L615 was spooled by zip codes. L616 is spooling to a range of receivers, check the software updates thread to see if your receiver is in that range. Look at the serial numbers if you don't know yours, just press Menu twice and look for the R00 number.
tnsprin posted URL to that spool just above your post - did you check your DVR IDs against last spool ?!
Yes, I did, but when you said earlier:
"That old one telling:
'L616': 'L615'- 'L615'
means - for those who who had L615."
I took that to mean that of you didn't have 615 that you wouldn't get 616 since in the software thread he linked to, this was said:
"'L616': 'L040'- 'L615'
'L616': 'L040'- 'L615'"
So are you telling me they are releasing 616 to all receivers based on the serial numbers, or is 616 going to receivers that meet both requirements of having 615 AND falling in the serial number range?
RandallA listed an expanded list of serial #'s for the 622 this AM( 73174765-82708798). My 81xxxxxx, sure enough got it today! At last folders for EHD's! For me it was my only wish.I still have L614 on my 622 *shrug*
With the L614, I didn't have any problem with my 722. Now, the L616 can not able to watch my local channels thru OTA. No signal on my local channels at all using my OTA. What a mess we got now. New year with no local channels on my local antenna. We should fired all the programming engineers.
RandallA listed an expanded list of serial #'s for the 622 this AM( 73174765-82708798). My 81xxxxxx, sure enough got it today! At last folders for EHD's! For me it was my only wish.
I've got L616 on my 722 receiver finally! What does 616 do that 615 and 614 didn't? I am assuming they fixed the audio issues, but what else?
What's 617 supposed to do/fix?
Is there a 617 discussion thread yet?
I haven't seen anything about 617 so it might be a stable one.We don't get release notes anymore.