New Theory About Microstutters...and Shocking News About Voom Guy Number 3's Father

ZeitGeist said:
The truth is - all that you touch and all that you see, all you taste, feel, love have, even all that you distrust or all you save, everything you give, deal, buy, beg, borrow, or steal, all you create, all you destroy, all that you do, say, eat, meet, slight, fight, all that is now, and all that is gone and all that's to come, and everything under the sun is in tune but the sun is eclipsed by the microstutter. ...

you really like Dark Side of the Moon, don't you?
adtoolco said:
Zeity Baby your the man. So you think you can set me up with your wifes younger sister?


No, Adtoolco, your da Man. Let the words flow out and fill the forums with your truth. Don't let the other Man, the Man Man, push you down.

now, as to wives and younger sisters - the fictional younger sister is all mine but one of the actual younger sisters is single and looking for a man. She is 45, never been married, history of excessively violent emotional outburst, bankrupted a family business, chronic degenerative cervical discs throughout the back, defaulted on several credit payments and now working through a credit counseling agency to pay of a mountain of debt that grows only larger as she continues to need expensive health care for the back, she smokes and drinks excessively, chats on AOL endlessly, very overweight, and into D&S sex so much that she refers to herself as being in the "lifestyle" and believes that she will only find true happiness with a Dom partner in a 24/7 D&S relationship.

There ain't nothing in the world I'd rather do than pimp her out to some guy who would take her away from Dallas but me and you are tight now, Adtoolco, so I can't do that to you.

I would rather watch Moov than read a book,
babyj said:
aww i didn't mean to hurt u. lets shake hands. ok lets not..i dont know what u do after u write ur posts...

Your the one that just got back from doing whatever you were doing with your life partner - I'm the one who ought to be scared about what's on your hands. But it's all cool Baby, just want to make sure we aren't going off in the wrong direction.

I'd rather watch Moov than read a book,
Seawaves said:

What happened to I'd rather Moov than read?

yeah, i kinda broke character there for a sec but I was worried that me and the BabyJBaby were heading down the wrong road and I didn't want that to happen. It's kinda hard to do that eye contact, slight head nod, smile, arms sticking out and hands palm down with slight push down motion that says "It's cool" gesture in text form.

I'd rather watch Moov than read a book,
andrzej said:
you really like Dark Side of the Moon, don't you?

What is this Dark Side of the Moon of which you speak. I'm not familiar with it. Is it some secret little code, a saucerful full of secrets, to confuse me? Make the meaning plain, don't let it be obscured with clouds or hidden behind the wall like more pieces from ancient relics. You might as well yell made up words like Ummagumma or a made up phrase like atom heart mother while a collection of great dance songs play in the background. Or is this just your way to meddle with me? To come into the room and say, "She's got a nice pair" and then just leave to go out and play with the animals and leave me to wish you were here. How I wish, how I wish you were here. All in all, I guess it's all just breaks in a wall.

Oh, Andrzej, we are just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl year after year. We keep going over the same old ground but all we have found are the same fears. I really wish you were here. Nobody knows where you are, Andrzej, how near or how far but one of these days I'll be joining you there and we'll bask in the shadow of yesterday's triumph and sail on the steel breeze. Shine on you crazy diamond.

watching for pigs on the wing,
Amazing! (Post #1) Much better than the arguing and flaming threads.

Great thread indeed... best I've read yet!

DSOTM... my favorite!
ZeitGeist said:
Your the one that just got back from doing whatever you were doing with your life partner - I'm the one who ought to be scared about what's on your hands. But it's all cool Baby, just want to make sure we aren't going off in the wrong direction.

I'd rather watch Moov than read a book,


Well at least it didn't take him five hours...

Hey Ziggy-what's da matter wif you? Out of steam wordmeister? Did the high of Vooming with your acolites wear off? Don't let us down, Dave or I'll be forced to read a book.
Seawaves said:
Well at least it didn't take him five hours...

Hey Ziggy-what's da matter wif you? Out of steam wordmeister? Did the high of Vooming with your acolites wear off? Don't let us down, Dave or I'll be forced to read a book.

Well, you do have to sleep occassionally. It's either that or hallucinations. But I'm recharging batteries as we speak...well, as I type. So we will see what a new day brings.

I would rather watch Moov than read,
Does a bird rest in mid-flight before continuing on it's path? Does a drop of rain hover still in the air before splashing to the ground? Sent through space are 29.97 links in each one second chain created to fool the brain into believing that what is the eyes are seeing is 'real'. Should one or more of these fail, movement through time is replaced by a snapshot of stasis until the next link is found and the journey may resume. While the reality of motion is halted when eyes close, the illusion of reality can be stopped with eyes open. And though the effect can be subtle, the microstutter exists...

This thread doesn't exist without support from you the satelliteguys Voom forum reading public so if you want more psychotically induced theories, random acts of textual idiocy, Pink Floyd album titles and song lyrics cobbled together into a less strange than you would imagine post, or even if you just like plain meaningless, off the wall, random textual acts that are silly step up and post. I'm having fun with it and hopefully your having fun with it so lets go all the way so that we can claim to have the weirdest, coolest thread in the history of Audio/Visual Internet Forum discussion groups. Just think what a badge of honor and great distinction that would be for all of us, huh?

OK, look, forget about the badge of honor thing and the great distinction thing. I got a little carried away there but think about this where else but here at the good 'ol Voom forum are you gonna get not only educated about Voom goodness but entertained with the healing power of laughter. You gonna see this kind of thread on the AVS Forum. I think not. Ken H would have changed the thread's title, moved the thread and then closed it down in one fell swoop before the first post was even half finished since it couldn't be confirmed with his sources at Voom. Do you think or or or or or or would have a thread like this. No Way! Those humorless geeky F's are talking about satellite slot positions and transponder power and geosynchronous orbits. What about the Home Theater Spot - what do you think they talk about over there, huh? They are trying to figure out how to get into the super-secret engineering debugging menu of a Mitsubishi RPTV widescreen with a 78 keycode combination more complicated than the NORAD nuclear weapon launch sequence and requires more dexterity than getting Johnny Cage's uppercut decapitation for three heads move (F-F-D-U-D+LP+BL+LK and you have to be close) on Mortal Kombat II for the Sega Genesis.

I'm not saying that all of us aren't interested in some of these things but after you've read the 58th when is Voom getting INHD or the 789,987,674 post about how my satellite/cable company is screwing me up because they didn't get me installed in time or don't have the channel I want, or the installer wasn't groomed nicely or the CSR said I could have the service free and with all the soda I could drink but then they charged me or it's set-top box produces microstutters or WorldSport needs less world sports and more american sports you have two choices. The First choice is you can get up and go do something else you would normally do in your regular everyday normal life which I like to call the "Easy wimpy please your wife, kids, parents, co-workers, boss, and the rest of society normal sane way to behave".

Then there is the second choice. You go straight and true and fast right into that sky, right into the very arms of that ol' demon in the sky. You go up into the sky, Jacob reborn, and wrestle that 'ol demon 'till he lets you push that outside edge of the envelope out just a little bit farther than last time, let's you push it out and bring it back before you push too far and too fast and buy the farm. And when your back down on the ground, you and your best buddy Jack Ridley have a steak dinner, with all the fixings, on the house at Pancho's Happy Bottoms Riding Club and Pancho herself, cursing the pudknockers and hot shots, sets 'em up for you and all the boys. You toast all the brave posters, their pictures covering every inch of wall space of that 'ol shack, who the demon didn't let come back, all the posters that bought the farm and then you drink down that straight hard shot of Kentucky whiskey, liquid fire that burns through the body and cleanses the soul, and everyone watches you while trying to look like the aren't 'cause they know have it and they hope being close to you makes it rub of on them. Later, you go out into the desert, the moon filling the sky, it feels good to be alive and you howl at that moon with all the boys and the boys, even your best buddy Ridley, are all happy and drunk and laughing as they head off into the night but you stay right there and just stare up at that big 'ol bright moon that covers the desert sky and you know that 'ol demon is still out there. He's out there waiting for you, waiting for you to fly straight and true and fast into his arms and wrestle in the sky. You know your going to wrestle that 'ol demon again, that you have to go up there again to test yourself, to push back that outer edge of that 'ol envelope and bring it back before you buy the farm. You have to go just one more time and wrestle that demon in the sky and push back the outer edge of the envelope one more time and prove that you have it, prove to everyone that you have it, but mostly to prove to yourself that you have it, that you have the right stuff.

That's my way. That's the Chuck Yea..I mean the Zeitgeist way.

watching for pigs on the wing,
deeann said:
Does a bird rest in mid-flight before continuing on it's path? Does a drop of rain hover still in the air before splashing to the ground? Sent through space are 29.97 links in each one second chain created to fool the brain into believing that what is the eyes are seeing is 'real'. Should one or more of these fail, movement through time is replaced by a snapshot of stasis until the next link is found and the journey may resume. While the reality of motion is halted when eyes close, the illusion of motion can be stopped with eyes open. And though the effect can be subtle, the microstutter exists...


You got your freak on baby and I love it. Your the ying to my yang or the yang to my ying but whatever it is you make my weird ass forum posting heart go ring-a-ding-ding. You got my mind on the stutter and the stutter on my mind but the thing that's growing between us ain't got nothing to do with the micro kind. With your tech-fu style and zen-like feel, we could be the next meadow soprano and jackie aprile

well, at least before they killed him off

and how do you spell "Aprile" anyway?

watching for pigs on the wing,
na me and him are cool. haha. i just happen to enjoy doing other things than writing long posts.

fo shizzle my nizzle...we tyte for dizzle.
ZeitGeist said:
You got your freak on baby and I love it. Your the ying to my yang or the yang to my ying but whatever it is you make my weird ass forum posting heart go ring-a-ding-ding. You got my mind on the stutter and the stutter on my mind but the thing that's growing between us ain't got nothing to do with the micro kind. With your tech-fu style and zen-like feel, we could be the next meadow soprano and jackie aprile

Experience has shown that the true yang to my ying or the ying to my yang is one who thinks in words only, which contrasts yet complements my own thinking manifested in pictures and numbers. The positive and negative charge. The coffee to the klonopin. A meeting of like minds- while an intriguing side trip off the multi-lane structured ribbons that define the path of sociality- ultimately end up both attracting and pushing away, like small magnetic Scotty dogs placed in close proximity. And even when the conversation is of interest at some point the on-ramp must be found and entered and the course resumed to to keep the balance.

You are gving Ziggy some cheating thoughts.....I hop ehis eight kids don't mind. Ah hell, who am i to say? You two are soul mates and I'll admit it. Go, run for that warm sandy beach with the clear ocean. Cheat, be wrong, love.

Hey Ziggy, a frigging carriage return you ole beat meister- who knew ya had in ya!

Jackie, FYI was a drug addict.
Seawaves said:

You are gving Ziggy some cheating thoughts.....I hop ehis eight kids don't mind. Ah hell, who am i to say? You two are soul mates and I'll admit it. Go, run for that warm sandy beach with the clear ocean. Cheat, be wrong, love.

Re-read the above and the underlying message located within the text will be revealed, and that a conversational segue must remain only that...

babyj said:
na me and him are cool. haha. i just happen to enjoy doing other things than writing long posts.

fo shizzle my nizzle...we tyte for dizzle.

You are money baby. You are so money and you don't even know it. I know all the beautiful babies luv ya.

I like doing other things too but I'll grant ya I'm a little overly obsessed with this experiment/writing excercise/weirdness thing I'm doing here. There is a kernal of seriousness hiding underneath all of it although I think if I intellectualized it and tried to explain it even the people that find any entertainment in these posts would not care because they don't care, wouldn't care since basically they come here for utilitarian purposes and they are purpose driven people that have a specific purpose and happened to stumble on to my posts but have other things on their to-do list to accomplish and understanding the ulterior motives of some weird post writer guy isn't on the list or if they had a slight curiosity would listen and then say, "Geez, your doing all of this for that stupid reason. It wold have been better if you were having psychotic meltdown" So, who can answer to why someone would find something interesting that almost no one else would judge a valuable use of time? I can just answer to the fact that i do have an interest - curiousity really, the time, and an element of compulsiveness that's driving me keep pushing it out farther and farther and see what happens and what I learn about it.

Ultimately, it's all kinda nonsense, right? Whether it's the microstutter discussions or programing discussions or what's the next channel speculation. Most of it's just barely informed speculation at best but what happens if a sort of community of posters come together and sort of establish formal and informal rules within an internet community, particularly the informal ones that are not rules issued from top down but rules that develop over time and interaction from the bottom up - essentially creating a sort of "culture". So what happens when you break the rules of that culture? Do they see it as isolated weirdness or amusing entertainment or undecipherable jibberish? Does the community get mad because it disrupts the rules? Do they find it novel, lose interest, then ignore it as it doesn't meet their goal driven content needs? Or does a subculture get created?

After three or four days of doing it I don't have my final answer but I do think I'm see where it's all going. In the meantime, I'm enjoying the more purpose driven writing excercise portions immensely and enjoying interacting with those that interact. To me, it's more entertaining than television for the last several days.
So what happens when you break the rules of that culture? Do they see it as isolated weirdness or amusing entertainment or undecipherable jibberish? Does the community get mad because it disrupts the rules? Do they find it novel, lose interest, then ignore it as it doesn't meet their goal driven content needs? Or does a subculture get created?

I see it as a topical anolomy, a nonlinear conversation contained within the empty spaces of a 29.97/30 fps mismatch.

After three or four days of doing it I don't have my final answer but I do think I'm see where it's all going. In the meantime, I'm enjoying the more purpose driven writing excercise portions immensely and enjoying interacting with those that interact. To me, it's more entertaining than television for the last several days.

Inevitably at some point the next frame in line will appear to restore the cadence and uniformity will return, but until then this thread remains in the interstitial moment of chaos of the microstutter. And it is entertaining.

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