Pb ft. said:I agree. I worked for a S/W group that supported ~1000 systems around the world and we would have major releases which would include new features and we would have patches that would fix problems. Major releases and patches were announced to the customers and fully documented. Unofficially we would also push fixes that weren't announced or documented. Pushing fixes was not according to established procedures and usually knowledge of a S/W fix pushed to the field was kept quiet and only two or three people would know about it because of the procedure breach. Is this unethical? Maybe and maybe not. We were able to save multimillion dollar production facillities from crashing by pushing a fix where if we followed strict release procedures the fix would take days or weeks to get into the field causing massive production losses.
You are talking two different models here. One is a consumer based model and the other is a production facility based model. Both have their levels of support and what constitutes fair and just support. If I was in a production facility and found out I was not in control of my software updates to my production equipment I would not be happy. Especially if it was not documented. What would happen if your push caused a problem and loss of production. I would say your company in this case is taking a huge liability risk by not fully disclosing.
As to the comment about a sneak 265, I doubt it. Not bumping a software rev and pushing it to the field would create a support nightmare. Would give the engineers no way of knowing what the code base is and something I doubt would happen. I doubt we have a consipiracy here.
However, I am suprised at the mixed reaction to the software realease in terms of the dark video. That is rather complexing and something I don't understand myself. For me I got marginall improvement on my svideo and my DVI seem to improve.. HD even looks better. I will give it a week before I make my opinion, but out of the shoot it does seem like an improvement. How much? For me not night and day.