The only thing I like about the SEC document is that it's realistic and Rainbow Media realizes it's mistakes. What I don't like about it, is that there is some plans of action but not in all areas.
- No plan to deploy new dishes. I think this is crazy, to pay for a new Satellite lease that you cannot use. Waste of money if you ask me. This could be addressed by:
-- -- -Allow users that request it, self-installation of the new dish. As a thank you Voom gives you a month credit. Definately a cheaper alternative than paying a tech to do it.
-- -- -Start in September, if 1,200 people are waiting for installations start with them, you could prevent a return visit. Second go with people who requested their own dish self-install. Take the remaining names sort them from Charter, grandfathered, new and go from there. When you have all 30,000 subs upgraded by end of October:
-- -- -- -Immediately shuffle over all the Standard Definition channels to the new bird. Increase bandwidth on Rainbow 1 and make the bitrate fixed. Post something on everyone's bandwidth that says "Voom's new satellite is in orbit, High Definition picture quality is improved!! Compare and rate on our new survey at"
They should also follow the exact same plan of attack for MPG4 upgrading although if you ask me, upgrading SD to MPG4 is useless with the new Sat. in the sky. They should do HD first and increase their ability to add HD channels, hence, being able to offer WE/AMC/IFC in HD as well as going for INHD, Wealth, and any other HD channels that crop up (ESPN2) next year.
While all this is taking place, their DVR division has to be in a position to launch this, Voom's 2nd marketing push has to revolve around the DVR IMO, everything else is useless the way I see it now, and what I've grown to expect now from HD. "Voom's whole house solution, lease a DVR, watch recorded programs from any TV In the house (with an STB)!!!" A commercial or promos of this would be awesome, and beats anything TiVo currently has IMO.
I don't think a marketing campaign about Voom's improved PQ (if they listen to us and fix PQ) would attract people, "Hey look at us! We look better!" but a "Hey look at our whole house DVR and 39 HD channels sucka'!" sounds more enticing. Improved PQ would If DirectTivo works so well for D* then I am 100% a solid DVR from Voom with an improved program guide will work not only for new subs, but E* and D* subs who won't let go of their service for lack of a DVR.
I also think that Rainbow should hire people as execs from this forum