wireless unit gets too hot, it starts to freeze up like it has signal loss.
I can hear it now.. Get to a customers house for a wj install, and "that's not what I want, they told me they were wireless. I don't want to see any wires running up to my TV"

This is a bit bigger than a regular Joey too. It's a different shape.
And maybe I just haven't read enough yet, but on the wap, why would you ever leave that switch set to client?
My guess is that at one time they were thinking of being able to use a 2nd one as a client, so you can connect a standard Joey, or some other wired network device, without having to run cables across the house.

But, they obviously nixed any ideas like that, with only one WAP being allowed per account. (Probably as an anti-stacking measure.)