New to C-Band

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I've seen it listed as free on other sites also. Is there a reliable site to check?
Um, there might be a slight problem

Just tuned the big (well 6 footer) dish to G11 and get a couple free channels (paid program type stuff) and Bloomberg...when I go to 802 I get

GMC and the dreaded "please contact your provider to subscribe"

so it doesn't look like its free
OK, so here is my opinion? I took a look, and with my 920 that I use with subscriptions, I'm getting it. The Authorization Status = U. With my 922, that is not being used with any subscriptions. I'm not getting it, the screen is showing "This Channel Is Not Available". The Authorization Status = MP. I think, this is one of those channels, that if you subscribe to something, you get it Free. If you don't subscribe to anything, you won't get it. My Opinion!

OK, so here is my opinion? I took a look, and with my 920 that I use with subscriptions, I'm getting it. The Authorization Status = U. With my 922, that is not being used with any subscriptions. I'm not getting it, the screen is showing "This Channel Is Not Available". The Authorization Status = MP. I think, this is one of those channels, that if you subscribe to something, you get it Free. If you don't subscribe to anything, you won't get it. My Opinion!


good point Al. Never thought of that. And since the 905 isnt subbed to anything I only get the true FTA channels (not the "subscribe to something and we throw it in for free"( :D
I am brand new to C-Band. If fact I am currently researching to buy a C/KU Band system. I know nothing about the subject and as excited as I am to get FTA signals I am scared to death that I am going to get something I don't know how to use and that I will be unhappy with it's performance. I guess one question I have is: Will I get a picture that I will be happy with?


Yes , you can get good quality picture .

Will you receive channels that you are interested in watching ?

Go to

North & South America - LyngSat

And click on some of the sats & see what channels are available . And see if you would watch them .

Thanks for everything ;) but I'm still wondering if I can put this dish on my property. Anyone have some adivice regarding LOS? My original question was
------I'm very close to getting a system to my home. I'm not sure where to put it. I have searched the forums but does anyone know of a quick and dirty way that I can at least approximate if I have an adequate spot on my land to pick up c-band satellites?----- :) ;)
Another question. Are dishes made of differant material? The gentleman I spoke with about taking his dish said his was made of fiberglass? He seemed a bit unsure though. Is fiberglass OK? What is good material?
you can use the dish with either receiver. it you buy the fortec dvb receiver you will get alot of free channels on c band. there are around 5 cw stations, the ion network which has three different time zones, a few fox stations as well as abc and nbc stations, also on the same sat as ion network, amc 1, there is a channel called qubo, my little boy loves that channel. all in all around 300 or so free c band channels on the digital side, with alot of them being wild feeds, which is most satellite fans favorite thing to view. the thing is you wont get hbo and the movie channels with a digital receiver or dvb. for that you will need the 4dtv, the 4dtv will let you order the premium channels by phone and you can get them one by one instead of a whole package. but the 4dtv receiever only gets a few channels of wild feeds on the digicipher 2 side, however the 4dtv also can get analog too, which is almost all feeds and is free! there are somewhere around 100 channels of analog up,80 or so wild feeds!
assuming you have never seen a feed, you cant help but to love them. one thing to do is use a compass and make sure before you put up the dish that you can get the sats from 87 degrees west to 103 deg west for these are where the feeds are. the subscription channels are out farther 121 deg west to 139 deg west. i have a line of site which gets me 65 deg to 139 deg west. the sat amc 6 which is at 72 deg west has a cool nasa channel on analog and on the digital side dvb is 4 nasa feed channels. these are pretty cool channels! if you buy a 4dtv and a dvb receiver like the fortec you will be able to get all three formats of programming. i myself still have a couple months left on my dish net contract. after that is out i will get a 4dtv. i hope you have fun! i have had my setup for three months and am loving it!
Thanks for the info. So I need a compass. One that measures latitiute and longitute I assume. So I would stand in a place I think may be a good spot hold the compsas and look for 87 degrees latitude. correct?
there is a great website called geosat where you put in your zip code and it will tell you what exact compass reading you will need for each satellite, and it will also tell you the elevation you need too. if you get a dish in your area from someone it will most likely already be set correctly elevation wise. just find your due south satellite which is the satellite closest to your latitude,which the site geosat will show you when you input your zip code. then once you find that sat you adjust yr height on the dish to its very best signal and set the sat on the receiver. then drive the dish to its farthest east sat and save it,and the farthest west sat and save it. once you find these sats go just a few degrees past them and store these areas as your east and west limits so you will never drag the dish to far to the sides. if you go too far to the east or west you will hear a big clank and probably have to get another dish, so make sure you set those limits because that clank is a terrible noise to the ears
If you'll put in your zip code, this web site will give you a nice PDF list of where all the satellites are in the sky .

For info on programming on Ku, these sites give additional info:
FTA List
Global CM
For even more info on Ku and C band birds, select from the lists given on this Global page.

I think a little reading and research on some of the fundamentals of satellite technology on our FAQ pages would go a long way to making you feel more comfortable with your decisions.

Oh, and there are about four pages here you really need to read and understand.
Some of the best info on the basics, I've seen anywhere.

Welcome aboard and best of luck.
voomvoom Help me

I have called 3 differant satellite providers (Big dish) and none carry Gospel Music Channel. voomvoom what do you subcribe to? I think i need to call them.
What Voomvomm means is if you subscribe to SOMETHING (not GMC) its added on. On X4 (G4 KU side at 99) if you sub to something they "throw in" American Life maybe thats how it works.
I think if you pick the cheapest package or item (if they will let you get only one channel, A la Carte) and it would need to be a Digicipher2 channel and not a Videocipher2 channel. Then you would get the Gospel Music Channel as a Free channel. At least I think that's all you have to do?
I have the Absolute Digital Pack at NPS and it doesn't list the GMC as one of it's channels. I also have the Movie Lover's Pack at NPS and it doesn't list the GMC either. But, I get this channel ITC....
If you go the A la Carte route, I think you would do better with Programming Center. I think with them you can maybe get one channel. Call them and ask? And call the others as well?


And yes, Iceberg that's what I mean....
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To compound matters this is what I found out from talking directly to a GMC representative. She said GMC is not available on cband FTA or subscription! Anyone getting GMC is getting a wild feed is what she said. GMC did not think it was worthwhile to them to be available through cband packages so they are not - according to her. That doesn't make sense though because if it's a wild feed why didn't iceberg get it?
She could be doing her job and basically telling you, they are not Program Providers, they are Programmers. And their Programming is not available to you or anyone else FTA or otherwise.
And what she is not telling you, is they have Contracts and she can't confirm or acknowledge or encourage you or anyone else about their Programming.
But, who knows, she may just not be aware of what's going on or whats available. Sounds kind of like she may be a CSR (Customer Service Representative) and they never know anything, and probably never will?

No she was in the know. She was not customer service, customer service sent me to her when I asked for someone who had technical information on the satellite feed of the GMC. I called NPS and they said they don't carry the channel. if you get it as a free one with a package that doen't make sense with what they are saying.
Please reply by conversation.

I Am Confused!!

"Knock down" dish?

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