New Software Version 7.33 downloading now...

crspam said:
... I came home today to find one of my STBs has lost one of my local channels in Chicago (WGND-1 & WGND-2; 9-1 and 9-2, respectively). ...
Ditto, I also have lost WGN here in Chicago.... Meaning that it shows up in the guide and I can switch to the channel, but it never receives a signal. When I used to get it just fine before the upgrade.
locals and missing voom channels

crspam said:
I'm not sure when 7.33 hit my STBs....but I appear to be having the same problem that Vurbano had! I came home today to find one of my STBs has lost one of my local channels in Chicago (WGND-1 & WGND-2; 9-1 and 9-2, respectively). I called up VOOM CSR to find out why. The guy had me rescan the local channels. Although I did get more locals then I had before.....I still can't get the WGNDs. The CSR then asked for my zipcode. After doing a look up he confidently told me I can't get WGN because its an analog signal only. I told him his info is incorrect and that I am, in fact, WATCHING the digital WGND-1 on my other STB at that very moment. He told me that wasn't possible!!!!! Jeesh! Like a fool I let that pass for the moment because I was having problems with my other STB in that many channels could not be accessed due to some card error. I figured maybe I could get some headway there at least. The CSR had me reboot that other STB and....low and behold...I now can no longer get my WGND-1 local channel on that STB either!! :mad: Needless to say I was less than pleased with the CSR. He responded to this by saying that WGN probably stopped broadcasting at that moment! I've had these two locals non-stop for the past 10months since joining VOOM. There IS NO PROBLEM WITH WGN and no question that they are broadcasting digital 100%!!! The VOOM CSR is telling me there is nothing they can do!! This has GOT to be a problem with the 7.33 software.

Sean or Ilya....can either of you help!?!?!? WGN is a major channel for me to lose!!!

The CSR gave you the correct information as he or she seen it, their only point of reference is with Antennaweb.Org, check it out yourself, it will probably tell you the same thing. I don't care much for this website since it seems to be outdated with it's info.

As far as the Voom channels missing are concerned; as of Tuesday some channels were being re-encrypted and when you tried to view them you got an access card error CA 010. By the time you read this post you will probably have those channels back.. Disappearing channels did not start with 7.33, they started happening after the 7.26 download.
I double checked using:

It shows WGN digital at RF 19. Since I've had not troubles with receiving this station for the last 10 months. Then I've got to believe its loss has to do with something that has occurred in the last 24 hrs. As far as I can updates are all that has occurred with the first STB that lost the channel. With the second STB.....I had the channel up to the moment that the VOOM CSR started working on the CA010 error. I'm wondering/guessing if the CSR forced an update to that particular STB to try and fix the CA010 error. The result.....upon reboot that STB also lost WGN. That doesn't seem at all like a coincedence to me.
Ah yes, the missing channel mystery! Had that problem with 9-5 (PBS HD) here in Seattle for several months under 7.26. After much time a VOOM engineer tracked it down with ch. 9 and we were up and running. However, under 7.33 firmware we lost it again for a couple of days. By the time I emailed the engineer again and checked again the next night it was back. I'm assuming one of the engineer types on this forum can explain what is happening.

Still watching HDTV (amazing cave scenes on Equator) under snowless Seattle skies, Gill
I tried several times last night to get the channel to come in. The thing I don't get is why I am able to get a 97 - 98 signal strength at WGN's RF of "19", which indicates to me that there is certainly something there, and yet the local channel scan skips right on by it with nothing more than a pause. Since I've had it for 10 solid months without pause or problem and the fact that I only lost it on the one STB upon reboot says to me that it is VERY likely something to do with the recent software downloads.
crspam and those in Chicago,

I am sending an email to them to let them know that something happened.... If the channels does come back, please post here as I will try to post any information I get as well.
I lost my local CBS channel yesterday in both rooms.

I have rebooted the both boxes.

It is showing in the guide and it gets a 98 on RF 17. But the box tells me no signal when I tune to it.

The only thing I didn't do was re-scan.
Ronald_Jeremy said:
I lost my local CBS channel yesterday in both rooms.

I have rebooted the both boxes.

It is showing in the guide and it gets a 98 on RF 17. But the box tells me no signal when I tune to it.

The only thing I didn't do was re-scan.

Can you do a re-scan to see if they come back?

As I understand things.....once you put in the RF in the OTA Aim must follow-up with a OTA rescan in order to get the channel. Once the re-scan is complete...hit save and then give it a try. If you aren't having the same troubles I, and it appears some others, have been having then the missing channel should come back.
crspam and those in Chicago,

anyone can confirm that you can get WGN through another stb? just gathering as much information as possible to track the problem. Motorola is going to be working on this as soon as possible. If anyone else has a similar problem, please post.

lost channels in chicago

I also lost wgn channel 9-1, 9-2 last night after new software download. Channel 26-1, 26-2 wciu was also gone. It is in my program guide but won't tune in. I also had the ca010 card error message with some hbo channels and encore channels. Called voom after 30 minutes on hold csr answered, she took my problem and forwarded to a tech person that is supposed to call me back. Any help would be appreciated, I couldn't watch the Bulls or the Illini last night. :mad:
slyscooter said:
I also lost wgn channel 9-1, 9-2 last night after new software download. Channel 26-1, 26-2 wciu was also gone. It is in my program guide but won't tune in. I also had the ca010 card error message with some hbo channels and encore channels. Called voom after 30 minutes on hold csr answered, she took my problem and forwarded to a tech person that is supposed to call me back. Any help would be appreciated, I couldn't watch the Bulls or the Illini last night. :mad:

With the HBO and Encore channels, did the CSR try to send a hit to your box? If he/she did not do that, call back and have them hit the box.
Am having the same problem in Fort Lauderdale. My sense is that my receiver is detecting the channel (which has good strength) but that the software is not authorizing me to watch it.

Is it possible that since I get many channels (being very high in the air between Miami and Palm Beach) that I am getting signals that VOOM is not allowed to show me (out of my metro area)? I have this problem in PA with D****TV being between Phila and NYC. I am only allowed to get the Phila Channels due to my zip code.
Robert Fritsky said:
Am having the same problem in Fort Lauderdale. My sense is that my receiver is detecting the channel (which has good strength) but that the software is not authorizing me to watch it.

Is it possible that since I get many channels (being very high in the air between Miami and Palm Beach) that I am getting signals that VOOM is not allowed to show me (out of my metro area)? I have this problem in PA with D****TV being between Phila and NYC. I am only allowed to get the Phila Channels due to my zip code.

I do not think that will apply to OTA channels. It will only apply if the channels were transmitted via satellite.
Thanks Sean, then I will assume that if my OTA antenna can get receive it, then I should be able to see it. Sadly, that is not case for several channels down here. I will call a CSR.
Program guide!!!

DarrellP said:
Both of my boxes took the download last night.

HT stb: Was sitting on channel 100 at 3:59 AM when a recording started and there was no guide info. When I checked it this morning at 10:00 AM, still no guide info so I reset it and after it sat for 30 minutes powered off, it only goes out 21 hours.

Family room stb: Green light was on, I turned on the TV and there was no picture and it would not respond to the remote. I reset it, it came back and had 7.33. I turned it off and let it sit 30 minutes, I just checked it and NO GUIDE DATA.

Yes, this is a great fix for the guide data, it works just as bad as it always has.

I really don't understand why you people have all these PGI problems. Working with Voom a lot, I don't see any program guide problems but for very rarely.

PGI can EASILY be forced by:
Tune to Channel 100.

Hold down the power button on the stb until the yellow/orange light stops flashing. (NO, IT IS NOT HOLD IT DOWN A SET PERIOD OF TIME!!) That is a PROPER soft reboot and will ensure the box cycles correctly.

Immediately click OK on All Channels.

Even before 7.33 the program guide would download in less than 10 (and usually less than 5) minutes.

This is also the solution for missing satellite channels 9 times of 10.

spahoose said:
The CSR gave you the correct information as he or she seen it, their only point of reference is with Antennaweb.Org, check it out yourself, it will probably tell you the same thing. I don't care much for this website since it seems to be outdated with it's info.

Which AntennaWeb are you using? I find it to be quite reliable in 99% of cases.

And WGN *does* show as being broadcast is digital. It simply is one of the weaker digitals in Chicago and does not reach very far from the city unless you're in a lucky "sweet spot".

Update on the missing WGN.
It's now back on both of my STBs. As far as I can tell....nothing has changed on the STB in regards to software or HAL versions (2.40 and 7.33, respectively). So I'm unsure of what made the channels to suddenly make a re-appearance. Especially since no local channel scanning has been done since last night. I'm happy the channels are back but a tad bit wary about not understanding what caused the issue in the first place.
crspam said:
Update on the missing WGN.
It's now back on both of my STBs. As far as I can tell....nothing has changed on the STB in regards to software or HAL versions (2.40 and 7.33, respectively). So I'm unsure of what made the channels to suddenly make a re-appearance. Especially since no local channel scanning has been done since last night. I'm happy the channels are back but a tad bit wary about not understanding what caused the issue in the first place.

Thanks for posting. Something similar happened to Vurbano regarding that the OTA channels came back. As far as I know nothing was done about WGN. Very weird indeed. Anyone else with something similar, I will wait a little bit to see if it comes back.

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