Is there somewhere on their site where they say it is OK for Vista?
(The IP stack is Vista is TOTALLY DIFFERENT from previous MS OS's.)
LATER...indeed, from their FAQ:
31. Does the Optimizer work under Vista/Windows 7 ?No, Windows Vista/7 introduces many changes to TCP/IP, and the current version of the TCP Optimizer is not designed to work with it since thoe operating systems do not support direct settings for the TCP Window.
Still, there are a number of tweakable options described in our Vista TCP/IP tweaking article for manual tweaking.
We also offer an automatic Vista TCP/IP Patch in the download section of the site to tweak your broadband intenet connection under those Operating systems.
geez my words mean nothing don't they? i kno all of that already, i swear to u it does.
it does not JUST change tcp ip changes.
try it, u notice no change then erase it and go on with your life lol.