New Indiana Jones Movie Review

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I thought that once the alien ship started cruising around the place that the movie went to pot. I also thought that the actor that they chose for the russian woman was horrid. The movie lacked decent acting, a plot etc. I will try my best to forget the movie to avoid disliking the other 3!!! :)
But you know what -- I have a 10 year old who spent the entire day building an Indy lego set; and begged me tonight to play the original films. He loved the new movie, just as I loved the original when I was his age.

So... does he pander to kids? Sure. But its great stuff (even if I was not impressed with the new one).
I'm tired of people pandering to kids. Kids are getting way too much attention. I share George Carlin's view of children nowadays. Refer to "You Are All Diseased" and "It's Bad For Ya" for further information. :up
I liked it, it wasnt as good as Raiders or Last Crusade, but it was better than Temple of Doom. I just hate CGI in general, it allows them to go over the top in effects, but in general it was a good fun action movie.

And the door is open for more, with Ford moving into a Connery type role.
We took the kids (6 & 8) to see the new IJ movie right after they got out for summer break this past Wedsnesday,I think they liked it for when the post movie credits started they asked "Is it over already???" :D

The weekday noon movie $5 a head at the AMC Firewheel so how could we go wrong:up Mom and I enjoyed the movie as well,can't wait for it to release on BluRay:cool:
I'm tired of people pandering to kids. Kids are getting way too much attention.
Agreed. I've long been of the opinion that kids' movie tickets should be more expensive than adults. A lot more expensive. Unless it is clearly a kids' movie, or at least three other unrelated adults are willing after the movie to vouch for how well-behaved the kid was in order to get them a partial refund. :)
Agreed. I've long been of the opinion that kids' movie tickets should be more expensive than adults. A lot more expensive. Unless it is clearly a kids' movie, or at least three other unrelated adults are willing after the movie to vouch for how well-behaved the kid was in order to get them a partial refund. :)

I like that idea. Charge a ticket price plus a social politeness deposit. You forfeit your deposit for answering your cellphone, texting, talking, kicking the back of a seat, etc, during the movie.

We hardly go to the theater any longer to see movies, due to the way some may people behave in them. I can immerse myself in a movie just as much 6 months later in my own home theater room, without all the nagging annoyances of the people around me.
Rather childish, appealed too much to the young kids who probably never even saw the other movies or at least were not old enough to see the last two, as opposed to the people who were real fans of the originals and looked forward (in some way) to another story. I would have preferred to see Iron Man again.

I just saw it last night, and I have to disagree. I spent some time last month watching the films when they were on Sci-Fi, and having not seen them in 10 years or so I had forgotten how, well, hokey they were. And how much they went for clever sight gags.

This movie followed in those footsteps. I mean, really followed. In some ways that was a good thing -- the music builds the same way, Indy smirks a lot and makes wisecracks. I won't post any spoilers but there are plot elements or "surprises" you can see coming a mile away... but only if you've seen the, uh, is it safe to call it the "Original Trilogy"?

So yeah, I enjoyed it. It was like a trip back in time. A funny, ridiculous trip.

One thing that definitely followed in the fashion of the original trilogy (and many other Spielberg movies, too) is the inclusion of one or two scenes of pretty intense gore (well, not by today's standards, but I did say I had taken a trip back in time.) There was at least one in, at least the first two Indy flicks. It seemed out of place.

Otherwise, though, I enjoyed it for what it was: a bit of nostalgia. They didn't seek to break any new ground here, I don't think... nor did they have to. Now, if they start a new series of adventures, they will have to get a little more creative.

I was dragged to this movie kicking and screaming that the reviews were awful and "no one" liked this movie.

God, I'm glad I was dragged to this movie!

What fun it is to see a good-ol' serial! A brainless adventure with humor, action, impossible situations and unsurvivable stunts everywhere you turn!

Was this the next "great American film"? Hell no!

Was this movie a dog? NO WAY.

It was fun! It was funny, frightening, unbeleivable and it was FUN!

How anyone that claims to have liked Raiders and Crusade but not liked this movie, I don't know! This was tons better than Temple of Doom! And ther re-introduction of an "old flame" was hallarious, touching and just plaing right!

Remember to check your brain at the door and JUST ENJOY THE MOVIE!

See ya
I like that idea. Charge a ticket price plus a social politeness deposit. You forfeit your deposit for answering your cellphone, texting, talking, kicking the back of a seat, etc, during the movie.

We hardly go to the theater any longer to see movies, due to the way some may people behave in them. I can immerse myself in a movie just as much 6 months later in my own home theater room, without all the nagging annoyances of the people around me.

I refuse to go see movies at the theater, not only are the ticket prices cost too much, but the price for popcorn and pop(soda) are expensive also.

I can wait for Netflix to get the movies and watch with my family, make my own popcorn, drink beer, not have annoying people bother me and my feet don't stick to the floor.
I enjoyed it for what it was...

It was simply a fun movie to go the theater.. eat some popcorn and enjoy.

Was it as good as the original three? Well no... and no one really expected it to be.

I still enjoyed it... could've done without some of the over the top CGI and I would have went in a different direction with the storyline.. but it was a fun movie all the same.
I am wondering what made this movie not as good as 1, 2 or 3? (especially 2). Is it just the nostalgia of the way we remember the movies? I do not see anything quantitatively different between the first and third movie and the 4th other than the end result is not a Judeo-Christian Icon/myth.

It was absolutely the identical formula.

See ya
TNGTony, thanks for a great review of IJ4; I had been wondering if I should go see it. Now you've helped me make up my mind to put it on my docket. (So word of mouth advertising is still good.)

In re: Indy Jones IV: I asked my daughte last night if she'd like to go see it. She said no, her boyfriend had just taken her to it and she regretted every minute. So we went to see the Wakening. I didn't regret every minute, but I'd rather have been watching a re-run of The 5th Element.

Maybe I'll catch Indy Jones IV when it comes out on DVD.


P.S.: for the fifth time.
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Will this be the gadget of the future?
