Hello Borisov-54, to answer your questions as best I can:
I applied the dish heater to the dish face, as per following the manufactures directions from Hotshot Company. This dish heater has in no way at all affected the signal strength or quality of picture or sound, the dish heater was designed to not affect the dish signals in any way at all. The dish heater was designed to keep any snow and frost off the dish face in the winter time, so no signal strength or quality would be affected either way. To place the heater on the opposite side of the dish would make it unusable, when snow and ice build up on it on the other side where signals are received. You pointed to the small round item on the dish heater, this is the electronic thermostat used to turn the heater on in cold weather. This has no effect on the dish signal, as the satellite signals are being received quite a ways up further on top.
The second photo, you pointed with an arrow to the small black piece of plastic, which serves as the protective piece on the end of the square metal piece that the dish reflector attaches to. The round pipe mount did cave in as I was bolting down the motor mount as tightly as I could to prevent any movement from the wind, storms, etc. The entire assembly does not move at all, so therefore, requires no additional plastic pipe or plastic covering over the top for any reason, as it is bolted as solidly as it will go; without stripping the bolts or nuts. I have tested the motor extensively during the install over a period of several weeks, I have run into no problems at all with the function of the dish motor, the cable, or receiving satellite signals. If any problems do surface in the future, I will fix it at that time, but I do not anticipate any problems with anything at this time. I did use a small wooden shim to install into the round clamp that attaches to the additional support mount. I had to resort to this, because the round clamp was too large for the existing roof mount pole, and did not want to unassemble the entire thing again to fix it correctly. I already unassembled the entire thing a few times before, and did not wish to press my luck any further with another complete unassemble. As far as I am concerned at this time, there is nothing further to correct or fix, everything is already working correctly as it should as it was designed to do. I am currently enjoying the fruits of my hard labor in the heat and sun, and do not intend to venture back out to the roof anytime soon; which my wife greatly appreciates.
I applied the dish heater to the dish face, as per following the manufactures directions from Hotshot Company. This dish heater has in no way at all affected the signal strength or quality of picture or sound, the dish heater was designed to not affect the dish signals in any way at all. The dish heater was designed to keep any snow and frost off the dish face in the winter time, so no signal strength or quality would be affected either way. To place the heater on the opposite side of the dish would make it unusable, when snow and ice build up on it on the other side where signals are received. You pointed to the small round item on the dish heater, this is the electronic thermostat used to turn the heater on in cold weather. This has no effect on the dish signal, as the satellite signals are being received quite a ways up further on top.
The second photo, you pointed with an arrow to the small black piece of plastic, which serves as the protective piece on the end of the square metal piece that the dish reflector attaches to. The round pipe mount did cave in as I was bolting down the motor mount as tightly as I could to prevent any movement from the wind, storms, etc. The entire assembly does not move at all, so therefore, requires no additional plastic pipe or plastic covering over the top for any reason, as it is bolted as solidly as it will go; without stripping the bolts or nuts. I have tested the motor extensively during the install over a period of several weeks, I have run into no problems at all with the function of the dish motor, the cable, or receiving satellite signals. If any problems do surface in the future, I will fix it at that time, but I do not anticipate any problems with anything at this time. I did use a small wooden shim to install into the round clamp that attaches to the additional support mount. I had to resort to this, because the round clamp was too large for the existing roof mount pole, and did not want to unassemble the entire thing again to fix it correctly. I already unassembled the entire thing a few times before, and did not wish to press my luck any further with another complete unassemble. As far as I am concerned at this time, there is nothing further to correct or fix, everything is already working correctly as it should as it was designed to do. I am currently enjoying the fruits of my hard labor in the heat and sun, and do not intend to venture back out to the roof anytime soon; which my wife greatly appreciates.