aww i didn't mean to hurt u. lets shake hands. ok lets not..i dont know what u do after u write ur posts...
ZeitGeist said:...
The truth is - all that you touch and all that you see, all you taste, feel, love have, even all that you distrust or all you save, everything you give, deal, buy, beg, borrow, or steal, all you create, all you destroy, all that you do, say, eat, meet, slight, fight, all that is now, and all that is gone and all that's to come, and everything under the sun is in tune but the sun is eclipsed by the microstutter. ...
adtoolco said:Zeity Baby your the man. So you think you can set me up with your wifes younger sister?
babyj said:aww i didn't mean to hurt u. lets shake hands. ok lets not..i dont know what u do after u write ur posts...
Seawaves said:Z!
What happened to I'd rather Moov than read?
andrzej said:Zeit,
you really like Dark Side of the Moon, don't you?
ZeitGeist said:Your the one that just got back from doing whatever you were doing with your life partner - I'm the one who ought to be scared about what's on your hands. But it's all cool Baby, just want to make sure we aren't going off in the wrong direction.
I'd rather watch Moov than read a book,
Seawaves said:Well at least it didn't take him five hours...
Hey Ziggy-what's da matter wif you? Out of steam wordmeister? Did the high of Vooming with your acolites wear off? Don't let us down, Dave or I'll be forced to read a book.
deeann said:Does a bird rest in mid-flight before continuing on it's path? Does a drop of rain hover still in the air before splashing to the ground? Sent through space are 29.97 links in each one second chain created to fool the brain into believing that what is the eyes are seeing is 'real'. Should one or more of these fail, movement through time is replaced by a snapshot of stasis until the next link is found and the journey may resume. While the reality of motion is halted when eyes close, the illusion of motion can be stopped with eyes open. And though the effect can be subtle, the microstutter exists...
ZeitGeist said:You got your freak on baby and I love it. Your the ying to my yang or the yang to my ying but whatever it is you make my weird ass forum posting heart go ring-a-ding-ding. You got my mind on the stutter and the stutter on my mind but the thing that's growing between us ain't got nothing to do with the micro kind. With your tech-fu style and zen-like feel, we could be the next meadow soprano and jackie aprile
Seawaves said:Dee,
You are gving Ziggy some cheating thoughts.....I hop ehis eight kids don't mind. Ah hell, who am i to say? You two are soul mates and I'll admit it. Go, run for that warm sandy beach with the clear ocean. Cheat, be wrong, love.
babyj said:na me and him are cool. haha. i just happen to enjoy doing other things than writing long posts.
fo shizzle my nizzle...we tyte for dizzle.
So what happens when you break the rules of that culture? Do they see it as isolated weirdness or amusing entertainment or undecipherable jibberish? Does the community get mad because it disrupts the rules? Do they find it novel, lose interest, then ignore it as it doesn't meet their goal driven content needs? Or does a subculture get created?
After three or four days of doing it I don't have my final answer but I do think I'm see where it's all going. In the meantime, I'm enjoying the more purpose driven writing excercise portions immensely and enjoying interacting with those that interact. To me, it's more entertaining than television for the last several days.