New MLB commissioner Rob Manfred open to defensive-shift ban


- If you are so one-dimensional of a hitter that a defensive shift works on you, that is your fault. Go to the cage and learn how to be a complete ballplayer.
- The game does not need a physical clock. The umpires just need to call a ball if the pitcher does not deliver a pitch in a proper amount of time, and a strike if the batter does not get in the box in a proper amount of time.
- Rose should be reinstated yesterday. A massive injustice.
- Right now the C$ is doing well compared to the US$. That is not always going to be so. They have to figure out a way to survive even when the US is well run and Canada is poorly run or they are doomed to fail again.
- The playoffs are already too large.
- Interleague play has failed. It did not work. The greatest failure of the litany of failures of Bud "Light" (Kenesaw Molehill) Selig.
- IR should be used ONLY for HR calls in goofy contrived ballparks like Houston. Until these goofy features can be removed and replaced by proper fences.
Dumb idea. Manfred not off to a good start. Baseball is a game of constant adjustments. If a hitter can't adjust then he will just fall to the wayside like countless others in the past.

- If you are so one-dimensional of a hitter that a defensive shift works on you, that is your fault. Go to the cage and learn how to be a complete ballplayer.
- The game does not need a physical clock. The umpires just need to call a ball if the pitcher does not deliver a pitch in a proper amount of time, and a strike if the batter does not get in the box in a proper amount of time.
- Rose should be reinstated yesterday. A massive injustice.
- Right now the C$ is doing well compared to the US$. That is not always going to be so. They have to figure out a way to survive even when the US is well run and Canada is poorly run or they are doomed to fail again.
- The playoffs are already too large.
- Interleague play has failed. It did not work. The greatest failure of the litany of failures of Bud "Light" (Kenesaw Molehill) Selig.
- IR should be used ONLY for HR calls in goofy contrived ballparks like Houston. Until these goofy features can be removed and replaced by proper fences.
Unfortunately, with the way Selig currently has the leagues arranged, you are forced to have Interleague games daily.
I hated that idea when it happened and I still hate it.

Don't really care for the EXPAN DED WC either, the single team getting in as a WC was fine but now its getting watered down.
#1 Reinstate Pete Rose yes
#2 Expand/Relocate to Montreal you keep wishing
#3 Expand playoffs too many now
#4 Remove intra-league games great idea keep them
#5 Get rid of instant replay ......... never

I can't wait till bails and strikes are done by computer. that will speed up the game 2 minutes or more.
something like a shot clock would be nice.
Now there's word that MLB is looking into shrinking the strike zone. If this is just another attempt to generate more offense I don't like it. Games are already long enough as it is. I think the zone should be expanded instead.

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Dumb idea. Manfred not off to a good start. Baseball is a game of constant adjustments. If a hitter can't adjust then he will just fall to the wayside like countless others in the past.
I think in general Manfred is going to be 100 times better than Selig. Yes I hate the shift, but the best way to have teams stop using it is to hit the ball into the empty part of the field. or bunt more. These are professional hitters they should learn to hit the opposite way. I like the pitch clock idea, no reason for it to take a pitcher 2 minutes of scratching and adjusting before throwing. I don't like the new strike zone idea. Again you are a professional hitter learn where the zone is and adjust to it.
I think in general Manfred is going to be 100 times better than Selig. Yes I hate the shift, but the best way to have teams stop using it is to hit the ball into the empty part of the field. or bunt more. These are professional hitters they should learn to hit the opposite way. I like the pitch clock idea, no reason for it to take a pitcher 2 minutes of scratching and adjusting before throwing. I don't like the new strike zone idea. Again you are a professional hitter learn where the zone is and adjust to it.
They shouldn't have to learn the strike zone, it's supposedly been the same for a 100 years .... yah right.
Yes, Manfred should be much better than Bud ... then, that's not saying much.
I couldn't agree more, hit the ball where they vacate and they will stop.
As for the pitcher taking so long, the batter can also be blamed, no reason they have to step out of the box every pitch and readjust on every swing.
Both are at fault.
NO clock please.
They shouldn't have to learn the strike zone, it's supposedly been the same for a 100 years .... yah right.
Yes, Manfred should be much better than Bud ... then, that's not saying much.
I couldn't agree more, hit the ball where they vacate and they will stop.
As for the pitcher taking so long, the batter can also be blamed, no reason they have to step out of the box every pitch and readjust on every swing.
Both are at fault.
NO clock please.
I agree that both sides are responsible for the slowness of the game. There was a rule enacted a few years ago that the pitcher had 30 seconds before throwing, but it was never enforced. The same with the Batter, he only had 15 seconds or something. They need to figure out a way to speed up the game. There is no reason for a half inning to take more than 5 minutes if nobody gets on base. I would also limit the amount of time between innings, far too many commercials.

The strike zone was last changed in 1996 lowering it below the knee.
Now there's word that MLB is looking into shrinking the strike zone.
That's even dumber than banning the shift. There's nothing wrong with the strike zone, it's the umpires who don't know the strike zone who are the problem. Umpires who call a pitch that is clearly 10 inches outside of the plate a strike should be relegated to the minors until they get it right, but shrinking the strike zone isn't going to fix that. Read the rule below and look at the graphic. Now ask yourself how often have you seen pitches at the shoetops called a strike while pitches at the letters were called a ball. Both are wrong and that, plus wide outside pitches called strikes, are what need to be addressed, not shrinking a zone that is largly ignored already by the umpires.

Here's the rule:
The STRIKE ZONE is that area over home plate the upper limit of which is a horizontal line at the midpoint between the top of the shoulders and the top of the uniform pants, and the lower level is a line at the hollow beneath the kneecap. The Strike Zone shall be determined from the batter's stance as the batter is prepared to swing at a pitched ball.

strike zone.jpg
I agree here about the UMPs, a lot of them make the game about them, thats just wrong.

Miguel Cabrera got tossed last year for the way he looked at the ump.
How would you like to pay the big bucks and see your stud player thrown out early in the game like that.

No other sport has a floating rule book.
No two Umps can call balls and strikes the same.
Can you imagine if the NFL was like that ....

The NFL is already like that. DI is called different every game.

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