New OTA adapter

anything new on this?
Nope ...

Under AT&T's regime with their new closed field testing system limited only to select AT&T employees who are obviously under strict NDAs combined with the usual bevy of clueless CSRs.

Causes any real info. to be few and far between.

In fact, if KyL416 hadn't stumbled upon that LCC webpage awhile back, that was probably published just for the field testers right now.

We wouldn't even have that much information about it.

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i thought it was in limited release, not testing.
That's what I once thought ...

But certainly some of the subscribers in Las Vegas or SLC would have said something by now here and/or on dbstalk.

And if it were only select longtime subscribers in those markets under NDA, like under the old pre-AT&T field testing method. Surely we would have a "First Look" review document published on or something by now.

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Are there any dbstalk or satelliteguys regulars from LV or SLC? If not, even if it is available to anyone in those markets we wouldn't hear anything back. Even if there are, they'd have to read the threads to find out the LCC even exists to know to call Directv and order it.
Has anyone tried a non-LCC USB OTA dongle? I don't have one handy, but probably have one in the back of a box. I'm just wondering if there is anything "special" on the LCC that identifies it.
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Has anyone tried a non-LCC USB OTA dongle? I don't have one handy, but probably have one in the back of a box. I'm just wondering if there is anything "special" on the LCC that identifies it.

I wondered that for the AM21 once - i.e. buy a USB OTA dongle using the same chip with the same USB ID and it "should" work. When I plugged an AM21 into my laptop, it had a USB identifier string that listed "Directv", so I am guessing the ID (8 hex digits) was probably uniquely assigned to Directv so I never looked further. When someone gets the OTA dongle, they can try plugging it into a PC and see what USB ID it uses, and see one can buy something with the same ID on the net.

Randomly trying any old USB OTA adapter won't work - they will have a driver for a specific one and have no reason to include drivers for ones they don't use. Since Directv equipment runs Linux, it would most likely be one that's supported by the Linux kernel (though not guaranteed, their supplier could provide them a closed source driver)
I wonder how any of this stuff works when the atsc 3.0 rollout happens . will the am21 work at all at that point?

The way the ATSC 3.0 rollout is planned, stations will be required to keep their ATSC 1.0 signals around (but no requirement about quality or HD AFAIK) which they will do via channel sharing. So if you have five full power stations in your area, you might see two of them go ATSC 3.0 and the three remaining ones will carry the channels of the stations that went ATSC 3.0. There hasn't been any plan yet for if/when they will allow stations to drop ATSC 1.0 completely, but suffice to say that day would be many years away.
it would need to work with atsc2 and atsc 3

are there any atsc 3 tuners on the market?

There are no ATSC 2 broadcasts, there is only 1.0 and 3.0. AFAIK there aren't any ATSC 3.0 chips for the open market yet. South Korea is already using ATSC 3.0 in a couple cities, and supposedly some TVs sold for that market include a pre-standard ATSC 3.0 tuner.

I don't know for sure that every part of the standard is finalized yet. It may have just happened recently, or be about to happen.
forgot they skipped from 1 to 3

i was thinking 1 was the old analog, and 2 was the current digital

thats what i get for thinking

Local Channel Connector (LCC) Not Detected Error 794

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