Craig Henrikson said:
I STILL cannot get one of my OTA digital stations to remap properly. The others are fine, but Channel 39 remaps to 6-1, 6-2 and 6-3 (properly) until one uses it, at which point it becomes 39-1 and 39-2.

Notice I have lost a channel in the process!!! (sigh)
Same here. Immediately after scanning digital channels I get Channel 8 on channel 8, but switch to a different channel and go back, it has moved to Channel 10. It should stay on Channel 8.
More info on the channel recall issue. It's more complicated than I thought.
Analog OTA to Analog OTA - working
Analog OTA to Digital OTA with station ID - working
Analog OTA to Digital OTA without station ID - working
Analog OTA to satellite - working
Digital OTA with station ID to Analog OTA - working
Digital OTA with station ID to Digital OTA with station ID - working
Digital OTA with station ID to Digital OTA without station ID - working
Digital OTA with station ID to satellite - working
Digital OTA without station ID to Analog OTA - NOT working
Digital OTA without station ID to Digital OTA with station ID - NOT working
Digital OTA without station ID to Digital OTA without station ID - NOT working
Digital OTA without station ID to satellite - NOT working
Satellite to Analog OTA - working
Satellite to Digital OTA with station ID - working
Satellite to Digital OTA without station ID - working
Satellite to satellite - working
"with station ID" means that the 811 has picked up the name of the channel e.g. WFSB.
It is pretty obvious that Dish have a bug in one recall mode.
EDIT - another old favorite bug just appeared. Sometimes, switching from OTA to satellite, the satellite channel is black screen. Switch back to OTA, it's ok. Back to satellite, black screen. Needs a front panel power button 10 second reset to clear. That sucks, I was hoping that daily reboots were over.