That's interesting, but there are currently four stations listed on, and when I clicked on mine, the message is very different from the other three. For those other stations, the statement begins with "We want to get (station call letters) back into your local lineup as soon as possible." For my local station, it says "WXCW is no longer available to DIRECTV customers in..." my area with no hopeful verbiage about contract negotiations.Well that's not right ...
If your local CW or any other network is out due to a local channel dispute, you should be eligible for the new LCC.
Call the "Loyalty Dept" (formally "Retention") again and insist on speaking to a Supervisor if the CSR there continues to deny it to you.
A third-party reseller on the dbstalk forum in a thread on this issue ("finally") got the Loyalty Dept. to send him some 5 LCCs for his customers since the local FOX affiliate is out due to a dispute in his local market.
Sent from my LM-V405 using Tapatalk
The Phone number is the everyday number for D*.The new info is someone that works at directv is now publicly stating this. Before it was guesses and trial and error.
They also gave a phone number this time.
Someone on the ATT Directv forum who is listed as an emplyee posted this on April 12th
"The LCC has been expanded to include more markets, and markets where DirecTv does not offer locals (these are far and few between). To find out if your market is covered call in @ 1.800.531.5000 to speak with an agent."
*I am an AT&T employee, and the postings on this site are my own and don't necessarily represent AT&T's position, strategies or opinions"
My comments
So sad this roll out is taking so long. Dish has had their LCC version out for 3 years now. It even looks the same (same shape and size). We are at the One year mark since word of this started showing up on sites.
Nice to know that prices are back to normal for them.Funny. I just picked up (6) Am21’s on eBay for $50 each.
I’m tired of waiting.
Nice to know that prices are back to normal for them.
When the prices where around $220 each, I sold everything I had in inventory and every one from my house.
Anyone know if this works off the same database as the AM21?
As noted most of my local subchanns have suddenly shown up in my guide but all the new ones have no guide detail... they just show up and say "regular schedule".