New Upgrade Prices for Hopper w/ Sling

Hey everyone.....Long time no see.

So let me get this straight. If I qualify for the free upgrade then my Fees will go down?

I currently have a 922 and a 722k and paying 27 dollars in fees.

HWS is $12 and a Joey is $7.

Is my math correct? I really appreciate it.
Everyone talking how great the new Hoppers are. If you upgraded like me (2 of them) and have an optical connection to your receiver, you won't be very happy with the sound cutting out all the time. I regret it. Surround Sound is very important to me. Don't look like any fixes any time soon. Should of kept my old ones. 2 more years.
Same here - was led to believe latest update would fix it, now I have the problem on both HWS & the Joey, too. Joey just started. Been having audio issues for more than 9 months, way too long!
Both Loyalty and Dirt can't qualify some of us for the HWS for free. Seems to be something with our accounts although some of us pay our bills on time, have passed our promo period but still under contract. Not sure if it depends on the amount of extra goodies you've already got from Dish during the past year but a very impatient loyalty supervisor was alluding that equipment upgrade was like a cell phone upgrade plan on one of the major cell phone companies and I can't upgrade for free as yet. He also pretended that he knew of no one getting free upgrades to HWS as it was a well sought after equipment and Satellite Guys Forum is no authority on Dish, so can't speak for the company (seems he had a chip on his shoulder for this forum).

This whole experience of trying to upgrade my defective Hopper to a HWS instead of changing it out to another Hopper 2000 (which would definitely leave me ineligible for a free upgrade to a HWS for at least in the near future, according to a Dish rep), have left me feeling that Dish doesn't care about my business like some of their other subscribers, which purely from a profit point of view I can understand, but it has now lead me to consider other services that are constantly courting me for my business or just cut the cord, when I was willingly open to commit to Dish for 2 more years in exchange for the upgrade. However, as a subscriber of Dish for only 17 months I've enjoyed Dish's surge into all these technical features and their constant improving of these features and it has helped prevented me from being a Cord Cutter although my bill keeps going up each month.

I think subscribers like myself just want an explanation as to why we cannot participate in this current promotion while others qualify. I know exactly the upgrade rules of my cell phone company, I think we just want to know Dish's rules to this upgrade game. It's kind of crazy whenever Dish runs a promotion for its current subscribers, we have to play the "it just depends on who you get in Loyalty, the time of month you call, etc, etc, Game". While those who qualify from these promos are left happy, it does leave a slight feel of "2nd class subscriber" when you don't qualify, without even an explanation as to why and a pretence by Customer Service and Loyalty that the promo doesn't exist. Maybe we on this great forum suffers from TMI?

Kudos to Zach in Dirt for trying and Scott for running thus awesome forum. Both members help to negate the ill effects from this somewhat minor experience.
Both Loyalty and Dirt can't qualify some of us for the HWS for free. Seems to be something with our accounts although some of us pay our bills on time, have passed our promo period but still under contract. Not sure if it depends on the amount of extra goodies you've already got from Dish during the past year but a very impatient loyalty supervisor was alluding that equipment upgrade was like a cell phone upgrade plan on one of the major cell phone companies and I can't upgrade for free as yet. He also pretended that he knew of no one getting free upgrades to HWS as it was a well sought after equipment and Satellite Guys Forum is no authority on Dish, so can't speak for the company (seems he had a chip on his shoulder for this forum). This whole experience of trying to upgrade my defective Hopper to a HWS instead of changing it out to another Hopper 2000 (which would definitely leave me ineligible for a free upgrade to a HWS for at least in the near future, according to a Dish rep), have left me feeling that Dish doesn't care about my business like some of their other subscribers, which purely from a profit point of view I can understand, but it has now lead me to consider other services that are constantly courting me for my business or just cut the cord, when I was willingly open to commit to Dish for 2 more years in exchange for the upgrade. However, as a subscriber of Dish for only 17 months I've enjoyed Dish's surge into all these technical features and their constant improving of these features and it has helped prevented me from being a Cord Cutter although my bill keeps going up each month. I think subscribers like myself just want an explanation as to why we cannot participate in this current promotion while others qualify. I know exactly the upgrade rules of my cell phone company, I think we just want to know Dish's rules to this upgrade game. It's kind of crazy whenever Dish runs a promotion for its current subscribers, we have to play the "it just depends on who you get in Loyalty, the time of month you call, etc, etc, Game". While those who qualify from these promos are left happy, it does leave a slight feel of "2nd class subscriber" when you don't qualify, without even an explanation as to why and a pretence by Customer Service and Loyalty that the promo doesn't exist. Maybe we on this great forum suffers from TMI? Kudos to Zach in Dirt for trying and Scott for running thus awesome forum. Both members help to negate the ill effects from this somewhat minor experience.

Keep trying to play Csr roulette with dish loyalty until you get a rep who will give you a free hopper. Freebies does have a bit to do with what you qualify for but if you have auto pay and are in a higher package they take that into consideration. Tell them your hopper is defective and you want the hopper with sling. For now though if you have surround sound I'd wait because they are having issues with sound using the optical cables.
Hey everyone.....Long time no see.

So let me get this straight. If I qualify for the free upgrade then my Fees will go down?

I currently have a 922 and a 722k and paying 27 dollars in fees.

HWS is $12 and a Joey is $7.

Is my math correct? I really appreciate it.

Plus the $10 DVR fee
Both Loyalty and Dirt can't qualify some of us for the HWS for free. Seems to be something with our accounts although some of us pay our bills on time, have passed our promo period but still under contract. Not sure if it depends on the amount of extra goodies you've already got from Dish during the past year but a very impatient loyalty supervisor was alluding that equipment upgrade was like a cell phone upgrade plan on one of the major cell phone companies and I can't upgrade for free as yet. He also pretended that he knew of no one getting free upgrades to HWS as it was a well sought after equipment and Satellite Guys Forum is no authority on Dish, so can't speak for the company (seems he had a chip on his shoulder for this forum).

This whole experience of trying to upgrade my defective Hopper to a HWS instead of changing it out to another Hopper 2000 (which would definitely leave me ineligible for a free upgrade to a HWS for at least in the near future, according to a Dish rep), have left me feeling that Dish doesn't care about my business like some of their other subscribers, which purely from a profit point of view I can understand, but it has now lead me to consider other services that are constantly courting me for my business or just cut the cord, when I was willingly open to commit to Dish for 2 more years in exchange for the upgrade. However, as a subscriber of Dish for only 17 months I've enjoyed Dish's surge into all these technical features and their constant improving of these features and it has helped prevented me from being a Cord Cutter although my bill keeps going up each month.

I think subscribers like myself just want an explanation as to why we cannot participate in this current promotion while others qualify. I know exactly the upgrade rules of my cell phone company, I think we just want to know Dish's rules to this upgrade game. It's kind of crazy whenever Dish runs a promotion for its current subscribers, we have to play the "it just depends on who you get in Loyalty, the time of month you call, etc, etc, Game". While those who qualify from these promos are left happy, it does leave a slight feel of "2nd class subscriber" when you don't qualify, without even an explanation as to why and a pretence by Customer Service and Loyalty that the promo doesn't exist. Maybe we on this great forum suffers from TMI?

Kudos to Zach in Dirt for trying and Scott for running thus awesome forum. Both members help to negate the ill effects from this somewhat minor experience.

Just like with any other business the more you call them and become a PITA the less valuable you are to them and the less you get in preferential treatment and offers.
No. The $12 for HWS is the DVR fee.

1 HWS + 1 Joey = $19 TOTAL in DVR/Equipment fees.

That's right, sorry. I was looking at my bill with 2 hoppers and 4 joeys and the grandfathered second Hopper fee, and confused myself. :)
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Hey everyone.....Long time no see.

So let me get this straight. If I qualify for the free upgrade then my Fees will go down?

I currently have a 922 and a 722k and paying 27 dollars in fees.

HWS is $12 and a Joey is $7.

Is my math correct? I really appreciate it.

How many TVs are you connected to? If you go from what you have now to a Hopper and Joey you will actually lose a tuner.
Both Loyalty and Dirt can't qualify some of us for the HWS for free. Seems to be something with our accounts although some of us pay our bills on time, have passed our promo period but still under contract. Not sure if it depends on the amount of extra goodies you've already got from Dish during the past year but a very impatient loyalty supervisor was alluding that equipment upgrade was like a cell phone upgrade plan on one of the major cell phone companies and I can't upgrade for free as yet. He also pretended that he knew of no one getting free upgrades to HWS as it was a well sought after equipment and Satellite Guys Forum is no authority on Dish, so can't speak for the company (seems he had a chip on his shoulder for this forum).

This whole experience of trying to upgrade my defective Hopper to a HWS instead of changing it out to another Hopper 2000 (which would definitely leave me ineligible for a free upgrade to a HWS for at least in the near future, according to a Dish rep), have left me feeling that Dish doesn't care about my business like some of their other subscribers, which purely from a profit point of view I can understand, but it has now lead me to consider other services that are constantly courting me for my business or just cut the cord, when I was willingly open to commit to Dish for 2 more years in exchange for the upgrade. However, as a subscriber of Dish for only 17 months I've enjoyed Dish's surge into all these technical features and their constant improving of these features and it has helped prevented me from being a Cord Cutter although my bill keeps going up each month.

I think subscribers like myself just want an explanation as to why we cannot participate in this current promotion while others qualify. I know exactly the upgrade rules of my cell phone company, I think we just want to know Dish's rules to this upgrade game. It's kind of crazy whenever Dish runs a promotion for its current subscribers, we have to play the "it just depends on who you get in Loyalty, the time of month you call, etc, etc, Game". While those who qualify from these promos are left happy, it does leave a slight feel of "2nd class subscriber" when you don't qualify, without even an explanation as to why and a pretence by Customer Service and Loyalty that the promo doesn't exist. Maybe we on this great forum suffers from TMI?

Kudos to Zach in Dirt for trying and Scott for running thus awesome forum. Both members help to negate the ill effects from this somewhat minor experience.

I'm not sure anyone can actually give you an exact reason as to why you do not qualify. Apparently their formula for determining how a customer qualifies is very complex. All they can say is that you do not qualify according to their system. You can always wait a while until Dish re qualifies their customer base.
I didn't read through all the posts in this thread but I thought I would call dish and check on an upgrade from my hopper with external sling to the new hopper and I was told it was $100. Are there any promotions or anything to get this waved?
Two Hoppers w/ Sling shipped to me in two days. One installed and taking >20 hrs to transfer the EHD content. After the transfer, the H2K is getting offloaded to the EHD for transfer to the second Hopper w/ Sling. Oh, for esata capability...

I was told there'd be a $15 transaction fee and I didn't care to pursue it for le$$.
Lightning zapped my 922 last week so I called to get it replaced. They told me I could upgrade to a hopper and joey at no charge with a 2 year agreement. They installed them yesterday and I'm a happy camper. They said my bill would go up 2$ a month. Not too shabby.
Your EHD is married to your account not the receiver.... You can move it around within the account, even among several receivers. Say you have a Hopper and a Hopper with Sling. You can move that EHD between them just by plugging it in to either one of them.

Correct. I moved my EHD from a 722K to a Hopper with no problem. I can even swap it between Hoppers (physically, not via network).
I thought a Hopper + Joey cost a whole lot more than $2 extra/mo over a single 922...

I'm assuming he had another receiver with that 922. Hopper with Joey is $12 + $7 = $19 and a 922 with 211 is $10 + $7 = $17 for a $2 increase. If he didn't then his bill should have gone up $9.

Just a thought on what to do with my 211k

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