So I picked up a new to me antenna a few weeks ago and have been using it since then. I am considering a new mounting location as I have been having reception issues. During dismounting and testing I realized that maybe the balun was in the wrong spot but am not sure.
The issues I have been having are as follows: Antenna picks up great signal strength under RF channel 40. Anything above it (depending on balun connection) it is squirrely on. By this mean inconsistent stream and signal strength from the same toweras the channels under 40.
With the balun on the top of the dipole I gets strong rf channel 40-50 reception but the quality is so noisy that is hard for my tv tuners and HDHR to lock on.
With the balun in the middle of the dipole, it locks on but to the channels but has low signal per my HDHR. 45-50% middle vs 75-80% top of dipole.
My tvfool report is
Just not sure what is the correct spot for the balun. Any thoughts?
The issues I have been having are as follows: Antenna picks up great signal strength under RF channel 40. Anything above it (depending on balun connection) it is squirrely on. By this mean inconsistent stream and signal strength from the same toweras the channels under 40.
With the balun on the top of the dipole I gets strong rf channel 40-50 reception but the quality is so noisy that is hard for my tv tuners and HDHR to lock on.
With the balun in the middle of the dipole, it locks on but to the channels but has low signal per my HDHR. 45-50% middle vs 75-80% top of dipole.
My tvfool report is
Just not sure what is the correct spot for the balun. Any thoughts?
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