New Software Version 7.33 downloading now...

I noticed with the caller ID and the new software the problem is this. When my wife calls from the office the receiver puts up the last number she had as an incoming call on her office phone Like a customer in New York or California and we are in Indiana. I unplugged the phone line thinking this miss reading of info is going to lead to lockups. Other than the caller ID I have only had to re boot once with the new software and that is before I unplugged the phone line. Maybe now the STB will be glitch free.
Well, I have been having nothing but troubles since the software upgrade...

Prior to this upgrade, i rarely had lock ups, sound problems or picture problem or anything that I hear so many folks yell about here..

But, I now suffer the same crap...

Pages in the guide that have no
"name" in them, just numbers..
caller ID problems,
no picture just sound,
channel lock up..

Yes, I have done soft boot, hard boots, power off, power on and all the other things we do to fix these recievers. I now suffer the same miserable stuff that so many others here endured too..

I'll wait and see if they fix this nonsense soon; there is no way I can see accepting this kind of stuff in the long run. I'm already on my second Motorola box, and I have only been with them less than a year..

Funny, I NEVER had these problems until I started turning my reciever OFF at night these last 3 weeks or so, based on the suggestions of most of the people here that say you should turn the thing off...

What do you mean by "turning my receiver OFF at night"? Do you mean "off" using the remote? That just puts it is standby.

You might want to do a copy of this post on VOOM/Yahoo forum. Wilt, their VP for engineering, does read posts there. Also, I'm sure if you ask Sean he will make sure it gets before VOOM engineer's eyes.

Still watching HDTV in flooding Western Wash., Gill
:(I'm just really sorry for all the problems everyone is havew since the suposed fix for the caller ID thing. My Boxes have been perfect since I got it. It really sounds like more people are having problems not than before the fix.:confused:
I have also noticed way more lockups since getting the 7.33 software, and my caller ID does not work at all. I have had to reset about 10 times since update... Also I have noticed that on occasion when resetting the STB does not return to channel 100 as it has in the past, instead it stays on the channel it was on prior to lockup.

It's pretty anoying, but since my kids fight over who is going to hold down the power button I guess we can't complain too much.

Has anyone had luck with unplugging and waiting a while??
Well. by "shutting off", I mean going into standby, by using the remote to shut it off;
I am certain Will is aware of this problem, since there are 8 pages of posts here with folks having the same exact issues since the last software "upgrade"...
Hope this gets fixed soon, or, at least, they push a "better" software upgrade out soon..
Another problem I noticed last night is that I can tune my OTA channels just fine, but only a few of them have programming information in the guide. The channel names and number show up, but the programming says no info. Certain channels have programming info, such as 26 WCIU (in Chicago), but all the channels I care about, such as NBC, ABC, FOX, PBS, etc. have no programming info.

Again, it's not the problem others are having with tuning channels. I can tune them just fine. And it's not the problem I'm having with certain other channels in the satellite range where the channel number and guide info shows up, but the channel name does not. In the case of these OTAs, the name and number show up, and I can tune the channel, but the programming information says no info.

Very strange. Hope they can get these issues resolved. I had been running for several months with next to no problems. The price increase will hurt that much more if these problems continue.
Just to add my own voice to the mix........

Since the 7.33 software....I now have STB lockups 5 - 7 times per week. As with many others posting here....prior to 7.33 the STB lockups were rare for me. Perhaps one ever 2 - 3 months. Whats going on VOOM???? Is there anything to suggest that VOOM engineers are aware of the problem and are working to correct it?

As far as I'm concerned...this isn't worth Caller ID. If you can't fix the problem in the short term....then I suggest VOOM should roll back the software to an earlier version until they get things figured out.
Since 7.33 has been downloaded, I have noticed a few more lockups. I have also noticed that some OTA channels don't tune in the first time I switch to them. If I channel up and channel back down to them, then they come in. Weird!
Same probelm here as well- its frustrating because I use ReplayTV to record- sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't - either it records nothing or box is locked on a particular channel and I have to reboot.
Hmmmm, is it coincidence that the last 5 posts about channel lockups are all people from Illinois?

This is a great "last firmware" Voom seems to have left us with. :(
I had to register just to point out my own issues with the SW update. I had 1 STB before convincing my parents to drop Adelphia and join the Voom revolution. Despite various issues with Installs Inc., I finally get my additional 2 room installation complete and before you know it, we have OTA issues. Before this (1.31.05), I had 43 local channels found and each one held a strong signal. Now, I can only get 11 channels. I don't get CBS, ABC, UPN, and KCAL (local Los Angeles channel). Luckily, Installs Inc. is coming over today. Here's hoping this gets resolved.

FYI: I have a direct sight to Mt. Wilson, so I know that isn't an issue. In fact, I'm looking at it from my own bedroom.

PS - Great forum. Longtime lurker...
FunkyBoss said:
Hmmmm, is it coincidence that the last 5 posts about channel lockups are all people from Illinois?

This is a great "last firmware" Voom seems to have left us with. :(

I'm also in Illinois- You can put me down for 1 lockup per day since the new software. It's usually when I first turn the tv on for the night when I get home from work. I leave the box on all the time. A soft reboot fixes it. I didn't want to bitch because I am just thankful that we are still getting Voom, but maybe there is something to the Illinois thing?
Welcome to the forum, 0s and 1s!
What is your software version 733 or 734? (press HELP INFO to check)
FunkyBoss said:
Since 7.33 has been downloaded, I have noticed a few more lockups. I have also noticed that some OTA channels don't tune in the first time I switch to them. If I channel up and channel back down to them, then they come in. Weird!
same exact thing here in lockport,IL once a day since 7.33 about 2 weeks ago on a thurs just keep rebooting it & always get my picture back
0s and 1s said:
Thanks for the welcome! I'm at 733. Is there any way I could force update to 734?
If your targeted version is set to 7.34, the download occurs overnight (usually). And if you are targeted, you can force the download by selecting verify Voom in the installer menu.

Method #2 would be to call Voom and ask about updating to 7.34.

Sorry about the lockups. That has to be frustrating. I'm still on 7.33 and not targeted for anything else, and after a soft reboot since loading 7.33 have not had any lockups at all.
They stopped 7.34 updates temporarily, so you wouldn't be able to force it. And I am not sure 7.34 would fix this problem anyway.
It is odd that several people from IL are experiencing the same problem.
Do you have some weak OTA station in your MAP? Try hiding that station. Not sure if this will help, but there were some know problems in the past caused by weak OTA stations.
Also, if your STB is connected to the phone line, try disconnecting it for a while. See if it makes a difference.

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