If anyone needs a template for the "reasons for returning the 811" device to dish, you can use mine below

I am returning my recently purchased 811 satellite decoder box and would like my $200.00 refunded, and my High-Def services package discontinued.
The device has too many hardware and software glitches to be useful. Some of the problems are:
1) Picture brightness on component, composite, and S-Video is extremely dark, which requires me to increase the brightness on all of my television sets, so much so that the picture colors are de-saturated and the picture quality is therefore poor.
2) The OTA receiver of the 811 typically reports strong (80% and higher) signal strength, yet rarely locks on to several of my local digital channels. Meanwhile, my year old Zenith HDV420 picks up all the stations perfectly.
3) The device constantly "forgets" my favorites selection of "Show Subscribed Channels Only" and defaults to "Show all channels". This is very annoying.
4) The device will jump to the "re-acquiring satellite" screen if you hit the guide button after watching OTA channels for 30 minutes or more. This results in 2-3 minutes of waiting before the channel finally comes back up. As long as I'm watching a satellite channel, this does not occur.
5) The device also does not display program guide information on any of my local digital channels. This is unacceptable for a $400.00 unit.
6) The instant weather channel (9500?) is a major nuisance, which I accidentally hit when cycling through channels. It takes forever to load the page and display useful information, and doesn't let you cancel out to move on to the next channel.
7) The aspect ratios stretch feature chops too much of the sides of the picture. And I have my set calibrated to only 1% overscan, so you can't blame my set. The partial zoom is nice, but I'd like several zoom levels so sports events don't chop the score line, etc.
8) The version 266 software upgrade was promised since February to fix all the ailments of this device. It finally arrived around mid-May, and the only issue fixed pertained to the guide so that it now shows programs a full 4 days or so into the future! This tells me the engineering department is either incompetent, or they have no intentions on fixing the other issues with the device in a timely manner.
9) Wish List: It would be nice if the unit could IR blast VCR's and other devices to do something BESIDES just record at a pre-programmed time. That way I could play a tape, stop, rewind, etc. on my VCR using the UHF remote. If the IR blaster can tell a VCR or DVD recorder to RECORD, why not the other 3 or 4 useful functions? And why not dynamically, instead of only at pre-programmed times? If this feature was added, then the one UHF remote could be used anywhere in the house to control nearly every device in your audio rack, instead of just the 811.